
COSCUP 2019 CfP is now open, submit your proposal before May 6th, 2019.

We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 6th, 2019. After the review process from the coordinators, we will publish the full programme in early June.

一如往常,在今年的 COSCUP 我們徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 5 月 6 日前投稿,或可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。

Submit your proposal

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: May 6th, 2019 (截稿時間)
  • Full programme published: Early June (預定公佈時間)
  • COSCUP 2019: Aug 17-18 (with welcome party at 16th night), at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Partner conferences / 合作研討會特別軌

We are gladly welcome HKOSCon (Hong Kong Open Source Conference,) COSCon (China Open Source Conf,) and OSPN OSC (オープンソースカンファレンス) join us with a special track. Please check their CfP form for more information about the track.

今年 COSCUP 與 OpenSource HK 的「HKOSCon」、開源社的「COSCon」及 OSPN 的「OSC」合作推出特別軌,以期邀請各地的開源愛好者前來與大家一會。其各自的徵稿資訊,請參考下方連結。


Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

Blockchain enpowers a decentralized and trustless world. It is a combination of several fields such as cryptography, consensus algorithm and economic models. Since Satoshi Nakamoto published Bitcoin on 2008, there were countless technology rised and developed. Among those, the advanced technology such as Ethereum Smart Contract, Proof of Stake, Zero-knowledge Proof, and sharding are getting more mature. We would like to sincerely invite submissions from academia, industry and any individual who are intereted in this area. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Sharding
  • Performance, Scalability Issues
  • Security and Privacy Issues
  • Zero Knowledge Proof
  • Consensus Algorithms
  • Blockchain-based Applications
  • Decentralized App Development
  • Smart Contracts
  • Regulations and Policies in Cryptocurrency
  • Token Economy
  • Decentralized Internet Infrastructure

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BSDTW X Cat System Workshop

This is an joint event with two communities BSDTW & Cat System Workshop. When it comes to "operating systems", most people's first thought might be ""Linux"", but it is not the only open source UNIX operating system. Using BSD has a lot of advantage, and BSDTW is going to share this knowledge to whom haven't heard yet. At the same time, Cat System Workshop is a focusing on compiler, performance, and optimization which related to the operating system, this is the union who shared the same love.Any topic including but not limited to BSD, Compiler, Operating System, Virtual Machine, Performance is also welcomed if related.

Sharing with Cat System Workshop / Hsinchu Coding Serfs Meeting / Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers / BSDTW will be nice-to-have.

Language: English (Recommended) / Mandarin / OthersDuration: 30 or 45 minutes

BSDTWCat System Workshop 攜手與你相約在 COSCUP!一提到開源作業系統,許多人第一個想到的就是 Linux,但 Linux 並不是唯一開源的 UNIX 作業系統;BSD 亦是知名且被廣泛使用之 UNIX 衍生。BSDTW 是推廣與分享 BSD 所擁有之長處與知識的社群。而 Cat System Workshop 則是一個專注於與作業系統相關之編譯器、效能和最佳化等議題的社群。兩者因為對作業系統的愛而攜手共進。

徵稿加分條件:願意另外到 Cat System, 新竹碼農, Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers, BSDTW 分享的朋友!

語言:英文(推薦)/ 中文 / 其他 長度: 30 或 45 分鐘

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Everything in Rust

Hi, this is Rust Taiwan.

Rust Taiwan is looking for Rust topics or topics that would interest Rustaceans. The Rust community embraces wide diversity, so talks about any interesting developments of programming in the world are welcome. Topics covering the social aspects of programming are also met with interest. Technical aspects of Rust or specific Rust community topics are preferred, though.

The followings could be considered as the topic:

  • crates or frameworks
  • Tutorials
  • Community
  • Experiences from production use
  • Best practices
  • Systems programming
  • Web Assembly
  • Game Development
  • Taking Rust to new places (embedded devices, FFI)
  • Compilers

Rust Taiwan 正在尋找有關 Rust 的相關議題,或是會激起 Rust 開發者興趣的主題。Rust 社群樂見多樣性,所以各種有趣的程式開發議題都非常歡迎,主題甚至包含程式開發中的社會面向。不過有關 Rust 和 Rust 社群的主題可能會更適合。


  • 函式庫或框架
  • 教學
  • 社群
  • 產品使用面向
  • 開發的最佳實現
  • 系統程式設計
  • Web Assembly
  • 遊戲開發
  • Rust 的前景(例如應用到嵌入式系統)
  • 編譯器

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FLOSS! not only Linux and hackers!!

我們為自由及開放原始碼軟體組合議程,歡迎分享作業系統、應用程式及系統架構等相關技術研究;同時也歡迎分享個人有趣、新奇或有用的 FLOSS 工作流,讓 FLOSS 解決生活的各種大小事。

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g0v 黑客松的開源協作模式 / Making Hackathon in Open Source Way

Hello everyone, g0v community also joins the community program of COSCUP this year. For the topic of this year, we'd like to invite individuals sharing their experience in this session. Topic could be related to Open Government, New Media, Public Service, Open Data, Participate Society, and Infrastructural Building. Submit your talk now.

哈囉,g0v 今年也參加了COSCUP 的社群議程,今年 g0v 社群議程原則上包含下列主題—「開放政府」、「新媒體」、「公共服務」、「開放資料」、「社會參與」和「基礎建設」這幾個大方向。歡迎各位投稿分享你今年的專案吧!

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Julia language

Julia Taiwan的議程軌歡迎各式與Julia相關議題的投稿,主題舉繁語言特性、機器學習與AI、網頁、IoT、DSL、科學計算、GPU、分散式運算等等,不僅限於以上內容。抑或是個人專案展示、套件發表、使用經驗談、語言與社群生態、小技巧、新想法的實作等等,甚至是閃電秀的形式也可以喔!大家一起來認識這個語言的同好者吧!我們在COSCUP等你!

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Open Source Chatbot Development

Chatbot.tw 將於 COSCUP 初登場!讓我們一起公開分享、透明不藏私。Chatbot.tw 社群鼓勵大家結合誇領域的專業知識,打造出不同型態聊天機器人,歡迎各界投稿與 Chatbot 開發相關的議題,主題可以是:機器學習、AI、IoT、等整合應用,Line, Messenger, Slack…等聊天平台都行。你可用各種方式向大家分享,例如:個人專案展示、套件發表、使用經驗談、社群生態、小技巧、新想法的實作等等,甚至是閃電秀的形式也可以喔!

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Open Web Technologies

"Open Web Technologies" track is about technologies used on the Web. Topics include:

  • Front-end Frameworks, e.g. Angular, React, Vue, … etc
  • Back-end Frameworks, e.g. GraphQL, gRPC, REST,
  • JavaScript-related open web technologies
  • HTML/CSS related topics
  • Browser implementation details, devtools, new features
  • Web Standards/Web Platform
  • Development/Contribution experience on related topics is also very welcomed

If your proposal is focused on implementation details in specific programming languages other than JavaScript (or variants like TypeScript), you should choose other tracks instead.

「Open Web Technologies」議程軌的主題是各種和 Web 相關的開源/開放技術,包括了:

  • 前端框架,例如 Angular、React、Vue
  • 後端框架,例如 GraphQL、gRPC、REST
  • JavaScript 相關主題
  • HTML/CSS 相關主題
  • 瀏覽器的實做細節、新功能
  • 網路標準/Web Platform 的發展
  • 相關主題的開發或貢獻經驗

如果你的分享主體是聚焦在非 JavaScript(或是其變形如 TypeScript) 特定程式語言,你應該考慮其它議程軌。

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OpenStreetMap x Wikidata

OpenStreetMap and Wikidat project are two global open content projects. OpenStreetMap deals with geodata and Wikidata is a knowledge database. OpenStreetMap is an alternative option for web map, the map data is open source compare to commercial maps like Google Maps. Wikidata, the new project is claimed to be database of database, except latitude or longitude, it could also store OpenStreetMap relation ID.

COSCUP is the biggest Open Source conference in Taiwan, hold every year in the summer time. We want to gather Wikidata, OpenStreetMap or GIS experts to share their knowledge and stories, making the correspond community more activities.

OSM x Wikidata community track want talks about open source geo data processing, or Wikidata related topic

  • OpenStreetmap, or other community-based geo data project
  • Open Source GIS, like introduction to QGIS, teaching workshop or data visualization
  • Wikidata or Wikimedia related projects, like Wikipedia or Wikivoyager

Form: half or an hour lecture, one hour workshop or panel discuss, or another form with the approved by the organized team that is suitable.

OpenStreetMap 與 Wikipedia 是國際上具規模的開放資料專案,前者是地理圖資,後者為知識資料庫。OpenStreetMap 是除了 Google 地圖等商業地圖之外,另一個地圖專案,採開放授權處理圖資資料,因而能夠與其他開源計畫結合。而身為維基媒體基金會中最年輕計畫的 Wikidata 號稱是資料庫的資料庫,除了經緯度資訊,還能儲存 OpenStreetMap 關聯 ID。

趁著每年台灣最大的開源大會 COSCUP,爭取更多開放資料計畫的曝光,廣邀各路 Wikidata、OpenStreetMap 以及 GIS 好手分享他們做的事情,增加台灣社群的活躍度。

OSM x Wikidata 徵求與開源地理資訊,或是 Wikidata 的議題:

  • OpenStreetMap 開放街圖,或是群眾參與的地理繪製計畫相關議題
  • 開源的GIS軟體,如 QGIS 介紹、教學操作、資料視覺化
  • Wikidata 的介紹、新興專案可能與相關應用,以及維基媒體相關的議題,如維基百科、維基導遊等


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openSUSE Taiwan will invite talks relevant to openSUSE and additionally topics like FLOSS security, LibreOffice and Linux desktop since openSUSE is a collection of various FLOSS products. The examples of the topics (not limited to) are as the following: Open Build Service, OpenQAYaSTLinux kernel, File system, …Virtualization and containerEmbedded and IoTSecurity (Access/Integrity control, Cryptography, Vulnerability management)Desktop environments and applicationsLibreOfficeGraphics and multimediaMultilingualization support (e.g., Input methods, translation)Other software running on openSUSE Please note that non-technical talks are also welcome. For example:Explanations of FLOSS technologiesSystem operationsDevelopment, Quality Assurance, TranslationTips & Tricks, Experience stories (success or fail), Best practiceMarketing and community managementEducation

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This track, "PostgreSQL Taiwan User Group", would like to accept talks related to following topics

  • Migrations from other databases to PostgreSQL
  • Performance and feature implementation
  • Replication, clustering, HA, sharding
  • Studies, surveys on PostgreSQL ecosystem
  • Asian PostgreSQL community & user groups
  • Data warehousing
  • Research and teaching with PostgreSQL
  • Case studies

NOTE: Accepted speakers will receive a small gift from the community.


  • 其他資料庫系統遷移至 PostgreSQL 的實際案例
  • PostgreSQL 相關的效能調教或功能開發
  • 各種多資料庫的整合運作方式 (Replication, clustering, HA, sharding)
  • 有關於 PostgreSQL 生態系的研究整理或商業模式
  • 亞洲 PostgreSQL 社群運作分享
  • PostgreSQL 在資料倉儲與資料分析的運用
  • PostgreSQL 教學推廣與基礎研究的分享
  • 各種 PostgreSQL 實際的案例分享

NOTE: 凡受理者將會獲得本社群贊助的小禮物唷!!!

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This is the Ruby Taiwan community track in COSCUP 2019, any session/workshop topics about Ruby or Ruby on Rails is welcome. Guidelines: Your topic should be related to the Ruby programming language.We also accept workshop session.Your talk can be given in either English or Mandarin.We recommend you to submit your proposal earlyWe require all selected talks to comply wholly with COSCUP 2019's COC.

歡迎來到 COSCUP 2019 的 Ruby 議程軌,這邊歡迎任何和 Ruby 或 Ruby on Rails 的主題,並且也接受工作坊類型的議程。

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SDN x Cloud Native x Golang

Our track is propsed by CNTUG, Golang.TW, and SDNDS.TW. This track would like to accept talks related to following topics:

  • SDN Technologies (e.g. CORD, Openflow, P4)
  • CNCF projects (e.g. Kubernetes, gRPC)
  • OpenStack/Ceph/Virtualization
  • Golang, Cloud Native, SDN, NFV project devlopment experience
  • DevOps tools related to Cloud Native projects

In order to provide more in-depth experience to audience, talks meeting following condition will more likely being accepted:

  • In-depth technical details, development and integration
  • Experience in contributing open source projects

NOTE: Accepted speakers will receive a small gift from the hosting community of this track.

「CNTUG x Golang.TW x SDNDS.TW 聯軍」是由 CNTUGGolang.TWSDNDS.TW 共同提出,因此本議程軌希望接受以下方向的投稿議題:

  • SDN、NFV 相關技術(如 CORD)。
  • Cloud Native 與 CNCF 維護專案相關技術(如 Kubernetes、gRPC 等等)。
  • OpenStack/Ceph/Virtualization(近期版本 OpenStack 與虛擬化技術的開發、使用等經驗)。
  • Go 語言開發經驗,或與 Cloud Native、SDN、NFV 專案相關的開發經驗。
  • 與 Cloud Native 專案相關的 DevOps tools 技術分享或開發經驗。


  • 深入技術探討、開發與整合。
  • 開源專案貢獻經驗的分享與交流。

NOTE: 凡受理者將會獲得本議程軌社群贊助的小禮物唷!!!

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開源隱私 / Open Source Privacy


We are looking for proposals sharing open source tools to enhance privacy and their usage skills. We also welcome any proposal on the intersection of open source and privacy.

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Based on DB-Engines ranking, MySQL is the most popular open source database in the world. After years of development and extensive usage, a huge and active MySQL ecosystem is emerged; it includes mainstream MySQL DBMS developers, MySQL fork developers, independent technical consultants, MySQL-based application system developers, and database system administrators. There must be many MySQL experts from all industries.

If you have profound knowledge or experience with MySQL, or if you developed advanced applications on top of MySQL, and even if you are using some interesting ways to operate MySQL databases, please do not hesitate to share them at COSCUP “MySQL Open Source Database Track”. We are looking forward to hear topics that related to the following aspects:

  • Achievement from developing MySQL new features or releases: Your finding when doing study/research on MySQL (including source code, performance characteristics, performance benchmark, security and vulnerabilities, etc.)
  • Management of MySQL (including backup, reply, provisioning, upgrade, repair, patch, etc.)
  • MySQL architecture design (including security control, high availability, high performance, high capacity, etc.)
  • MySQL performance tuning
  • MySQL best practices for configuring、operating、 or design MySQL database system
  • MySQL use case (both success and failed, or lessons learned from them) : Trend of MySQL and database industry

However, it is not limited to the above topics; any aspects that related to MySQL are welcome. We plan to organize a 30 minutes discussion panel at the end of each half-day sessions, let the speakers have the opportunity to do two ways communication with participants.


  • 開發MySQL資料庫及和它相關軟體的成果
  • 研究MySQL(包括對源代碼、性能特性、性能標竿、安全漏洞等)的心得
  • 管理MySQL(包括備份、回復、開通、升版、修復、上補丁等)的心得
  • MySQL架構設計(包括安全控制、高可用、高性能、及高容量等)的成果
  • 改良MySQL的系統的成果
  • MySQL性能調優
  • MySQL最佳實踐
  • MySQL案例(成功、失敗及由其中學到的教訓)
  • 對MySQL的發展和應用方向,和業界趨勢的分析


另外,我們計劃在每半天的演講結束前安排30分鐘的討論會(Discussion Pannel),讓願意參加的講者們能和會眾們有機會做深度的互動和交流。

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開源計畫需要更多人參與才好玩,開源硬體計畫也是一樣!如果你有完成的或是正在進行中的開源硬體計畫,非常歡迎您的投稿,在這一年一度的開源人盛會 COSCUP 發表,讓更多人知道您的開源硬體計畫,讓更多志同道合的人在此進行更多可能性的交流。只要您的有趣計畫符合開源硬體的定義,不要猶豫了,快來投稿參加吧!

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帶您讀源碼 / Let's read the source code


COSCUP is the most known event of F/OSS in Taiwan. But do you feel that the “source code” is lesser shown and discussed than other topics?

Do you want to share interesting things about the code from your own or contributed F/OSS projects?

Do you want to share amazing experiences about analyzing, tracing the source code?

Do you want to share the code iteration, refactoring experience of your own or contributed F/OSS projects and attract people to start doing F/OSS contribution?

Welcome to submit your proposal to ""Let's read the source code"" track to share the following topics:

  • Discussion about workflow, architecture, code iteration, principle or algorithm from the aspect of source code in F/OSS projects
  • Experience about tracing or analyzing source code of F/OSS projects
  • Introduction of source code tracing tools (would be great if they are F/OSS)


您是否覺得在 COSCUP 這個臺灣的 F/OSS 年度盛會當中,主角之一 “source code” 反而佔不到什麼版面?大家都在談 Open Source,但是好像沒什麼人在意那個 “Source”?



您希望藉由分享自己參與的開源專案程式碼迭代歷程,吸引更多不知如何入門的潛在貢獻者加入 F/OSS 的行列?


  • 開放原始碼專案在「原始碼」層面的「流程運作」、「架構組成」、「迭代歷程」、「運作原理」、「關鍵程式碼」、「關鍵演算法」探討
  • 開放原始碼專案原始碼追蹤分析「心得經驗」分享
  • 開放原始碼專案原始碼追蹤分析「相關輔助工具」(←採用開源授權者為佳)的介紹

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Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers(TLKH) & 新竹碼農(Coding Serfs) 社群,2019再次參與COSCUP,今年一樣秉持著推廣與普及系統技術的理念下提供一個交流與分享的議程軌。建議主題如下 :

  • Linux kernel
  • Deep learning
  • Toolchain/Compiler
  • Virtual machine
  • Programming language
  • System Performance
  • Research topics of software system

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Others... / 其他

If your Open-related topic doesn't fit the tracks above, you are still welcome to submit your proposal to Others track. (Note: We may transfer your proposal to proper tracks.)

COSCUP 當然也歡迎各種不在上述個主題範疇內、但與開放源碼相關的議題演講,請在投稿時勾選要投到「其他」即可。(註:我們檢視議題後仍可能轉交較為相關的議程軌)

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COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...

COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...