

目前顯示的是 6月, 2020的文章

COSCUP 2020 社群議程正式發布!

經過漫長的等待與煎熬,COSCUP 2020 議程正式公布囉! 秉持以往的優良傳統,COSUP 今年投稿量同樣在最後一刻爆炸式增長,今年更是創下有史以來的紀錄,稿件數量逼近到 300 份的大關,經歷一輪又一輪的審稿,終於可以正式分享今年有哪些精采內容可以分享給大家! 除了主議程,今年共有 27 個議程主題,從硬體到軟體,從前端到後端,從工人智慧到人工智慧,從開發設計到管理合作,無所不包,無所不覽,各式各的議程題目,等你來一窺究竟! 事不宜遲,大家趕快來看看今年入選的稿件有哪些! 議程傳送門: https://coscup.org/2020/zh-TW/agenda 如同以往,議程表提供議程主題名稱、時間長度、講者介紹與議程摘要,參與者們可以先關注有興趣的議程。同時,議程表可能最後還會有些微的更動,歡迎隨時關注 COSCUP 2020 議程動態! 有任何問題也請隨時聯絡 COSCUP 2020 議程組 program@coscup.org. COSCUP 2020 Agenda is available now, please check HERE This year, COSCUP collected almost 300 proposals in CFP, and there are total 28 topics in COSCUP , which including various themes and we hope to satisfy your desire. You can see the time slots, speaker and room assignments for each topic through this Spreadsheet. The full programme, include abstract and other information, will be announced on coscup.org after the site is done. As usual: this agenda may change at any time. Please stay tuned. Any question? You can reach the program...

COSCUP 2020 社群攤位錄取名單公布,快來看看有什麼攤位可以逛逛吧!

號外號外,COSCUP 2020 最終社群攤位錄取名單出爐! 趕快來看看今年 COSCUP 有哪些社群攤位可以逛吧! See English Version Here! Chatbot Taiwan 開放文化基金會 / Open Culture Foundation Ubuntu 台灣社群 /  Ubuntu-TW Mozilla 台灣社群 / MozTW JVM 台灣代表隊 / JVM Taiwan Open Hack Farm GDG(Google Developer Group) MOPCON Ruby Taiwan Cloud Natvie User Group golang TW 區塊鏈應用開發者社群 FiO BADA 臺灣好植地 / Patch by Planting SITCON Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group 台中聯合社群 來 COSCUP 時,除了各式各樣的議程,也別忘記到社群攤位找社群聊聊天、拿拿貼紙或是小禮物喔(誤) 各位社群夥伴們,也不要錯失了這次招募新血、宣傳自己的機會,開始規劃攤位活動吧!  We are happy to announce our 2020 COSCUP Community Booth!  Come and Meet with community members and projects at our Community Booth!!!  Chatbot Taiwan Open Culture Foundation Ubuntu-TW MozTW JVM Taiwan Open Hack Farm GDG (Google Developer Group) MOPCON Ruby Taiwan Cloud Natvie User Group golang TW Blockchainian Patch by Planting SITCON Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group Taichung Open Source Community Drop by and visit us, at the commun...

COSCUP 2019 財務報告

COSCUP 2019 財務摘要:收入支出摘要 COSCUP 2019 財務報告,僅摘要屬於 2019 年份的收入與支出狀況。 收入 大會收入       利息收入 NT$641.00       門票收入 NT$67,000.00       個人捐款 NT$71,100.00       個人贊助贊助款 NT$160,000.00       義賣收入 NT$36,610.00       贊助商贊助款 NT$2,663,000.00 NT$2,663,000.00 $13,180.00 NT$413,786.10 專案收入       門票收入 NT$15,000.00 總收入 NT$3,427,137.10 支出 大會支出       手續費 $59.12 NT$1,856.07 NT$955.00 NT$955.00       行銷費用 NT$2...