
COSCUP 2010開催!!!

自從由Pingooo手上接手COSCUP 2010的籌辦,至今已經8個月過去了。這一段時間,我們都在鴨子滑水,檯面上看不到太多動作,不過夥伴們都很熱血的在努力籌備的事項。

Fred說得好:哇咧~明明就才剛辦完 2009, 怎麼又進入籌備狀態了 orz

如果你還是不太熟悉COSCUP是什麼?COSCUP = Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters = 開源人年會,是台灣開放原始碼社群一年一度的大聚會。

去年我很榮幸的被邀請加入COSCUP 2009籌備團隊,作為會計長的角色,實際上會計組絕大部分時間只有我一個人。用了一些撇步節省許多時間後,我有很多很多的空餘時間用來提供建議。於是,統計出來的結果,個人的發言居然排名第五。XD



COSCUP 的起源是因為幾位好朋友期望能夠辦一個真正讓開放原始碼社群都可以參加的嘉年華會,從2006年到現在,參與的朋友愈來愈多,給COSCUP團隊非常大的 鼓舞。經過了2006到2008年的成長期,2008年開始擴大舉辦,廣邀台灣各地的社群一同來舉辦COSCUP,使得COSCUP不但是為了社群而辦, 更是由社群來辦,成為了一個真正屬於社群的研討會。時間來到了2009年,這一年是COSCUP有史以來辦得最為盛大的一年。550人的報名就在短短4小 時多就爆滿!眾多琳瑯滿目的國際A咖以及本土的一流廠商都加入了我們的贊助行列。講者群也是一個華麗到不行。


COSCUP 2010團隊立志要把這個研討會辦成 「真。社群大拜拜」

接下了這個重責大任之後,我的第一個任務就是立即開始把團隊找齊。管理學上,講究Right people do right thing right,鞏固組織成為我的第一要務。(OS: 既然被你們推坑,那我也把你們也推坑。XD)

感謝Pingooo的努力,2009年的籌備團隊有極佳的默契,每個人也都有極佳的執行能力。想要『輕輕鬆鬆第一次當總召就上手』的我,當然是請過往有充足經驗的社群朋友一起再接棒COSCUP 2010

令人振奮的是,BobChao, Lman, Pingooo, KC, Rex, Ijs, Layla, 魏藥, HYChen, CCLien, Lzy... 幾位朋友,一句話就充滿著義氣的出來幫忙。




在幾位好友的幫忙推薦以及牽線下,Kevin自告奮勇接下行銷工頭,Lloyd也願意下海來當我們的公關。由於Lloyd人在高雄,許多需要聯絡的事項, 我也幫忙他在台北找了一個幫手John Lee。


若是有看過今年的網站,大家會不會驚呼:哇!好專業啊~~~ 是的,今年的網站雖然花了比預期還多的時間,不過在網站組的努力之下,整個專業感就塑造出來了。



雖然有一些籌備項目的時程上不如預期,小小地滑了一下,COSCUP 2010 還是拉上發射軌道了。期待今年的 COSCUP 還是一場快快樂樂的大拜拜,讓大家來看看老朋友、交交新朋友、順便學點新玩意!
  • 時間:2010 年 8 月 14 日 - 15 日
  • 地點:中央研究院 人文社會所
  • 報好康!你認識某金主、或是某公司的某經理,可能會贊助 COSCUP?立刻報給籌備團隊!信箱:[sponsorship] @coscup.org。
  • 傳千里!COSCUP 開放報名的那天,用力給他宣傳下去,讓更多人知道 COSCUP、想去 COSCUP、報名 COSCUP!
  • 大動員!揪團一起去參加 COSCUP或是參與當天的現場工作人員。

COSCUP 2010 set off!!!

2010/04/12 22:07
It has been 8 months since we took over the organization of COSCUP 2010 from Pingooo. In this period of time, there have been many tasks we needed to undertake, however through our dedicated team we have succeeded in a smooth transfer.

The dedication of our team was summarized by Fred in a joking manner, "WOW~ COSCUP 2009 just ended, yet are we in the state of preparing again! Oh dear".

COSCUP, if you are not aware, stands for Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters which is an annually run gathering for Taiwan Open Source Communities. It is the largest open source conference held in Taiwan.  

Last year, I had the honor of being invited to join the COSCUP 2009 team as chief accountant. For the most part I undertook a lone role in the accounting division and armed with many time saving tips I was able to offer a lot of suggestions to COSCUP.

Departments in general are supposed to be quiet. However, I am a person that likes engaging in conversation! Maybe that is why when Pingooo was nominated in the election; everyone agreed unanimously!

Before continuing, please allow me to review how COSCUP came into existence.

COSCUP originated from several friends who wanted to organize an event for Open Source communities. Since 2006, COSCUP has gone from strength to strength gaining members each year. After initial expansion during 2006 to 2008, COSCUP started to widely invite communities from every corner of Taiwan to participate. COSCUP isn't only organized for communities, but also by communities, which makes COSCUP a true community conference. COSCUP 2009 was the most successful to date as the 550 available places were taken within 4 hours. In addition to this, not only has COSCUP been successful attracting high caliber speakers, but it has been equally successful on a business front attracting sponsorship from various international A+ enterprises and numerous great local companies.

The most important point for our team is the satisfaction of our attendees. According to our questionnaires, up to 97.4% attendants are willing to introduce this event to their friends. This is excellent news and demonstrates the quality of conference. Through this quality we have maintained an extremely high growth rate. Since 2006 the growth rate has been 60%! If this rate remains constant there will be 700 attendants this year. Add to the sponsors, speakers, and staffs, there may be approximately 1000 people there!

The COSCUP 2010 team is determined to make this conference an awesome community gathering again.

Taking on this big responsibility, my first mission was to seek team members. A famous management saying has always stuck with me "Right people do things right". Therefore strengthening the organization with talented people became my top priority.

Thanks to Pingooo's effort, COSCUP 2009 had an excellent team. As the new Chairman, I invited experienced friends from the community to help with COSCUP 2010. Inspiringly,  BobChao, Lman, Pingooo, KC, Rex, Ijs, Layla, MedicalWei, HYChen, CCLien, and Lzy all stepped forward to take on the mantle.

意義是三小,我只知道義氣!( Meaning is nothing, while loyalty means everything!)
(The picture and texts are quoted from The official blog of movie "Monga" )
However, at that moment, COSCUP was stilling lacking a head for marketing and PR. With the support of several friends, Kevin took lead of the marketing group and Lloyd led the PR team. Since Lloyd lives in Kaohsiung, I also found a helper, John Lee, to maintain affairs in Taipei.

Due to some communication difficulties between the marketing group and PR team, we combined the two with Lloyd's leading and Kevin offering his assistance. I really appreciated the co-operation of Kevin and Lloyd as well as both teams commitment to COSCUP.

If you have already visited our website this year, you will be amazed by its professional look. The website team has done a great job as always!

I have to say I am moved by everyone’s commitment to COSCUP and thank them for their excellent work throughout the year.

Despite some delays, COSCUP 2010 is on track at this moment. I am looking forward to COSCUP this year, meeting up with old and new friends as well as seeing some fresh gadgets!

     TimeAug. 14th, 2010 - Aug. 15th, 2010 
     VenueInternational Conference Hall, H.S.S. Building, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Don't you want to be a part of this historical event? If so, you can get involved:

     Send good news! Do you know any richman or manager, who may be interested in sponsoring COSCUP? Tell us! Mailbox: [sponsorship] @coscup.org
     Spread the word far and wide! The day when COSCUP accepts registrations, spread this event so that more people will know COSCUP, love COSCUP , and attend COSCUP!
     See everyone there! Organize friends to visit COSCUP, or directly join us!

See you in August!


COSCUP 2024 徵稿辦法 / COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals

COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals: Until 9th, May Submit Your Proposals HERE! 今年 COSCUP 一如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 05 月 09 日(AoE) 前投稿,徵稿主題可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。 請注意,每場議程長度預設為 30 分鐘 ,惟部分議程軌開放其他議程長度,會在報名表單第二頁選填。 為了增添 COSCUP 的國際能見度,今年所有入選稿件希望都可以提供中英文版雙語資訊。徵稿階段,您可先以自己偏好的語言準備演講或撰寫 CfP 稿件。 提醒您,COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有演講將錄影並以創用 YouTube CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 釋出。如果您的演講有任何不能錄影或不願以此條款釋出的狀況,請務必於投稿表單上註明。 We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 09th, 2024 (AoE, Anywhere on Earth) . The theme for submissions can be referenced from the information on various tracks at the bottom of this page. Please note that the length of each agenda is preset to 30 minutes, only the specific tracks are open to other agenda lengths for selection, which will be filled in on the second page of the registration form. To make it more accessible for international audiences, we kindly request CFP information to be provided in both Chinese and

Designers in Tech- Open Source Design Workshop

關於工作坊 今年在COSCUP(Conference for Open Source Coders, Users Promoters)將協同國際團隊 Superbloom(以人為本出發幫助設計更具包容性和開放性的國際非營利組織)舉辦Designers in Tech- Open Source Design Workshop工作坊,此工作坊是專門為希望對社會做出正面貢獻的設計師所設計的,我們將邀起您以設計師的姿態,在科技人為主的世界裡舞擺出專屬於你的開源貢獻。 設計,如果共享後會有怎樣的可能性?開源設計為另一種合作模式,結合「共同協作」,讓人們可以自由地存取、使用、修改和分享設計資源來達到共同設計的目的。這次的工作坊試圖透過一個公開、透明、無國界的網路平台Github,讓設計師有機會參與平日以工程師為主的平台,並在上面做出生平第一次的開源設計貢獻,重新定義開源貢獻與設計的可能。 我們相信藉由設計師的參與可以優化現有以工程師、開發者為重的開源生態。通過設計師將專案納入更多的可及性和包容性。活動主旨在帶領設計師學習Github平台操作,進而可自行為開源專案進行貢獻。我們致力於賦能設計師開源專案貢獻力,摒除藩籬,打破開源僅為程式開發是唯一有價值貢獻的迷思。 我們將以「設計思考」思維出發並結合Superbloom的「使用者研究」個案來帶領工作坊,進一步在GitHub上挑選出3個專案做出貢獻:去中心化的移動網絡瀏覽器( Ceno Browser )、事實查核( Co-Facts )、通訊軟體( Session )。全程手把手引導教學如何以設計師的身份在GitHub上做出貢獻,提供全面的支援。在工作坊結束後,參與者能更加了解開源設計及在開源專案自行進行協作。 誰應該參加這個工作坊? 我們的工作坊對於UI/UX、平面設計師都相當歡迎 誰將帶領這個工作坊? Eriol Fox:Eriol擁有10年以上的設計工作經驗,從營利性企業開始,後來轉向非政府組織和開源軟件組織。他們曾參與涉及可持續食品系統、和平建設和危機應對技術的複雜問題。Eriol目前在Simply Secure工作,從事設計、研究、開源和技術項目。 Eriol是紐卡斯爾大學Open Lab的兼職資助博士研究員,他研究設計師如何參與以人道主義和人權為重點的開源軟件項目。


什麼是 MySQL ? MySQL 是世界上最受歡迎的開源資料庫。根據 DB-Engines 的資料, MySQL 是第二大最受歡迎的資料庫,僅次於 Oracle 資料庫 。 MySQL 為許多使用量最大的應用系統提供支援,包括 Facebook 、 Twitter 、 Netflix 、 Uber 、 Airbnb 、 Shopify 和 Booking.com 。 由於 MySQL 是開源的,因此它包含了超過 25 年來與使用者密切合作開發的許多功能。因此,您最喜歡的應用系統或程式設計語言很可能受到 MySQL 資料庫的支援。 MySQL 的優勢 MySQL 快速、可靠、可擴展且易於使用。它最初是為了快速處理大型資料庫而開發的,並且多年來一直在要求苛刻的生產環境中使用。 儘管 MySQL 在不斷發展中,但它提供了一組豐富而有用的功能。 MySQL 的連接性、速度和安全性使其非常適合使用互聯網上的資料庫。 MySQL 的主要優勢包括 ·        易用性: 開發人員可以在幾分鐘內安裝 MySQL ,並且資料庫易於管理。 ·        可靠性: MySQL 是最成熟和使用最廣泛的資料庫之一。 25 年來,它已經在各種場景中進行了測試,包括世界上許多最大的公司。由於其可靠性,組織依賴 MySQL 來運行關鍵業務應用系統。 ·        可擴展性: MySQL 可以擴展以滿足使用量最大的應用系統的需求。 MySQL 的原生複製架構使 Facebook 等組織能夠擴展應用系統以支援數十億使用者。 ·        性能: MySQL HeatWave   比其他資料庫服務更快、更便宜 ,正如多個標準行業基準測試所證明的那樣,包括 TPC-H 、 TPC-DS 和 CH- benCHmark 。 ·        高可用性: MySQL 提供了一整套原生的、完全集成的複製技術,可實現高可用性和災難恢復。對於業務關鍵型應用系統,為了滿足服務水準協定 (SLA) 承諾,客戶可以實現 RPO = 0 (零資料遺失 ) RTO = 數秒內(自動故障轉移) ·        安全性: 資料 安全 需要保護並遵守行業和政府法規,包括《歐盟通用資料保護條例》、《支付卡行業資料安全標準》、《健康保