您好, 感謝您報名 COSCUP 2008. 兩天後就是 COSCUP 了, 一些事項請您協助: 1. 如您要帶電腦與會, 會場有充足的電源, 但請順便攜帶延長線, 讓更多人能有電可用. 2. 大會將不發送紙本手冊, 大部份講者的投影片初稿都已上線. 完稿將會在會後更新. 3. 午餐請自理. 4. 由於人力有限, 將不開放現場報名. 同時, 請務必確認您的報名編號, 以利加快報到速度. 5. 今年由於隱私權的定義不清, 我們保證只會發送會後更新資訊給您, 並不會用於其他地方 (包括轉交給其他人), 明年之後將會在報名系統中增加相關選項. 謝謝您的配合, 我們後天見. COSCUP 2008 籌備小組 Hi, Thanks for registering COSCUP 2008. The conference will be start 2 days from now, please help us the following issues: 1. Please bring your own power extension cord when you come with your laptop! 2. We will not offer proceedings, most of the draft slides are already online, and final version of slides will be updated after conference. 3. Sorry, no lunch. 4. Sorry, no on-site registration. However, please remember your registration number to reduce our workload. 5. Because we did not define privacy issue very clear before registration, we promise that your e-mail address will only be used for sending post-conference information update (and will not send to anybod...