

目前顯示的是 3月, 2018的文章

社群議程: Submit your Community Room application for COSCUP `18 before March 26th!

UPDATE: The Q&A section in the online community call for the program has been uploaded, see the end of this post. Community Rooms are assigned to self-organizing groups to work, share, and discuss issues around an open-source-related topic. The application should be submitted before March 26th. You can decide the content and format in your Community Room. You can decide the duration of each section and the whole schedule in your Community Room. Key dates: March 26th: Deadline for Community Room application April 6th: Accepted Community Room announced on blog.coscup.org April 15th: Community Room coordinators provide information of Call for Proposal June 8th: Community Room coordinators provide the complete schedule Early July: Full schedule published on COSCUP.org (TBC) Mid-AUG at Taipei: COSCUP 2018 Apply for a Community Room now ! COSCUP 2018 的社群議程即日起開始接受申請,並將於 3 月 26 日截止申請,請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 申請請按此 。 COSCUP 社群議程提供場地與行政協助,您可以在此舉辦一整天關於特定開源議題的討論、座談、工作坊等。特色...