

目前顯示的是 5月, 2017的文章

Submit your talk to COSCUP 2017 community rooms!

This year, you can submit your talk to following communities directly. We will publish the full programme in early July. The deadline of talk-submission depends on the communities, each topic might have different due date, so be sure to check it first with them. If you can't find the right topic below, you can still submit your talk with this form , we will forward your proposal to a related community. All the talks will possibly recorded and the video clips will be released under CC:BY-SA . If you have something in your talk that cannot be recorded or release under CC, please do leave a note in your proposal. Room 5th Aug 6th Aug 08:45-09:15 09:20-12:20 14:00-17:00 09:00-12:00 13:40-16:40 16:40-17:00 101 Opening (TBC) Workflaws and Workflows in Hacking...

COSCUP 2017 社群議程:主題與協力社群

UPDATE: 最新資訊請見 完整正式公告 經過兩週投稿,恭喜以下各社群成為 COSCUP 2017 的議程協力夥伴;這些社群將各自使出渾身解數,帶給大家精彩的議程,敬請拭目以待! 想要投稿議程的朋友,可以逕自向相關社群投稿;若您不確定自己的稿件較適合哪一個社群,屆時亦將提供表單,由我們協助您轉發到相關社群。 那麼以下就是各社群的主題一覽,您可點擊聯絡 / 投稿的連結前往該社群的連絡處或徵稿說明。COSCUP 大會將可能在您演講時錄影、轉播、或在大會結束後將影片上網並以 創用 CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 國際版 條款釋出供大眾使用。如果您因特殊情況無法配合此錄影需求,請在稿件中加註原因。 主題:Hackers 的盲腸與日常 - Workflaws and Workflows in Hacking 「盲腸」中,參加者探討常見解法背後的 Root cause;「日常」中,參加者分享自己的工作流程。 協力社群: Hacking Thursday (H4) TOSSUG (Taipei Open Source Software User Group) 聯繫 / 投稿處: 投稿傳送門 主題:Open Source Database 涵括開源資料庫系統(RDBMS、NoSQL 等都算)的開發與應用實例。 協力社群: Taiwan MySQL User Group 聯繫 / 投稿處: 投稿傳送門 主題:農業 x 科技 x 開源 內容包括了 2016 年以來結合農業X科技X開源的一些計畫與實驗成果。如 Farm bot/田間感測器/NDVI Camera... 等。 協力社群: Open Hack Farm 聯繫 / 投稿處: 投稿傳送門 主題:Open Web Technologies 泛指所有遵循網路標準的技術,例如時下 Web 前端聲勢浩大的 React、在 Web 端建構 VR 環境的 A-FRAME、最新的 ECMAScript 標準、增進網站效能的 AMP 與 PWA 或是瀏覽器相關的技術細節等等。 協力社群: MozTW (Mozilla 台灣社群) 聯繫 / 投稿處: 投稿傳送門 主題:桌面應用軟體 Desktop Software 專注於桌面領域的自由暨開源軟體...

Open Source Contributor (OSC) ticket of COSCUP'17: apply before 5/28

COSCUP 2017 is now accepting the Open Source Contributor (OSC) application before 5/28. (Link & method: https://goo.gl/forms/Lk3LgmwizozdTpkE3 ) This year, COSCUP 2017 still accept open source contributors and oversea attendees to apply for reservation tickets. Applicants should provide your contributions as much as possible and read the method. The process of OSC application You need to fill the form ( https://goo.gl/forms/Lk3LgmwizozdTpkE3 ) and provide your information. If your application is accepted, we will send an email to you and give you the invitation code. Otherwise, we will ask you to provide more information or just turn down. The process is not over now!!! Please redeem the invitation code on the registration system (will be announced later), and select OSC tickets for registration. If you feel good about COSCUP and would like to support financially, you can choose donate $500 NTD to COSCUP during the registering process. If you have any question, please contact...

COSCUP 2017 開源貢獻者保留票開始接受申請!

COSCUP 2017 開源貢獻者保留票開始接受申請!並於 5 月 28 日截止申請,各位開源貢獻者請把握時間報名!(申請連結與辦法: https://goo.gl/forms/Lk3LgmwizozdTpkE3 )今年,COSCUP 2017 開源貢獻者保留票依舊接受開源貢獻者與海外參與者的申請,請大家申請時盡量附上貢獻證據,並閱讀申請辦法,以利審查流程進行。 開源貢獻者票申請與使用流程 請填寫表單( https://goo.gl/forms/Lk3LgmwizozdTpkE3 ),等到審核完畢後,會發一封信到申請者的信箱,並提供邀請碼或要求您補件或婉拒您的申請。 這時候!你!還!沒!成!功!報!名! 請拿著這個邀請碼到報名系統上報名,選擇「 OSC tickets / 開源貢獻者票」(如果您喜歡 COSCUP 可以隨手捐個 500 元香油錢當作 COSCUP 籌辦的花費),到這邊你才真正報名完成。 有任何問題請聯絡 attendee@coscup.org 重要日期 5/28:申請截止日 6/2:補件通知 6/10:申請結果通知 6/14:開放開源貢獻者報名