大家好,我是今年第一次露面的行銷組船醫柏強~前一篇,章安德魯已經為大家介紹過 Unconference 是什麼玩意了,那麼今年 COSCUP 的 Unconference 要怎麼玩勒?簡單說:
總而言之言而總之,有興趣上場的朋友快思考一個有趣好玩的題目,而其他人 20 號當天沒事就去晃晃那排海報牆,並且挑些有趣的題目簽上大名吧!
- 如果你有題目想講,但嫌閃電秀的 5 分鐘太短的話,只要夠多人想聽你講,你就可以上台講 13 分鐘!
- 你想來點新鮮的,就別忘記去投你想聽的題目一票,也別忘了幫他拉票!
- 15:00(下午三點)之前,想講題目的人,請自行在第一會議室和第二會議室之間的 Unconference 海報牆上登記自己的暱稱和想要分享的題目。
- 16:00(下午四點)之前,所有與會者都可以到 Unconference 海報牆逛逛,並且在想要聽的題目下簽名。由於 Unconference 只有一條議程軌,講題並不會衝堂,你想簽幾個題目都沒關係~
- 16:30(下午四點半)大會將依簽名的人氣公佈入選 Unconference 的演講,並由大會和講者共同協調演講時段。得標的講者,別忘記在這時前往當場公佈的地點協調演講時段,不然大會就當你沒意見幫你排囉!
- 17:30(下午五點半)Unconference 主持人在閃電秀前公佈 Unconference 議程
- 18:00(傍晚六點)大會網站上也會公佈 Unconference 議程
總而言之言而總之,有興趣上場的朋友快思考一個有趣好玩的題目,而其他人 20 號當天沒事就去晃晃那排海報牆,並且挑些有趣的題目簽上大名吧!
An unconference is a participant-driven meeting.Time and Venue
- Unconference is held in the Social Room (West side, 4th floor).
- Every talk is limited to 13 minutes including Q & A.
- There is a 2 minutes transition period between talks.
Determination of program
- 8/20 Speaker signs up thier nickname/ID and topic by 15:00. The sign-up posters are posted on the Unconference wall between Conference Room I and II.
- 8/20 Attendees sign up below those topics they want to attend by 16:00.
- 8/20 16:30 Unconference committee announces chosen topics by number of attendees and coordinates with speakers about speaking time.
- 8/20 17:30 Unconference host announces unconference sections before Lightning Talk.
- 8/20 18:00 The unconference program appears on COSCUP website.
- COSCUP will not provide video and audio recording support.
- Unconference committee will determine unconference program between 16:30 and 17:30 of 8/20. Speakers that show up can negotiate his/her time slot. The unconference committee will allocate the time slots for other speakers.