Besides the usual COSCUP talks, panels, unconference, workshops, and lightning talks, we’ve added a few new tracks in COSCUP 2016, which will be hosted on Aug 20-21. You can submit your presentation proposal before the end of April 24th.
The main theme of this year is “Toward the Future: To inherit, lay the foundation, and break the boundaries.” We are seeking for inspiring talks about how mentors and mentees work together in the Open Source world. Also, you can show your new projects in 15 minutes and get feedback in the new "Lay the Foundations" track.
COSCUP 2016 is going to featured a special track -- a whole track of talks about Apache Software Foundation, the unsung hero for many important FLOSS projects. If your proposal has something to do with ASF, please don't forget to mention it within your submission.
Besides the main theme talks and the special track mentioned above, we accept Workshop proposals and other OSS-related proposal, as usual. Check the full Call for Presentation for more details.
Important Info
- Call for Presentation / Form
- Submission Deadline: April 24th, 2016. 23:59 (UTC+8)
- Agenda Release: Early June, 2016
Should you have any questions, please contact program@coscup.org.
今年的 COSCUP 將在 2016/8/20-21 舉辦。此次新增「傳承」與「扎根」兩類形式,議程型態更多元,歡迎各界人士於 2016/4/24 前投稿,請參考完整徵稿說明與投稿網址。
COSCUP 2016 的年度主題為「融通:傳承、扎根與跨界」,大會將邀請數組「師徒」同台分享專題、與大眾切磋;「扎根」軌則提供比閃電秀稍長的時間,讓您展現 OSS 相關專案的概念/雛形,以獲得回饋甚至媒合同好。
今年的 COSCUP 更特別徵求與 Apache 軟體基金會(Apache Software Foundation)相關稿件,與 ASF 相關的議題可在投稿時勾選相關選項,更有機會列入此主題議程軌。
另外 COSCUP 也如同往常,招募 Workshop 形式的投稿,讓社群用來教學、協作、做自己的演講分享規劃。
除了上述針對今年主題的議程之外,也歡迎您投稿各式與 Open Source 相關的演講。
- 完整徵稿說明與投稿網址,請見 https://goo.gl/nXB0Np
- 投稿期限:April 24th, 2016. 23:59 (UTC+8)
- 議程公佈:Early June, 2016.
如有任何問題,歡迎來信詢問: program@coscup.org