

目前顯示的是 3月, 2016的文章

COSCUP 2016 Call for Presentation / Workshop 即日起開始徵稿

(中文版在下面) Besides the usual COSCUP talks, panels, unconference, workshops, and lightning talks, we’ve added a few new tracks in COSCUP 2016, which will be hosted on Aug 20-21. You can submit your presentation proposal before the end of April 24th. The main theme of this year is “Toward the Future: To inherit, lay the foundation, and break the boundaries.” We are seeking for inspiring talks about how mentors and mentees work together in the Open Source world. Also, you can show your new projects in 15 minutes and get feedback in the new "Lay the Foundations" track. COSCUP 2016 is going to featured a special track -- a whole track of talks about Apache Software Foundation, the unsung hero for many important FLOSS projects. If your proposal has something to do with ASF, please don't forget to mention it within your submission. Besides the main theme talks and the special track mentioned above, we accept Workshop proposals and other OSS-related proposal, as usual. Check t...