

目前顯示的是 5月, 2016的文章

COSCUP 2016 Registration / COSCUP 2016 登錄

[English below] 從封閉到開源,從個人到社群,我們曾走過很長一段路。如今,邁向 2016 年的 COSCUP,除了延續過往一貫的「分享」精神外,更希望這種精神可以向外擴張、向下延續,成為使未來更好的力量。 今年我們的主題著重在傳承、扎根與跨界三個部分:扎根方面,希望眾多微小的想法可以逐漸成形、發光;跨界方面,期望不同領域之間的組合出現令人驚喜的火花;至於傳承,我們更希冀能將現有的資源分享延續下去,成為更多新生代夥伴的發想基礎。 COSCUP 2016 除了一般議程以外,我們更有工作坊、適合全家大小的親子工作坊,以及unconf、BoF等活動可以參與,讓我們一起來期待這場盛夏饗宴吧! 活動列表:一般議程、工作坊、unconf、BoF 地點:中央研究院活動中心及人文社會科學館 日期:8/20 - 21 開源貢獻者VIP報名:6/10 中午 12:00(需有邀請碼才能報名) 一般會眾報名:6/24 晚上 8:00 開源香油錢 想對開源精神盡一點心力,卻又不知如何做起嗎?除了身體力行來參與 COSCUP 以外,或許您也可以考慮贊助一些香油錢,使 COSCUP 的運作更為順利。香油錢以五百元為單位,假使您有意願,請點選 PLUS TWD 500 donation 的票種,如下圖所示,感謝您的配合。 From closed to open source; from individual to community, it’s been a long journey and we have arrived here in 2016, getting ready for COSCUP. As well as continuing our long-standing spirit of “sharing”, we hope to extend and expand this mission further and to a wider audience; so it grows into a force that makes for a better future. This year we are focusing on the passing of the torch, and grassroot and int...

COSCUP 2015 會後記錄 - 財務報告

COSCUP 2015 財務摘要:收入支出摘要                                                 收入             收入               收入-間接贊助     NT$20,761.00                 間接贊助 NT$20,761.00               義賣收入     NT$141,025.00           親子工作坊 報名費     NT$5,500.00           贊助收入     NT$2,227,155.00       ...

COSCUP 2016 Call for Sponsorship / COSCUP 2016 贊助招募中

You are cordially invited to sponsor the Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters (COSCUP), which is the biggest open source conference in Taiwan with 1,800 expected attendees this year. Please contact sponsorship@coscup.org should you have any questions. We'll be glad to answer them as soon as possible. COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters ;開源人年會) 為台灣開源社群所聯合主辦之台灣最大的 Open Source 研討會,自 2006 年至今已邁入第十一屆,目標是創造一個友善的、資訊豐富的環境,讓不同背景的人可以結交朋友、學習新科技、並在會議中互相交流、激發靈感。 COSCUP 2016 將於 8 月 20~21 日在中央研究院人文社會科學館與活動中心兩棟大樓同步舉行,預計今年 將有 1,800 人參與這場盛會。 如果您有意贊助 COSCUP 2016 請寄電子郵件到 sponsorship@coscup.org 謝謝!

COSCUP 2016 Open Source Contributor VIP Application / 海外からの台湾COSCUP参加申し込みが始まっていた / COSCUP 2016 開放原始碼貢獻者專屬方案申請

(中文版在最下面) English: COSCUP is the largest conference in Asia for the open source community. We expect 2000 participants this year. This conference is organized for coders, promoters, and users of open source software, which are the three roles that makes FLOSS sparkle. This is 11 years of COSCUP. Over the last decade, the event has been co-operated with communities all over the world. Whether you are an experienced coder, a devoted promoter, a regular user, or even a newbie, we sincerely welcome you to be part of the largest annual open source event in Asia. With everyone's involvement, our community grows steadily. The tickets for COSCUP usually runs out within 1 minute after registration opens. Want to join us at COSCUP 2016, but worry that you can't get a ticket? We announce the Open Source Contributor Registration Program for COSCUP 2016. If you are one of the many contributors to the open source society, apply for this program! Qualified applicants will receive a Re...