COSCUP Booth now release. See which community you can meet on COSCUP. Community Booth: COODFA Open Source RPA社群希望 Google 開發者派對 Golang Taiwan Rust Taiwan Laravel Taiwan & Vue Taiwan Ruby Cloud Native WebAssembly SLAT 中華民國軟體自由協會 LearnWeb Taiwan Kuberentes Community Day Taiwan JVM 台灣代表隊 Taipei Ethereum Meetup 開放文化基金會 WordPress台灣社群 PyCon TW Open Source Hong Kong 開源香港 行政組-志工服務台 Open Source Chatbot 開放知識與多元價值 Items provided One table (180 x 60 cm), with two chairs. Tables might probably share with other communities if necessary. At least ONE 110V AC socket (Total power consumption mustn’t exceed 550W), bring an own power strip if it is needed. Further information would be provided if applicants are adopted. Any questions, please contact program [at] 社群攤位錄取名單正式公布啦~ 快來看看有哪些社群參與! 社群攤位: COODF Open Source RPA社群希望 Google 開發者派對 Golang Taiwan Rust Taiwan Laravel Taiwan & Vue Taiwan Ruby Cloud Native WebAssembly SLAT 中華民國軟體自由協會 LearnWeb Taiwan Kuberentes Community ...
COSCUP 2025 - 08/09 ~ 10(To be confirmed) at NTUST, Taiwan 無論您是開放原始碼的開發者、推廣者、使用者、還是想了解軟體的新手,都歡迎您來參加為開放原始碼開發者、使用者和推廣者舉辦的「開源人年會」