
Submit your talk to COSCUP 2017 community rooms!

This year, you can submit your talk to following communities directly. We will publish the full programme in early July. The deadline of talk-submission depends on the communities, each topic might have different due date, so be sure to check it first with them.

If you can't find the right topic below, you can still submit your talk with this form, we will forward your proposal to a related community.

All the talks will possibly recorded and the video clips will be released under CC:BY-SA. If you have something in your talk that cannot be recorded or release under CC, please do leave a note in your proposal.

Room 5th Aug 6th Aug
08:45-09:15 09:20-12:20 14:00-17:00 09:00-12:00 13:40-16:40 16:40-17:00
101 Opening (TBC) Workflaws and Workflows in Hacking Open Source Farm Innovation (TBC) Closing
102 (不開放) Open Source Database Rust Desktop Software (不開放)
201 Open Web Technologies (TBC) Android
202 Open Document Format Chinese The Art of Conducting Open Community
303 WordPress Linux Kernel / System / Coders (intro “Emacs”)
305 Ethereum (Blockchain) (TBC) (TBC) openSUSE
306 Kaggle 101 - Data Science On-The-Go OpenStreetMap OpenStack / Virtualization “Go Go Power Ranger”
307 Ubuntu Core & Snappy DevOps workshop Angular workshop

Workflaws and Workflows in Hacking

Hackers 的盲腸與日常

5th Aug, 14:00-17:00 at Room 101

Workflaws in hacking: attendees are gathered to examine root cause hidden in existing solutions for certain problems;

Workflows in hacking: attendees are gathered to share workflows on their daily basis.

「盲腸」中,參加者探討常見解法背後的 Root cause;「日常」中,參加者分享自己的工作流程。

Submit your talk

Open Source Farm Innovation

農業 x 科技 x 開源

6th Aug, 09:00-12:00 at Room 101

For a long time, farmers in Taiwan decide when to plant, to fertilize, to weed and to harvest by their own experience and observation on environment and corps growth. However, recent years many people try to manage farm works by introducing science and technical equipment into traditional agriculture hence the decisions could be made base on objective factors, or the complicated chores could be simplified and completed by low-cost automatic facilities.

Therefore, in this session, we like to share what the difficulties we’ve encountered during the process of development and what can we provide to improve agriculture nowadays.


Submit your talk

Open Source Database

5th Aug, 09:20-17:00 at Room 102

This track covers the development and use cases of open source databases including RDBMS and NoSQL databases such as MySQL, MongoDB and the database usage at internet giants.

涵括開源資料庫系統(RDBMS、NoSQL 等都算)的開發與應用實例。

Submit your talk


6th Aug, 09:00-12:00 at Room 102

Rust the programming language

程式語言的新星 Rust

Submit your talk

Desktop Software


6th Aug, 13:40-16:40 at Room 102

Issues for Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) in Desktop area, including desktop operating systems, desktop environments, office suites, desktop publishing systems, font design software, 3D modeling software, painting software, browsers… etc.

專注於桌面領域的自由暨開源軟體議題,包含桌面端作業系統、桌面環境、辦公軟體、桌面出版系統、字型設計軟體、3D 建模、繪圖、瀏覽器……等。

Submit your talk

Open Web Technologies

5th Aug, 09:20-12:20 at Room 201

Open Web Technologies covers all techs follows open web standards. For example: React framework, currently have massive share on web development; A-FRAME which creates VR experience on web; The latest ECMAScript standards; AMP and PWA which improves web performance; Browser related topics …etc.

泛指所有遵循網路標準的技術,例如時下 Web 前端聲勢浩大的 React、在 Web 端建構 VR 環境的 A-FRAME、最新的 ECMAScript 標準、增進網站效能的 AMP 與 PWA 或是瀏覽器相關的技術細節等等。

Submit your talk


Android 大亂鬥

6th Aug, 09:00-16:40 at Room 201

Android Super Smash for every discussion these years!

Android 這些年的各種技術,與相關議題的激烈衝突討論。)

Submit your talk or contact TADSG

Open Document Format


5th Aug, 09:20-12:20 at Room 202

The track is about Open Document Format, including the (de-iure and de-facto) standard of Office documents, comparison between ODF and OOXML, the interoperability issues and its relevant software like LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Calligra, … etc.

討論 ODF 格式本身的特性、相關標準與比較、相關技術、互操作性(interoperability)問題,以及相關軟體如 OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Calligra 等議題。

Please contact Franklin Weng



  • 中文議題社群

5th Aug, 14:00-17:00 at Room 202

Issues for Chinese processing, includes encoding, input method and text layout.


Please contact Bobby Tung

The Art of Conducting Open Community


6th Aug, 09:00-16:40 at Room 202

We’re going to talk about different aspects of open community management, including strategy & governance; recruiting, participating, mentoring and pathway; marketing; communicating and conflict resolving; diversity & inclusion; goal, performance, and evaluation; tools and data; as well as case studies.


Submit your talk


WordPress 網站開發大小事

5th Aug 09:20-17:00 at Room 303

In this topic, we are going to talk, work and build a Web Application with WordPress. Such as a single page application, marketing landing page and E-Commerce(WooCommerce). And we can also discuss how to make works better in hosting, performance optimization, internationalization and localization.

包含網站導入 WordPress、相關專業主機、WooCommerce 電商開發等等。

Please contact Chun

Linux Kernel & System & Coders

6th Aug, 09:00-12:00 at Room 303

In the track, we introduce topics about Linux kernel, system performance, and research topics about software system.

包括 Linux Kernel、System Performance 及深度軟硬體鑽研相關主題。

Submit your talk


(intro “Emacs”)

6th Aug, 13:40-16:40 at Room 303

Intro Emacs and tools or mode we always use in Emacs

介紹 Emacs 和其相關工具及應用,以新手入門為導向

Please contact Superbil

Ethereum (Blockchain) Workshop

5th Aug, 09:20-12:20 at Room 305

A Ethereum workshop for beginners. Join us if you’re interested in topics like Ethereum, smart contract, blockchain, and ICO.

將舉辦給新手入門的 Ethereum Workshop,歡迎對 Ethereum、Smart contract、Blockchain、ICO 等議題有興趣的朋友參加

Submit your talk or contact the Taipei Ethereum Meetup community

OpenStack / Virtualization

6th Aug, 09:00-12:00 at Room 305

We sincerely invite emerging open-source-related projects to introduce and share your technologies and experiences, including Virtualization-related and OpenStack-related topics.

與 Virtualization、OpenStack 等議題相關之新興開源專案技術介紹與分享。

Submit your talk


6th Aug, 13:40-16:40 at Room 305

Our topics are about Linux and openSUSE. We also have workshop for eBPF/BCC and Open Build Service (OBS)

與 Linux / openSUSE 相關的議題,可能包括 Open Build Service 及 eBPF/BCC 的工作坊。)

Check the website for more info.

Kaggle 101 - Data Science On-The-Go (Workshop

5th Aug, 09:20-12:20 at Room 306

Let’s polish our skill on Data Science with this hands-on session on Kaggle competition!

手把手跟大家一起打 Kaggle

Submit your talk ("file an issue") or Contact Summit Suen



5th Aug, 14:00-17:00 at Room 306

This track is about crowd-edited map OpenStreetMap project, mixed with talks and workshop.

群眾共編地圖開放街圖 (OpenStreetMap) 相關議題,型式將混合演講及新手工作坊)

Submit your talk

“Go Go Power Ranger”

大夥兒一起來 Golang

6th Aug, 13:40-16:40 at Room 306

Introduce Golang to the beginners, we also have some session to let you know how to build services with Golang.

為新手簡介 Golang,並以 Golang 實作一些服務)

Submit your talk

Ubuntu Core & Snappy

5th Aug, 09:20-12:20 at Room 307

Snappy is a software deployment and package management system originally designed and built by Canonical, to work across a range of Linux distributions and allow therefore distro-agnostic upstream software deployment. The system is designed to work for phone, cloud, internet of things and desktop computing. In this workshop, we’ll talk about what is Snappy, and try to build “snaps” package with Snapcraft.

Snappy 是 Canonical 針對 Linux 套件相依問題所提出來的跨 Linux 發行版套件管理系統,我們藉由此 Workshop 讓使用者瞭解 Snappy ,並運用 Snapcraft 打包自己的 Linux 應用程式。

Please contact RJ Hsiao

DevOps Workshop

5th Aug, 14:00-17:00 at Room 307

Will be hosting workshops related to DevOps and give the audiences a quick taste of the DevOps experience.

將舉辦與 DevOps 相關的 Workshop,並帶領大家快速體驗 DevOps 世界的威力。)

Please contact Chu-Siang Lai

Angular Workshop

6th Aug, 09:00-16:40 at Room 307

With our experienced instructors and assistants, we will lead you to learn Angular by challenging through exercises. During the learning journey, you can discover your blind spot, test your limits and gain confidence on the way.


Please contact Kevin Yang



COSCUP 2024 徵稿辦法 / COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals

COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals: Until 9th, May Submit Your Proposals HERE! 今年 COSCUP 一如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 05 月 09 日(AoE) 前投稿,徵稿主題可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。 請注意,每場議程長度預設為 30 分鐘 ,惟部分議程軌開放其他議程長度,會在報名表單第二頁選填。 為了增添 COSCUP 的國際能見度,今年所有入選稿件希望都可以提供中英文版雙語資訊。徵稿階段,您可先以自己偏好的語言準備演講或撰寫 CfP 稿件。 提醒您,COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有演講將錄影並以創用 YouTube CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 釋出。如果您的演講有任何不能錄影或不願以此條款釋出的狀況,請務必於投稿表單上註明。 We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 09th, 2024 (AoE, Anywhere on Earth) . The theme for submissions can be referenced from the information on various tracks at the bottom of this page. Please note that the length of each agenda is preset to 30 minutes, only the specific tracks are open to other agenda lengths for selection, which will be filled in on the second page of the registration form. To make it more accessible for international audiences, we kindly request CFP information to be provided in both Chinese and

Designers in Tech- Open Source Design Workshop

關於工作坊 今年在COSCUP(Conference for Open Source Coders, Users Promoters)將協同國際團隊 Superbloom(以人為本出發幫助設計更具包容性和開放性的國際非營利組織)舉辦Designers in Tech- Open Source Design Workshop工作坊,此工作坊是專門為希望對社會做出正面貢獻的設計師所設計的,我們將邀起您以設計師的姿態,在科技人為主的世界裡舞擺出專屬於你的開源貢獻。 設計,如果共享後會有怎樣的可能性?開源設計為另一種合作模式,結合「共同協作」,讓人們可以自由地存取、使用、修改和分享設計資源來達到共同設計的目的。這次的工作坊試圖透過一個公開、透明、無國界的網路平台Github,讓設計師有機會參與平日以工程師為主的平台,並在上面做出生平第一次的開源設計貢獻,重新定義開源貢獻與設計的可能。 我們相信藉由設計師的參與可以優化現有以工程師、開發者為重的開源生態。通過設計師將專案納入更多的可及性和包容性。活動主旨在帶領設計師學習Github平台操作,進而可自行為開源專案進行貢獻。我們致力於賦能設計師開源專案貢獻力,摒除藩籬,打破開源僅為程式開發是唯一有價值貢獻的迷思。 我們將以「設計思考」思維出發並結合Superbloom的「使用者研究」個案來帶領工作坊,進一步在GitHub上挑選出3個專案做出貢獻:去中心化的移動網絡瀏覽器( Ceno Browser )、事實查核( Co-Facts )、通訊軟體( Session )。全程手把手引導教學如何以設計師的身份在GitHub上做出貢獻,提供全面的支援。在工作坊結束後,參與者能更加了解開源設計及在開源專案自行進行協作。 誰應該參加這個工作坊? 我們的工作坊對於UI/UX、平面設計師都相當歡迎 誰將帶領這個工作坊? Eriol Fox:Eriol擁有10年以上的設計工作經驗,從營利性企業開始,後來轉向非政府組織和開源軟件組織。他們曾參與涉及可持續食品系統、和平建設和危機應對技術的複雜問題。Eriol目前在Simply Secure工作,從事設計、研究、開源和技術項目。 Eriol是紐卡斯爾大學Open Lab的兼職資助博士研究員,他研究設計師如何參與以人道主義和人權為重點的開源軟件項目。


什麼是 MySQL ? MySQL 是世界上最受歡迎的開源資料庫。根據 DB-Engines 的資料, MySQL 是第二大最受歡迎的資料庫,僅次於 Oracle 資料庫 。 MySQL 為許多使用量最大的應用系統提供支援,包括 Facebook 、 Twitter 、 Netflix 、 Uber 、 Airbnb 、 Shopify 和 Booking.com 。 由於 MySQL 是開源的,因此它包含了超過 25 年來與使用者密切合作開發的許多功能。因此,您最喜歡的應用系統或程式設計語言很可能受到 MySQL 資料庫的支援。 MySQL 的優勢 MySQL 快速、可靠、可擴展且易於使用。它最初是為了快速處理大型資料庫而開發的,並且多年來一直在要求苛刻的生產環境中使用。 儘管 MySQL 在不斷發展中,但它提供了一組豐富而有用的功能。 MySQL 的連接性、速度和安全性使其非常適合使用互聯網上的資料庫。 MySQL 的主要優勢包括 ·        易用性: 開發人員可以在幾分鐘內安裝 MySQL ,並且資料庫易於管理。 ·        可靠性: MySQL 是最成熟和使用最廣泛的資料庫之一。 25 年來,它已經在各種場景中進行了測試,包括世界上許多最大的公司。由於其可靠性,組織依賴 MySQL 來運行關鍵業務應用系統。 ·        可擴展性: MySQL 可以擴展以滿足使用量最大的應用系統的需求。 MySQL 的原生複製架構使 Facebook 等組織能夠擴展應用系統以支援數十億使用者。 ·        性能: MySQL HeatWave   比其他資料庫服務更快、更便宜 ,正如多個標準行業基準測試所證明的那樣,包括 TPC-H 、 TPC-DS 和 CH- benCHmark 。 ·        高可用性: MySQL 提供了一整套原生的、完全集成的複製技術,可實現高可用性和災難恢復。對於業務關鍵型應用系統,為了滿足服務水準協定 (SLA) 承諾,客戶可以實現 RPO = 0 (零資料遺失 ) RTO = 數秒內(自動故障轉移) ·        安全性: 資料 安全 需要保護並遵守行業和政府法規,包括《歐盟通用資料保護條例》、《支付卡行業資料安全標準》、《健康保