感謝大家對於 COSCUP 首次跨研討會合作如此支持,日前「HKOSCon 2019 『COSCUP 特別軌』」收到了不少稿件,經過與 HKOSCon 團隊討論後,我們選出了數個題目出征,所有講題都會以英文發表。 「COSCUP 特別軌」將於 HKOSCon 的第二天,也就是 2019/06/15 舉辦, 相關票券事宜請緊盯 HKOSCon 官網 。以下所有時間順序在大會前或有變動,以 HKOSCon 網站公佈為準。 以下是本次入選的講題、講者及內容: 10:00-10:30 Formal Verification on Smart Contract (陳奕熹) For ethereum, 2016 might be a tough year, the DAO has been stolen 3.6 million ETH, equivalent of $70 million at that time, due to improper contract design. As a result, more and more automatic verification tool for smart contract come out to prevent potentially huge financial loss. Today, we will be looking at how formal verification tools work on smart contract, how can we use mathematical proof to ensure the quality of program. 10:40-11:10 DApp Game - Blockchain random number generation method and implementation (Huang Shih Chin(Xixi)) When users realized that the "application on the ICO was more important than the "token", the virtual currency began to decline in June 2018, prompting ...
COSCUP 2025 - 08/09 ~ 10(To be confirmed) at NTUST, Taiwan 無論您是開放原始碼的開發者、推廣者、使用者、還是想了解軟體的新手,都歡迎您來參加為開放原始碼開發者、使用者和推廣者舉辦的「開源人年會」