
COSCUP 2023 徵稿辦法 / COSCUP 2023 Call for Proposals

今年 COSCUP 一如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 5 月 23 日 (UTC-12) 前投稿,或可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。

請注意,每場議程長度預設為 30 分鐘惟指定議程軌開放其他議程長度進行選擇,會在報名表單第二頁進行填寫,報名表單第一頁的提交型態中,請選擇預設值。

為了追求與全球社群更良好地溝通,今年所有選中的議程都必須提供英文版的資訊。一旦您的議程入選,我們會請您提供議程資訊的英文版翻譯。您仍可以自己偏好的語言演講或撰寫 CfP 稿件。

提醒您,COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有演講將錄影並以創用 YouTube CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 釋出。如果您的演講有任何不能錄影或不願以此條款釋出的狀況,請務必於投稿表單上註明。

We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 23th, 2023 (AoE, Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12) . After the review process from the coordinators, we will publish the full programme in early June.

Please note that the length of each agenda is preset to 30 minutes, only the specific tracks are open to other agenda lengths for selection, which will be filled in on the second page of the registration form.

In the submission type on the first page of the submission form, please select the default value (30 mins) .

For better communication with the global community, we require English information for accepted sessions this year. Once your talk accepted, we might ask you to provide further information about your session in English.

You may, however, use the language you like to give your speech or write your proposal at the CfP stage.

All the talks will possibly be recorded and the video clips will be released under YouTube CC:BY-SA 4.0. If you have something in your talk that cannot be recorded or released under CC, please do leave a note in your proposal.


重要日期 (Anywhere On Earth)

  • 大會日期: 2023 年 07 月 29 - 2023 年 07 月 30 日
  • First-timer Program 開放投稿:2023 年 04 月 14 日
  • 正式投稿開始日期:2023 年 04 月 14 日
  • First-timer Program 投稿截止:2023 年 04 月 21 日
  • 正式投稿截止日期:2023 年 05 月 23 日
  • 通知講者綜合軌投稿結果:2023 年 06 月 04 日
  • 通知講者社群軌投稿結果:2023 年 06 月 23 日

Important Dates (Anywhere On Earth)

  • Conference Date: July 29-July 30, 2023
  • Regular CfP submission begin: April 14, 2023
  • First-timer Program deadline: : April 21, 2023
  • Regular CfP submission deadline: May 23, 2023
  • Email Speakers The Result of Misc. Track: June, 04, 2023
  • Email Speakers The Result of Community Track: June 23, 2023


First-timer Program

About the Track:
COSCUP 2023 再度推出 First-timer Program,來幫助所有想投稿的講者素人,我們將邀請具備豐富經驗的議程顧問,提前檢閱您的稿件,並給予修改建議,讓您能夠在最終投稿期限前修改、調整稿件,並於 CfP 結束後協助您將稿件轉到不同議程軌。


  1. 講者素人定義為「沒有在研討會或是大型公開場合演講過的人」
  2. 參與 First-timer Program 必須投在這裡,不能投在別的軌
  3. 請於 4/14 - 4/21 期間投稿,徵稿系統將於 4/21 關閉
  4. COSCUP 議程組將於 5/08 把議程顧問回饋寄信給您,並將徵稿系統再次打開
  5. 如有任何疑問或建議,請於 4/19 前來信至 program@coscup.org 詢問,感謝您

COSCUP 2023 is once again offering the First-timer Program to help novice speakers who wish to submit a proposal. We will invite experienced program advisors to review your submission in advance and provide editing suggestions. This will allow you to modify and adjust your proposal before the final submission deadline and to transfer it to a different track after the CfP has ended.

Before submitting, please read the following instructions carefully:

  1. A novice speaker is defined as "someone who has not spoken at a conference or large public event before."
  2. To participate in the First-timer Program, you must submit your proposal here and not to any other track.
  3. Please submit your proposal between 4/14 and 4/21. The submission system will close on 4/21.
  4. COSCUP's program team will send feedback from the program advisors by email on 5/08 and reopen the submission system.
  5. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email program@coscup.org before 4/19. Thank you.

About the Host:

Open World Tour

About the Track

Open World Tour 是一個以海外開源相關研討會經驗分享或是海外相關社群聚落的生態介紹等有關的議程軌,若您有參加過國外的 Open Source 相關會議,或您悉知海外的社群生態,歡迎您投稿來向大家分享,讓與會的會眾們能夠透過您來認識國際的開源社群/研討會。


  • 介紹該研討會的性質,以及個人參與的體驗、活動方的活動或是有趣的地方
  • 可以介紹在參與研討會時與他人交流的心得或是介紹當地的社群與聚落活動
  • 參與研討會的發表、申請、投稿等經歷直到台上分享
  • 分享從您參與海外研討會的動機直到現場參與以及收穫等分享
  • 「 可介紹旅遊環節、但請不要將主軸放在旅遊,請將焦點放在分享海外研討會或社群生態」

*申請時請提交預計介紹的研討會或社群類型,名稱、網址 (若有),以及地點,可介紹多個研討會、多個地點。

議題時間可選: 15、20、30 (此時間包含 QA)

Open World Tour is a session track based on the experience sharing of overseas  (international) open source related seminars, conferences or the community introductions. If you have participated in overseas Open Source related conferences or opensource community, you are welcome to submit proposals to share with Taiwanese attendee, so that the people can get to know more the international open source community/conference through you.

Here are a few idea you can add to your proposal:

  • Introduce the personal experience, the activities of the event party or interesting things
  • Introduce the experience of communicating with local opensource community/organization, or introduce the local community and local opensource related activities
  • About your presentation, application, submission and other experiences of the conference
  • Share from your motivation to participate in overseas conference to on-site participation and gains, etc.
  • Tourism can be introduced, but please do not focus on tourism or too much about not related things

*Please fill the conference or community information in submission form. name, url (if available), and location, introduce more then one events is acceptable.

The topic time is optional: 15, 20, 30 (this time includes QA)

About the Host:


Golang Taiwan @COSCUP 2023

About the Track:
邀請身為 Gopher 的你,向大家分享您的經驗與技術,期待您能在演講桌前,與我們一起 have fun with golang。

Inviting you, as a Gopher, to share your experience and expertise with everyone. We look forward to having you speak at the podium and having fun with Golang together.

About the Host:
Golang Taiwan

A place for sharing everything about the Go programming language.

MySQL 共享平台 MySQL Share Platform

About the Track:

We welcome all MySQL users, developers, and anyone who cares about MySQL to come here and share your experiences, insights, and ideas about MySQL.

About the Host:
MySQL Sharing Studio

We welcome all MySQL users, developers, and anyone who cares about MySQL to come here and share your experiences, insights, and ideas about MySQL.

Open Edge AI & TinyML

About the Track:
近年來隨著軟韌硬體的飛快進步及各項AI算法的到位,各項智能應用如雨後春筍般快速掘起,過去像智慧物聯網(AIoT)等相關應用都還需仰賴雲端來提供AI運算服務,如今在完全離線下亦可以實現,像是語音喚醒、運動偵測、異常偵測、影像分類、物件偵測等應用。此次議程希望召集更多有志一同的伙伴來分享一下關於開源離網邊緣智能(Edge AI)及微型機器學習(TinyML)的成果,期待讓更多人了解這項技術並落地,以便擁有更方便的生活。

Recently, with the rapid progress of software, hardware and various AI algorithms, various intelligent applications have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. In the past, related applications such as AIoT still relied on cloud to provide AI computing services. Now it can be achieved completely offline. Applications such as voice wake-up, motion detection, anomaly detection, image classification, object detection and other applications can be realized. This session hopes to gather more like-minded partners to share their achievements in open source Edge AI (Edge intelligence) and TinyML (Tiny Machine Learning & AI). We hope to let more people understand this technology and land it so that they can have a more convenient life.

About the Host:
Edge AI Taiwan邊緣智能交流區

Edge AI Taiwan Groups
We are a group of partners who love edge intelligence and tiny machine learning. Regardless of the type of hardware or algorithm, as long as AI applications can be run on batteries without network connection, they are within the scope of community discussion. Everyone is welcome to join.

What else can be open besides data in agriculture?

About the Track:

The purpose of the Agricultural Open Data Community is to promote the development of Taiwan's digital agriculture and data technology through the power of non-governmental communities. At the same time, regular exchange activities are held to promote the exchange of digital tool usage experiences among developers, farmers, and users, nurturing Taiwan's agricultural digital technology ecosystem. In 2020, the first Agricultural Open Data Forum was launched, and in 2021, three gatherings and online forums were held for industry-government-academia-research exchanges. In 2022, materials, equipment, and system vendors were invited to engage in cross-domain dialogues. In 2023, we invite heroes from all walks of life to submit contributions for sharing, as long as your product, service, and source code are open to users besides data.

About the Host:
農業開放資料社群 Community of Open Data for Agriculture (COODFA)


The Agricultural Open Data Community originated from a 2019 agricultural think tank report project, and was spontaneously formed by the project team of the Agricultural Technology Research Institute and Taiwanese software companies to promote the development of Taiwan's digital agriculture and data technology through non-governmental community efforts. In 2020, the Agricultural Open Data Community collaborated with the Open Source Conference, leveraging the promotion experience and network of the Open Culture Foundation to hold the "2020 Agricultural Open Data Forum". Since then, annual conferences and gatherings have been held, inviting passionate pioneers from all over Taiwan who are striving to promote "open agricultural data" to selflessly share their hard work and tears in the annual community events. This year, we have expanded the scope of the agenda, and regardless of data, products, services, or source code, as long as they are open to users, everyone is welcome to submit contributions!

帶您讀源碼  Let’s Read the Source Code

About the Track:




The source code is the core of software, and by reading the source code, we can get closer to the soul of the software.

“Let's Read the Source Code” is a program track designed to help participants delve deeply into the implementation of open-source projects, including various libraries, frameworks, and tools. You will have the opportunity to learn about the process of open-source projects, their architectural components, iterative history, operating principles, key code, and key algorithms. At the same time, you can also learn about the introduction and usage tips of related auxiliary tools.

In this program track, you can listen to developers sharing their understanding and experience with code, as well as the process of tracking and analyzing it. They will share the essence of the code with you, explain how it works, and how to improve it.

“Let's Read the Source Code” will take you into the world of source code, deeply exploring the principles behind the software, allowing you to better understand the essence of programming.

About the Host:

Let's Read the Source Code Production Committee
By reading source code, we hope to encourage more people to get involved in software development and plant the seeds of "programmers".

Open standards and open source solutions for healthcare information.

About the Track:
衛福部已於 2022 年 11 月發布基於 HL7 FHIR 開放醫資標準的台灣核心規範(TW Core IG),並宣布次世代電子病歷將採用此標準,台灣醫療資訊產業正迎來重大變革,開放標準與開源解決方案又能如何協助醫療產業?

本次議程將與台灣醫療影像資訊標準協會(MISAT)共同合辦,探討目前在醫資領域中備受矚目的 HL7 FHIR、DICOM 開放標準及 SVG、ODF 等開放格式,並鼓勵講者發表基於這些標準的開源軟體,並介紹這些標準/開源軟體在實際場域的應用。

議程預計將邀請來自醫療資訊領域的專家與開發者,分別從標準面、應用面與技術面去探討開放標準在醫療產業的應用,讓參與者可以從不同角度深入了解開放標準的優勢與實際應用。在標準認證方面,我們也預計規劃 MI-TW 聯測活動介紹,讓有興趣的廠商或開發人員了解產品的參測流程。


The Ministry of Health and Welfare has released the Taiwan Core Implementation Guide (TW Core IG) based on the HL7 FHIR open medical information standard in November 2022, and announced that the next generation of electronic medical records will adopt this standard. The Taiwan medical information industry is undergoing a significant transformation. How can open standards and open-source solutions assist the medical industry?

This session is jointly organized with the Taiwan Medical Imaging and Informatics Standards Association (MISAT), exploring the HL7 FHIR, DICOM open standards, and SVG, ODF, and other open formats that are highly regarded in the medical information field. We encourage speakers to present open-source software based on these standards and introduce their practical applications.

Experts and developers from the medical information field will be invited to discuss the application of open standards in the medical industry from the standard, application, and technical perspectives. Participants can gain an in-depth understanding of the advantages and practical applications of open standards from different angles. In terms of standard certification, we also plan to introduce the MI-TW joint testing activities to let interested vendors or developers understand the product testing process.

In addition, we will showcase related open-source tools at the community booth to demonstrate the practical application of these standards. Participants will learn how these tools can help medical institutions, long-term care units, and related organizations achieve painless interoperability of medical information, and assist in accelerating the digital transformation of the entire medical industry.

About the Host:
SLAT 中華民國軟體自由協會

本協會成立於 2001 年,旨在推廣自由軟體與開源軟體的使用與理念。我們過去曾協助政府導入 ODF 標準、並促成自由軟體納入國家技能檢定。近年來除了自由軟體外,我們更注重在開放標準的推動與教育推廣,例如 ODF、SVG、HL7 FHIR 等標準,並積極鼓勵大眾使用與開發基於這些開放標準的開源軟體。

本協會目前也是立法院開放國會委員會的成員之一,我們持續推動 PMPC(Public Money Public Code)的觀念,期望政府在軟體建設中實踐這項精神。

Our association was founded in 2001 with the goal of promoting the use and ideology of free and open-source software. In the past, we have assisted the government in adopting the ODF standard and facilitated the inclusion of free software in national skill certification. In recent years, in addition to free software, we have placed more emphasis on promoting and educating the public on open standards, such as ODF, SVG, HL7 FHIR, and actively encourage the use and development of open-source software based on these open standards.

Our association is also a member of the Legislative Yuan's Open Parliament Committee. We continue to promote the concept of PMPC (Public Money Public Code) and hope that the government will practice this spirit in software construction.


About the Track:
各種有關於 PostgreSQL 的人事物經驗都歡迎分享。
與 PostgreSQL 一起成長,和社群一同共好。

All kinds of experiences related to PostgreSQL are welcome to be shared. Let's grow together with PostgreSQL and contribute to the community.

About the Host:

台灣 PostgreSQL 使用者社群
PostgreSQL Taiwan user group.

OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 開放內容議程軌
OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Open Content Track

About the Track:

我們期待看到有關 OpenStreetMap 或是其他開放內容有關的主題,例如維基媒體運動相關專案,維基百科、維基共享資源等等。
We are looking forward of Topic about OpenStreetMap, or open content related topics like Wikimedia movement project Wikipedia, Wiki Commons etc.

趁著每年台灣最大的開源大會 COSCUP,爭取更多開放資料計畫的曝光,廣邀各路 Wikidata、OpenStreetMap 以及 GIS 好手分享他們做的事情,增加台灣社群的活躍度。

OSM x Wikidata 徵求與開源地理資訊,或是 Wikidata 的議題:

  • OpenStreetMap 開放街圖,或是群眾參與的地理繪製計畫相關議題
  • 開源的GIS軟體,如 QGIS 介紹、教學操作、資料視覺化
  • Wikidata 的介紹、各式專案應用與學術研討
  • 維基媒體相關的議題與專案,如維基百科、維基導遊等(但以與 Wikidata 相關從優錄取)

We are looking forward to topics related to OpenStreetMap, Wikidata, or other open content, such as Wikimedia movement projects, Wikipedia, Wiki Commons, etc.

During Taiwan's largest open source conference COSCUP, we hope to increase the exposure of open data projects and invite experts in Wikidata, OpenStreetMap, and GIS to share their experiences and increase the activity of Taiwan's community.

We are seeking talks related to OSM x Wikidata and open source geographic information, or Wikidata topics such as:

  • OpenStreetMap and related topics on crowd-sourced geographic mapping projects
  • Introduction, tutorials, and data visualization of open-source GIS software such as QGIS
  • Introduction to Wikidata, various project applications, and academic discussions
  • Wikimedia-related topics and projects such as Wikipedia and Wikivoyage (but preference will be given to topics related to Wikidata)

About the Host:
OpenStreetMap x Wikidata
OpenStreetMap 與 Wikidata 皆為是國際上具規模的開放資料專案,前者是地理圖資,後者為知識資料庫。OpenStreetMap 是除了 Google 地圖等商業地圖之外,另一個地圖專案,採開放授權處理圖資資料,因而能夠與其他開源計畫結合。而身為維基媒體基金會中最年輕計畫的 Wikidata 號稱是資料庫的資料庫,除了經緯度資訊,還能儲存 OpenStreetMap 關聯 ID。

OpenStreetMap and Wikidata are both significant open data projects internationally. The former is a geographic data project, while the latter is a knowledge database. OpenStreetMap is a map project, similar to commercial map services like Google Maps, but it is open source and allows integration with other open source projects. As the youngest project within the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikidata is known as the "database of databases" and can store not only latitude and longitude information but also OpenStreetMap related IDs.

Chatbot Developers Taiwan

About the Track:
Chatbot Developers Taiwan 社群致力於提供一個討論聊天機器人的相關應用的社群。在台北、台中每個月皆有一次的定期 meetup 聚會,每回小聚都會安排講者主題分享、新知討論,環繞在 chatbot 與 AI ,及大家共同關心的話題中。歡迎大家踴躍分享、自由與會眾交流,也期望大家可以在分享中得到收穫。 同時,也很歡迎各位自薦、推薦講者。亦或者是上台閃電秀,分享自己開發的 chatbot 或是任何 chatbot 有關的任何議題。

Chatbot Developers Taiwan Community is dedicated to providing a platform for discussing chatbot-related applications. We hold regular meetups in Taipei and Taichung every month, featuring guest speakers and discussions on the latest developments and topics related to chatbots and AI. We welcome everyone to actively participate in sharing and exchanging ideas, and hope that everyone can benefit from these events. We also welcome recommendations for speakers, lightning talks, and sharing any chatbot-related topics, including your own chatbot development experiences.

About the Host:
Open Source Chatbot
Chatbot Developers Taiwan 社群致力於提供一個討論聊天機器人的相關應用的社群。

Chatbot Developers Taiwan community is dedicated to providing a community for discussing chatbot-related applications.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

About the Track:
Blockchain enpowers a decentralized and trustless world. It is a combination of several fields such as cryptography, consensus algorithm and economic models. Since Satoshi Nakamoto published Bitcoin on 2008, there were countless technology rised and developed. Among those, the advanced technology such as Ethereum Smart Contract, Proof of Stake, Zero-knowledge Proof, and sharding are getting more mature. We would like to sincerely invite submissions from academia, industry and any individual who are intereted in this area. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Sharding
  • Performance, Scalability Issues
  • Security and Privacy Issues
  • Zero Knowledge Proof
  • Consensus Algorithms
  • Blockchain-based Applications
  • Decentralized App Development
  • Smart Contracts
  • Regulations and Policies in Cryptocurrency
  • Token Economy
  • Decentralized Internet Infrastructure"

About the Host:
Taipei Ethereum Meetup
Taipei Ethereum Meetup is a physical meetup community that focuses on the theory, implementation, and applications of Ethereum technology. Currently, speeches are shared voluntarily by community participants every month. Many of the participants are cryptography and blockchain enthusiasts and developers from different industries. Technical discussions sometimes also happen on Medium.
More information about Taipei Ethereum Meetup can be found on this [website]((https://www.meetup.com/Taipei-Ethereum-Meetup/).


About the Track:
本議程歡迎所有 Rust 相關開源議題。
We are welcome all open source topics related to Rust.

About the Host:
Rust Taiwan

Rust 讓每個人都能打造出可靠又高效軟體的程式語言

Rust is a programming language that enables everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

開放授權的克萊兜史夠普 Open Licensing

About the Track


(1) 條款內容或焦點議題;
(2) 條款在實際應用上發生的問題與應對措施;
(3) 新興的焦點條款,例如木蘭系列許可證、開源 AI 相關條款等;
(4) 商業應用自由開源軟體所碰到的授權或其他周邊議題,例如 SPDX、Open Chain 等;
(5) 開放字型、開放文件等的授權內容或相關議題;
(6) 貢獻源碼、文件等內容給自由開源軟體專案所衍的授權議題,例如貢獻者條款 (Contributor License Agreement, CLA) 等;
(7) 自由開源軟體專案在管理運作上所遇到的法律相關問題。

最後,我們歡迎非法律背景的人投稿這個議程,因為第一線碰到開源授權議題與相關困難的大多不具有法律背景,這些有實際處理經驗的人,在個案上的了解深度遠超過其他人,所以無論你是法律人、開發者、 行銷管理專家或是一般的使用者,只要你有相關經歷或是研究,都歡迎加入投稿的行列!

All kind of topics related to Public Licenses, such as FOSS, CC, Open Data, or OpenRAIL licenses are welcome.

The core of this track is the FOSS license and the FOSS-related Public licenses. Any proposed issue or topic related to or derived from FOSS licenses is welcome to be submitted. For your reference is the following a list, which can give you some directions or ideas, what you can talk in this track. But please don't limit yourself in the list. You can submit any topic related to or derived from FOSS licenses.

- Content of FOSS licenses or any related issues.
- Problems and the measures for resolving them.
- Latest relevant licenses,  such as Mulan series licenses, or AI related open source license.
- Issues rise during commercial use of FOSS, such as SPDX, Open Chain.
- Licenses or issues about open font, open document etc.
- Licensing issues derived from the contribution of FOSS projects, such as Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
- Legal related problems encountered in management of FOSS projects.

You don't have to have any legal background to submit a proposal. In most cases, the people who encounter FOSS license problems don't possess any relating knowledge. But they do have unique insights or in-depth experiences towards their own cases. Therefore, no matter you are a legal person, an R&D engineer, a marketing professional, a management expert, or just an normal user, you all are welcome to submit a proposal.

Lastly, if the Creative Commons licenses are not suitable for your presentation slide or video recording, please contact us. We will find out how to deal with it.

About the Host:
開放授權 (Open License) 是跨界連結不同參與人士的運作規則,然而,有時因為解讀立場不同,導致紛爭日起。因應於此,「台灣開源法律網絡(Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan)」希望在國內建立一個中立客觀且保障參與隱私的自由開源法律資訊分享網絡。我們採用歐洲自由軟體基金會的「Chatham House 議事規則」,以形塑一個彌平爭議,將自由開源授權規則解讀,透過跨商用領域與社群團體聚焦討論,來建立共識的半公開網路論壇。

Open Licenses are rules connecting participants from different fields. However, relevant disputes still rise due to the different standpoints. Open Source Legal Network, Taiwan (OSLN.tw) was hence set up to reduce disputes through providing a neutral, objective and semi-public network. Participants from both commercial and community side can share informations about licenses inside the network and discuss how to inteprete FOSS licensing rules. We adapt Chatham House Rule to ensure participants can talk freely in the network without privacy concern.

開源新手村  Open Source Newbies

About the Track:
持續讓更多人知道開放文化和科技,用它們來引領世界走向更美好的未來,一直是開放文化基金會的願景。我們希望透過新手村,把最基礎、最根本的開放原始碼、開放科技、開源理念帶給第一次到 COSCUP 或是第一次參與開源專案的夥伴。

Spreading awareness of open culture and technology and using them to lead the world towards a better future has always been the vision of the Open Culture Foundation. Through the "Newbie Village," we hope to bring the most fundamental concepts of open source, open technology, and open culture to those who are attending COSCUP for the first time or are participating in an open source project for the first time.

About the Host:
2014 年,多個台灣開源社群共同發起開放文化基金會(Open Culture Foundation,簡稱 OCF),期望以法人組織的力量推廣開放文化,在產、官、學、民之間激起開放協作的火花。

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF), is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, founded in 2014 by several members of Taiwan’s open source community. Our main goal is to support local communities advocate the use of open technologies in broader sectors, including open source software, open hardware, and open data. We help government, enterprises, and NGOs better understand the benefits of adopting open source, and promote the importance of open data to the public sphere. We believe that a culture of open collaboration is the foundation for an innovative society, and the engine of a participatory democracy.
Since its establishment, OCF has supported local communities to run large-scale conferences, seminars, and hackathons, as well as collaborate with a number of international offices and multilateral institutions to deepen Taiwan’s connection to the global open culture community. Some of our past collaboration partners include the American Institute in Taiwan, British Office Taipei, Bureau Francais de Taipei, and the World Bank. OCF also has strong connections with the global open source community, and regularly exchanges experiences with civic tech groups worldwide. Our mission is to build bridges between local and global “open” communities, and hope to act as a mediator for open culture.

Open Source Inspired Hardware

About the Track:
With Google Open Silicon project, we have final conquer to last mile of setting hardware free. 2 years ago, we have invited Google, QuickLogic and Efabless to talk about their ambition to set the toolchain and manufacturing "free." Last year, we have invited people who made their own chips/semiconductors. This year, we going to introduce you even more !

About the Host:
Bringing Open Source Spirit to Hardware/Chip
In the past 2 years, we have hosted this track and invite several key speakers to share how to make your own ICs, processors and development boards. This year, we are going to extend our goal even further.

Interdisciplinary Practice of Art, Culture, Local Context, and Open Data.

About the Track:

In recent years, there have been many organizations in Taiwan that are not simply art organizations, but rather bring together professionals from various fields through issue-based events to raise questions and bring different aspects of society to light. These organizations have different characteristics and purposes, but should we define the core of these organizations? And in cross-disciplinary dialogues, how can we first understand each other's language, try to make our own expertise understood, and expand possibilities? If we hope to reach various knowledge levels and encourage more people to participate in related fields of research and policy promotion, what exactly is "openness" and how should we approach it?

About the Host:

The New Paradise Art Space was established in 1994 and has been in operation since 1995. It is committed to experimental and contemporary art, aiming to break through spatial limitations and expand the artistic community through cross-disciplinary and cross-regional approaches. Its goal is to develop different aspects of Taiwan's contemporary art and culture.

Kubernetes Community Day Taiwan

About the Track:
Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) 是由雲原生計算基金會 (CNCF) 支持與認證的官方社群組織活動,此會議集結來自開源和雲原生社區的使用者及技術人員,以進行教育、協作和分享。

本次 Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan (KCD Taiwan) 是由台灣雲原生使用者社群 (Cloud Native Taiwan User Group, CNTUG) 所主辦的在地 KCD 的社群活動。其目的是透過本土社群的力量,讓更多人參與 Kubernetes 社群互相交流和學習,並以此持續發展和維持社群。

Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) is an official community event supported and certified by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The conference brings together users and technical professionals from the open source and cloud native community for education, collaboration, and sharing.

Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan (KCD Taiwan) is a local KCD community event organized by the Cloud Native Taiwan User Group (CNTUG). Its purpose is to use the power of the local community to encourage more people to participate in the Kubernetes community for mutual exchange and learning, and to sustain and develop the community.

About the Host:
Cloud Native Taiwan User Group

Cloud Native Taiwan User Group 希望整合台灣雲端相關社群如 OpenStack, Kubernetes, Ceph, SDN 等,並利用 Meetup 定期在各台灣地區舉辦技術與推廣分享活動。目的是藉此群策群力來使該社團快速成長,以對台灣在雲端開源平台的貢獻,另外我們更希望該社群持有 Cloud Native 概念,並將此推廣至台灣企業、學校、政府單位等。

Cloud Native Computing Taiwan User Group is dedicated to combine community of Cloud Native related projects such as Kubernetes, OpenStack, Ceph, SDN. We held meetups regularly to share related technologies and promote them. We wish to grow this user group with the help from community members to increase contributions to Cloud Native Platforms in Taiwan. We also wish to promote the concept of “Cloud Native” to enterprise, academic institutes, and governments.


About the Track:

主題包括 Ruby 語言、Rails 框架或任何相關的 framework,社群經營以及職涯經驗分享等。

The topic may include Ruby, Rails, related or alternative frameworks, community, diversity, indie-devs, mentorship, and career progression.


  • Topics can be technical or non-technical, from beginner to advanced, but should be aimed toward a Rubyist audience.
  • Talks should be 30-35 minutes in length.
  • Talks should be delivered in English or Chinese.

About the Host:
Ruby Taiwan 成立於 2008,主要針對 Ruby 程式語言及軟體開發,進行業界的交流及分享,提昇開發人員的技術深度與廣度。

Ruby Taiwan was founded in 2008 with a focus on the Ruby programming language and software development. Its main goal is to promote industry exchange and sharing, as well as to enhance the technical depth and breadth of developers.

JVM 聯合國 / JVM United

About the Track:
JVM(Java Virtual Machine)做為一個平台,已經演化成一個完整的生態系。其穩定與跨平台的特性已被各大企業驗證,也蘊育出 Java、Kotlin、Scala、Clojure、Groovy 等語言,可謂百家爭鳴、大放異彩。近年來 Kotlin 漸受重視、GraalVM 帶來更多可能。今年 COSCUP 依照往例,由台灣 JVM 相關社群再次組成聯盟,號召各方好手,匯集了與 JVM 應用有關的主題,包括但不限於前後端、桌面或行動應用、原生與跨平台…等,一起探索 JVM 的無限潛能。

JVM as a platform is becoming a mature ecosystem for developers. It’s stable, enterprise-ready, and nurtures the languages such as Java, Kotlin, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, etc. Our goal is to collect all the topics that are related to frontend, backend, desktop, mobile, native and cross-platform, and explore the potential of JVM.

About the Host:
JVM 台灣代表隊
串連了所有與 JVM 相關的社群(包括 TWJUG、Kotlin Taiwan User Group、Scala Taiwan、Android Taipei/Android 讀書會、Kotlin Taipei、Clojure Taiwan、GDG、Taiwan Backend Group)成為一個任務型的組織,為推廣相關開放原始碼技術而一起努力。本次將以聯盟的型式參與 COSCUP,期能為大家帶來豐富且多樣性的議程。

Taiwan JVM team is a task-oriented group to advocate JVM related technology. By connected all JVM-related communities, including TWJUG, Kotlin Taiwan User Group, Scala Taiwan, Android Taipei/Android Study Jam, Kotlin Taipei, Clojure Taiwan, GDG, Taiwan Backend Group, our goal is to provide a rich and diverse agenda in COSCUP.

Upgrade the Brain and Double, Triple the Development Energy of Laravel and Vue Communities.

About the Track:
議程內容將以分享與推坑為主要導向,包括Vue.js和Laravel的最新技術、前後端整合開發、實戰經驗分享、以及各種工具和套件的使用技巧,以及像是大AI時代的一些研究成果(誤)。無論是新手還是經驗豐富的開發者,我們都希望能在這次議程中讓與會者獲得知識和交流的機會,讓大家的開發大腦能夠升級,也同時讓更多開發者知道我們,並加入Vue Taiwan和Laravel Taiwan社群的行列,共同打造更好的開發生態。

The agenda will focus on sharing and promotion, including the latest technologies of Vue.js and Laravel, front-end and back-end integrated development, practical experience sharing, as well as the usage skills of various tools and packages, and some research achievements in the era of big AI (oops). Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, we hope that attendees can gain knowledge and exchange opportunities in this agenda, upgrade their development brain, and also let more developers know about us and join the ranks of Vue Taiwan and Laravel Taiwan communities, together building a better development ecosystem.

About the Host:
Laravel Taiwan & Vue Taiwan
Laravel Taiwan 和 Vue Taiwan 都是由熱愛相應技術的社群成員共同創立的社群,旨在提供對於 Laravel 和 Vue.js 相關議題、專案、技術以及工作的朋友們進行分享與交流的平台。去年與前年,兩個社群更攜手舉辦了 {Laravel x Vue} Conf Taiwan,廣邀各界技術高手前來共襄盛舉,希望能為技術愛好者打造一個良好的學習和交流環境。希望透過本次Coscup的社群議程與攤位,進行相關技術的推廣與分享。

Laravel Taiwan and Vue Taiwan are both communities founded by members who love the respective technologies, aiming to provide a platform for sharing and exchanging ideas related to Laravel and Vue.js, including topics, projects, techniques, and jobs. In the past two years, the two communities joined forces to hold {Laravel x Vue} Conf Taiwan, inviting experts from various fields to come and join the event, hoping to create a good learning and communication environment for technology enthusiasts. Through the community schedule and booth at this year's Coscup, we hope to promote and share related technologies.

開放知識與多元價值 Open Knowledge and diversity value

About the Track:

This program will focus on how to make the open knowledge movement more diverse. It will discuss how to encourage underrepresented groups to participate in the Wikimedia movement, how to make the movement itself more friendly to diversity, how to allocate resources fairly and properly, and how to coordinate all open knowledge movements in Taiwan while respecting the thematic differences of different groups.

About the Host:
Wikimedia Taiwan

Wikimedia Taiwan is a local chapter of the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that operates several free knowledge projects, including Wikipedia, the world's largest online encyclopedia. Wikimedia Taiwan was recognized as a chapter by the Wikimedia Foundation in 2007 and is dedicated to promoting free access to knowledge in Taiwan, as well as contributing to the Wikimedia projects in Chinese and other languages. The organization runs various programs and events, including workshops, edit-a-thons, and outreach activities, to encourage participation and contribution from the local community.

開源設計 Open Design

About the Track:

*1 FOSDEM 2020 議程:https://archive.fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/what_are_we_talking_about_when_we_say_open_design/
*2 參考先前 COSCUP 議程組對於 Open Source Design 討論的文件,設計領域的開源應包含以下至少其一:
(1). 使用開源軟體作為設計工具
(2). 採用他人以自由/開源授權條款發表的素材
(3). 檔案使用開放檔案格式儲存散佈,其定義為至少有一個自由/開源軟體可正確開啟、非由單一廠商私自訂立的格式
(4). 設計成品以開放/自由的授權條款發表,授權大眾使用"

Many people think that just by releasing data, making it public on the Internet, and collaborating with others is what "open source" means. However, open source does have a definition, and we are fortunate to have references to other people's discussions1 that give us a preliminary idea2 of open source design.

In this session, we hope to invite interested peers to discuss how "open source" culture is developing in design, and what limitations it may encounter.

*1 FOSDEM 2020 schedule: https://archive.fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/what_are_we_talking_about_when_we_say_open_design/
*2 Referring to the COSCUP program committee's discussion on Open Source Design, open source in the field of design should include at least one of the following:
(1) Use open source software as a design tool.
(2) Use materials published under free/open licenses by others.
(3) Use open file formats for storage and distribution, defined as formats that can be correctly opened by at least one free/open source software and are not created solely by a single vendor.
(4) Publish design work under an open/free license, authorizing public use.

About the Host:
Women Techmakers (WTM) 是 Google 為處於科技產業的朋友們提供能見度以及資源的一項計畫。WTM 舉辦一系列的技術、非技術性與軟性議題等活動,讓更多朋友們加入科技領域,一同學習成長、經驗分享與創造屬於我們的未來。

Women Techmakers (WTM) is one of Google’s program that provides visibility and resources for anyone who works in the technology industry. We are holding a series of technologies, soft talks, and activities. Welcome to join us, to share, create, and led the future together.

學生社群大亂鬥 Student Adventure Time

About the Track:
學生社群大亂鬥是由 SITCON 學生計算機年會與 Google Developer Student Clubs Taiwan & Hong Kong (GDSC) 組成的學生社群議程軌。


任何與資訊科技、電腦技術相關的講題,或是與 Google 技術、Google Developers 社群相關的投稿,我們都非常歡迎!

歡迎您參考 SITCON 歷年的議程,或是 GDSC 去年的議程軌內容。

Students will bring a series of interesting adventure-themed presentations, including challenging their own skills, creative thinking and problem-solving abilities, as well as experiencing true teamwork spirit. These presentations will be shared by speakers who will share their experiences and skills, allowing students to enjoy the fun of adventure while learning.

About the Host:
The Student Community Battle is a program jointly hosted by SITCON(Students’ Information Technology Conference), the annual student computing conference, and Google Developer Student Clubs Taiwan & Hong Kong (GDSC), which aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their talents and achievements in the field of information technology and computer science.
The program welcomes a diverse range of submissions from students, including experience sharing from a student's perspective, technical sharing, research findings, independent study experiences, community operation, and discussions on topics related to students. Submissions related to Google technology and the Google Developers community are also encouraged.
Participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from past SITCON and GDSC programs. Join us and make your voice heard in the Student Community Battle!

System Software

About the Track:
Toolchain, compiler, runtime/library, firmware and operating system itself is the bone of the world. They are not fancy yet they are vital to let people develop and run applications upon them.

About the Host:
Under the hood of engine chamber and beneath the cover of shiny facade, system software is what makes your system work. This track is hosted by Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers and Hsinchu Code Surf.

PyCon TW 社群聚 / PyCon TW Community

About the Track:
想知道 PyCon TW 走過十幾個年頭的酸甜苦辣嗎?想聽聽厲害的講者分享 Python 相關的開發經驗嗎?我們即將在 COSCUP 與大家交流研討會舉辦秘辛,並邀請優秀的講者來與我們分享精彩演講!期待在 COSCUP 2023 與您相見!

Do you want to know the story of PyCon TW over the past decade? Are you curious about the development experience of Python experts? We’re going to invite speakers to give talks and share the secrets of the conference with everyone at COSCUP. We are looking forward to meeting you at COSCUP 2023!

About the Host: 

PyCon ,亦即 Python 年會,是全球 Python 社群年度盛會。PyCon TW 今年九月即將在中研院舉辦第十二年的台灣 Python 年會。PyCon TW 旨在聚集台灣各領域應用 Python 的人,交流彼此的經驗心得,分享最新的技術發展,並親身體驗社群獨有的熱情。

PyCon, also known as the Python Conference, is an annual event that serves as the global gathering for the Python community. The 12th PyCon TW will be held at Academia Sinica in Taiwan this September. We aim to bring together individuals from various fields in Taiwan who apply Python, exchanging experiences and insights, sharing the latest technological developments, and experiencing the unique passion of the community.

Google開發者派對 Party for Google developers

About the Track:
歡迎 Google Kubernetes Engine 相關議題包括:

  • Android/Java/Kotlin
  • Google Cloud
  • Flutter
  • Google Assistant (AOG)
  • TensorFlow
  • WTM

Welcome Google Kubernetes Engine related topics, such as:

  • Android/Java/Kotlin
  • Google Cloud
  • Flutter
  • Google Assistant (AOG)
  • TensorFlow
  • WTM

About the Host:
GDG(Google Developer Group)

GDG Taipei (Google Developer Group Taipei) 是以研究 Google 相關技術為主的開發者社群,於週三晚上聚會,由與會者提供數個 Lightening Talk,並不定期邀請講者分享特定主題、舉辦 Hackthon 或 Workshop 等活動。目前因為 COVID19 疫情關係,活動主要以線上聚會為主;一旦線下活動恢復,聚會地點會在台北地區。若沒有特別公告,我們每週三會在天瓏資訊 Coding Space 聚會。

GDG Taipei (Google Developer Group Taipei) meets on every Wednesday night at Tenlong Coding Space (due to COVID19 pandemic, now we will hold only online virtual events). The typical meeting format is registration and light dinner fare between 7:00 and 7:30pm. The main meeting starts with general announcements at 7:30pm. This is followed by technical presentation(s) and/or demonstration of one or more Google technologies starting from 7:30pm. After talks, extended Q&A and/or more informal networking before everyone heads home. Our meetings will always be free and open to the general public. We will sometimes co-host a joint meeting with local open source group(s).

O-RAN in B5G/6G

About the Track:

  • O-RAN 的開源專案及實作
  • O-RAN 的虛擬化和自動化部署
  • O-RAN 智慧控制器(RIC)
  • O-RAN 的協議優化
  • O-RAN 的物理層加速
  • O-RAN 的軟體安全性
  • O-RAN 軟體社群(OSC)和 O-RAN 聯盟的最新發展
  • 6G 的開放網路架構原型系統
  • 開發開放的 6G 原型系統
  • 測試和測量未來開放的 6G 系統功能技術
  • 開放 6G 用例的早期驗證
  • 在開放 6G 技術領域中的通訊人才培養
  • B5G/6G 中與 O-RAN 相關的雲端技術
  • 開源 SDN 技術

歡迎對以上議題有心得的朋友投稿交流,其他跟開源 O-RAN/B5G/6G 相關的主題也同樣歡迎共襄盛舉!

This issue is focused on open network technologies related to Radio Access Network (RAN), B5G/6G, and software-defined networking (SDN). Potential topics that may fit this issue include:

  • Open RAN open source projects and implementations
  • Open RAN virtualization and automatic deployment
  • Open RAN intelligent controller (RIC)
  • Protocol optimization for Open RAN
  • Physical layer acceleration for Open RAN
  • Software security for Open RAN
  • The latest development of the O-RAN Software Community (OSC) and O-RAN Alliance
  • Open network architecture prototype systems for 6G
  • Development of Open 6G prototype systems
  • Testing and measurement of future Open 6G system functional technologies
  • Early-stage verification of Open 6G use cases
  • Communication talent cultivation in the field of Open 6G technology
  • Cloud technologies related to O-RAN in B5G/6G
  • Open SDN technologies

These topics are aligned with the aim of developing key enabling software technologies for open network technologies and establishing forward-looking research for 6G technology. Other relevant topics related to O-RAN/B5G/6G can also be considered.

About the Host:
本議程軌由台科大電子系O-RAN/B5G/6 研究社群,包含 BMW Lab, OSC Taiwan Lab,光通訊與光感測實驗室,資訊技術行動化實驗室, 以及 COSCUP 共同籌辦,期許促成國內產官學界進行開放網路技術交流。

This track of the program is organized by the O-RAN/B5G/6 research community of the Department of Electronics at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with BMW Lab, OSC Taiwan Lab, the Laboratory for Optical Communications and Sensing, the Laboratory for Information Technology Mobilization, and COSCUP. The goal is to promote open network technology exchange among domestic industry, government, and academia.

Open Source Firmware

About the Track:




  • 開源韌體開發概述和入門介紹:開源韌體的歷史和演變,它的工作原理以及使用開源韌體的好處。
  • 韌體安全性:韌體安全的重要性以及開源韌體如何有助於提高其安全性能。這包括討論閉源韌體可能帶來的潛在安全風險以及開源韌體在緩解這些風險方面的作用。
  • 案例研究和專案展示:成功的開源韌體項目示例以及如何在自己的設備上運行它們。演講者將分享他們開發和使用開源韌體的經驗,以及對開源韌體項目的貢獻。
  • 新的發展方向:關於開源韌體的新專案和倡議,無論是技術上的(如軟體)還是組織上的(如本地社區、會議和標準化工作)。

無論 CPU 架構或廠商如何,開源韌體專題都將接受 BIOS/UEFIBMC 和嵌入式設備韌體的演講提案。我們將優先考慮項目和架構的多樣性,以確保涵蓋各種主題並具有吸引力。我們還會優先選擇獨立項目而非商業項目,以實現公平競爭。

我們相信,開源韌體專題將與 COSCUP 的現有系統軟體社區主題緊密結合,擴展到特定設備韌體的世界。 

This track aims to host talks exploring the current state of the art and future directions of free and open source firmware development. Firmware, the low-level software that controls hardware devices, is often closed-source and proprietary, putting it at the frontier on our way to free and open computing.

The track will accept proposals for talks on a range of topics, including:

Overview of open source firmware development and introductory talks: The history and evolution of open source firmware, how it works, and the benefits of using open source firmware for hardware devices.

Firmware security: The importance of firmware security and how open source firmware can help improve it. This includes discussing the potential security risks posed by closed-source firmware and the role of open source firmware in mitigating those risks.

Case studies and project showcases: Examples of successful open source firmware projects and how to run them on your own devices. Speakers will share their experiences with developing and using open source firmware, as well as contributing to open source firmware projects.

New directions and developments: New projects and initiatives with open source firmware, both technical (like software) and organizational (like local communities, conferences, and standardization efforts).

The Open Source Firmware track will accept proposals for BIOS/UEFI, BMC, and embedded device firmware regardless of CPU architecture or vendor. We'll prioritize diversity of projects and architectures to ensure a wide variety of topics and appeal. We will also prefer independent projects over commercial ones to level the playing field.

We believe the Open Source Firmware track will fit well with COSCUP as it touches on the low-level topics of the existing System Software Community but expands into the world of device-specific firmware.

About the Host:
The Open Source Firmware track will be organized by members of the Open Source Firmware Foundation who have extensive experience organizing in-person and remote conferences like the Open Source Firmware Conference and European coreboot Conference.

Julia Language

About the Track:
Julia 是一個新興的高階、高效動態語言,以高效科學運算為原點,發展成一種通用語言,得力於 LLVM,加上語法本身優雅而精巧的設計,促成了高效的特性。由於易於開發而高效的特性,Julia 非常適合發展人工智慧及機器學習演算法,並且支援分散式運算、平行運算及共時。Julia 支援命令式、物件導向、函數式、泛型等等程式設計典範,讓這個語言更加豐富。本議程歡迎所有 Julia 稿件。

Julia is a new high-level, high performance dynamic language. It originates from high performance scientific computing, and develops general-purpose programming language. Leveraging the power of LLVM and elegance of language design make high performance computation possible. Since the ease of use and high performance, Julia is suitable for rapid development for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). It support distributed computing, parallelism and concurrency. Julia support imperative programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming and generic programming etc. These programming paradigm enriches the language. Please check official website for more information: http://julialang.org/

About the Host:
Julia Taiwan User Group
自 2016 年 10 月成立,至今辦過 20 餘場小聚,隨著使用者與開發者的累積,我們正致力於在台灣推廣 Julia 語言,以及建立各式中文資源。

關於 Julia 可以參考官方網站,或是加入 Slack 群組:julialang,取得邀請,以及英文論壇

Started from October 2016, hosted for more than 20 meetups, increasing users and developers, we aim to promote Julia language in Taiwan and establish series of Mandarin resources.

You can refer to the official website or join the Slack group "julialang" for more information about Julia. You can request an invitation at https://julialang.org/slack/ and also visit the English forum at https://discourse.julialang.org/.

開放教育 / Open Education

About the Track:

開放教育議程軌,期望透過議程分享進一步探討有關開放教育資源(Open Education Resources)與開源教育(Open Source Education)等,和開放與教育相關的議題,從開放式課程、教材到開源貢獻者的培育與傳承等。我們歡迎身在任何教育現場、共學團體、研究單位或教育專案社群等關心教育的夥伴來分享。


  • 如何培育下一代開源貢獻者
  • 藉由 FLOSS 專案進行課程規劃的分享
  • 開放式課程與開放教育教材的使用者分析
  • 與教育有關的開源社群籌辦或參與經驗
  • FLOSS 概念及開源精神在教育現場的應用情境

The Open Education track aims to further explore topics related to Open Education Resources and Open Source Education through sharing sessions. Including discussions on issues related to open education, from open courses and education resources to the training and continuation of open source contributors. We welcome learners and educators from any educational or research institutions, learning communities, or education projects who are interested in education to share their experiences.

Previous session topics have included, but are not limited to:

  • How to educate the next generation of open source contributors
  • Planning of FLOSS project related courses
  • User analysis of open course platforms and open educational resourses
  • Experiences in hosting or participating in open source communities related to education
  • The usage of FLOSS and open source concept in different educational scenarios.

About the Host:

TOEDU 台灣開放教育推動團隊 & UniCourse 課程資訊交流平臺

TOEDU 台灣開放教育推動團隊與 UniCourse 課程資訊交流平臺,皆為由學生發起,並由在學學生、教育工作者、開放知識及開源社群參與者組成與開放教育相關的社群。藉由開源專案協作與開放資料統整與交換等方式,促進開放教育相關議題的討論與交流,讓教育能夠透過 FLOSS 等概念持續發展。

TOEDU 台灣開放教育推動團隊發起「CourseAPI 開放式課程資訊匯流學院」專案,整合近一萬筆開放式課程線上資源,建立入口查詢平台,提供個人學習者、自主學習推動單位與教育新創,取用資料並深化學習,就像是在書本上安置插座,讓知識如同電流一樣自由、廣闊。

UniCourse 課程資訊交流平臺為一群師大資工的學生主導的大學課程搜尋系統。因被現有選課資料查詢工具困擾,嘗試搜集、整理並呈現臺灣各大學課程資料,藉此幫助修課學生、教授及教育工作者。

Taiwan Open Education Development Unit (TOEDU) and UniCourse are both initiated by students, and are contributed by students, educators, open knowledge and open source community participants. With open source project contribution, open data organizing, data exchange, etc., we boost the discussion and communication of different issue and topics related to open education, that education continue to evolve through FLOSS and related concepts.

Taiwan Open Education Development Unit (TOEDU) has founded the CourseAPI project, which integrates more than 10,000 open course resources and create the search engine for them. The platform and API of data are provided to learners, educators, and educational institutions, like installing an electrical socket onto books, let the knowledge be shared as unrestrained and broad as electricity.

UniCourse is a searching platform project for university courses initiated by students from NTNU CSIE. Under the inconvenience of existing course selection tools, we collect and organize the courses from different universities in Taiwan to resolve the inconvenience for students and educators.

開源與職涯 / Open Source and Career Growth

About the Track:

1. 技術成長:分享影響您覺得超棒的開源學習教材,讓您自身技術得到成長,或是點了新的技能樹,應用在工作或是求職中!
2. 開源工具:透過開源工具,為你的工作帶來不同的改變,如效率上的提升,或是團隊的合作等議題
3. 開創事業:利用開源工具展開新的事業可能性,或是自身透過開源進行創業的經驗分享

This track discusses career growth and open source. Including but not limited to

1. Technological growth
2. Open source tools
3. Start a business 

About the Host:

Open MarTech

About the Track:
行銷也和寫程式或 open source 有關係?


讓我們在 Open Source MarTech 議程軌,探討如何運用開放的力量,塑造 MarTech 的未來!

1. 運用 open data 於 MarTech 經驗分享
2. open source MarTech stack best practice / 心得分享
3. 運用 MarTech 技術推廣開源專案

Marketing can also be open sourced?
In a digital era, there are many tech platforms or social media communities utilize digital marketing concept to profit enomously, especially not only within the government, but also among small/medium size cooperations, all promoting digital transformation to enhance the over all competitiveness both at home and abroad with Martech driven strategies.

MarTech=Marketing+ Technology
MarTch can be divided into 6 categories:

1. Advertising& Promotion
2. Content& Expereience
3. Social& Relationships
4. Commerce& Sales
5. Data Management

Let’s dive in Open Source Martech track to discover how to build the future of Martech with Open Source!

Possible tracks:

1. Sharing on cases that apply open data onto MarTech
2. Open source MarTech stack best practice
3. Use Martech to promote open source projects
About the Host:

開放 AI / Open Source & AI

About the Track:
1. 公開資料集的介紹與分享
2. 利用開源工具進行的 AI 研究
3. 您想推廣的 AI 專案
4. AI 怎麼進行開源
5. AI 開源的過去與未來展望

This track welcomes all topics related to artificial intelligence and open source. including but not limited to

1. Introduction and sharing of public datasets
2. AI research using open source tools
3. The AI project you want to promote
4. How to open source AI
5. The past and future of AI open source

About the Host:

科技領域的多元共融 - 療癒講座 / Diversity and Inclusivity in Tech - Healing Lectures

About the Track:

We are curious about the diverse voices in the field of technology and how people can promote openness and mutual prosperity in this area. We are concerned with workplace safety, gender equality, and multiculturalism. Possible topics may include (but are not limited to) how women can overcome gender discrimination in the workplace, the challenges and resilience of gender diversity in the technology field, how wealth disparity leads to information discrepancies and its remedies, and so on. We are curious about how individuals can break away from the unjust social system and take real action and self-empowerment when they hold justice and ideals in their hearts.

About the Host:

綜合議程—其他開源議題 / Misc. - Other Free Libre Open Source Topics

About the Track:
一如往常的 COSCUP 一樣,如果您的主題找不到適合的議程軌投稿,您也可以提交 FLOSS 相關的稿件到綜合軌。


As always, you can submit FLOSS-related proposals even if your topic doesn’t fit in the tracks above.

About the Host:



COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...

COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...