

目前顯示的是 5月, 2012的文章

COSCUP 2012 Open Source Contributor VIP Registration

Do you want to come to COSCUP 2012, but are worried about not getting TICKETS in the very hot opening hour? This year we have an Open Source Contributor VIP Registration Program for 60 persons to attend COSCUP. We will send VIP Registration Codes to qualified applicants. Activating a VIP Registration Code by the registration deadline (to be published later) will get an invitation to COSCUP 2012. Qualifications Your participation in an open source project since July 2011 makes you eligible for applying for a VIP Registration Code. The open source project and your participation must meet the following conditions: 1. The project source code must be released with a license approved by Open Source Initiative [1]. 2. The project must be hosted on a public repository like Github (github.com), Google Code (code.google.com), SourceForge (sourceforge.net), or others. 3. You must provide proofs of your contributions in the form of web pages, commit logs, mail contents or others that a...

COSCUP 2012 開放原始碼貢獻者 VIP 專屬報名方案

2013 開放原始碼貢獻者申請請參閱 http://blog.coscup.org/2013/04/coscup-2013-coscup-2013-open-source.html 想參與 COSCUP 2012 卻擔心搶不到這一年一度開源盛會的門票嗎? 今年,我們規劃了貢獻者 VIP 報名專案,共計有 60 位名額。如果您符合以下申請資格,我們將奉上一組 VIP 報名代碼,只要您在有效期限內持 VIP 代碼,於報名系統上完成報名,即成功地報名 COSCUP 2012,不用再苦惱搶門票了! 申請資格 提出由 2011 年 7 月至今,於以下列舉的平台或未列舉的其他公開專案管理平台,如 Github (github.com) 、Google Code (code.google.com)、SourceForge (sourceforge.net) 等平台,以 OSI Open Source License 釋出 [1]、實際參與專案開發、推廣或其他有助於專案的貢獻,只需您提出有效的證明(網址、commit log、信件文本、演講投影片或其他方式),我們都非常歡迎您提出申請。 通過審查門檻的申請者,我們將依申請順序, 奉上一組 VIP 報名代碼,讓您不需搶票,一起共襄盛舉一年一度的開放原始碼盛會 COSCUP 2012,名額有限,先搶先贏! 申請時間 2012 年 6 月 11 日至 2012 年 6 月 25 日 申請方式 http://registrano.com/events/coscup2012-osc-vip 其他說明 由於這是我們第一次試辦「開放原始碼貢獻者的 VIP 報名活動」,也許有許多地方未考慮完善或準備周到的地方,如果您有任何建議,歡迎來信至  attendee@coscup.org [1]  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical