(Photo from sunline, CC:BY-NC-ND)
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What is this?
Are you as excited as us for the tracks in COSCUP 2020? Now it's time to show your support!
The more votes your favorite track gets, it will have the chance to get a bigger room and more audience can join you.
Here, we list all the tracks that host by the FLOSS communities, you can cast your votes before 2020/05/08 23:59 (UTC+8) for the track(s) you are going to participate in COSCUP 2020. You can choose at most 3 tracks.
Three more things
- Don't forget, you can also submit your talk proposals to these tracks!
- COSCUP 2020 Call for sponsorship is on the way, please contact: sponsorship@coscup.org
- For the latest updates of COSCUP 2020, follow our Twitter or Facebook page!
看到了今年的議程軌,你是否跟我們一樣期待呢(如果你還沒看到,現在讓你看看)?在歡欣鼓舞的同時,第三屆 COSCUP 議程軌會前人氣投票新章突入!
我們在投票表單上列出了 COSCUP 2020 向各社群徵集來的議程軌,請在 2020/05/08 23:59 (UTC+8) 前選出你最期待的議程。當然,如果你的關心社群不只一個也不用煩惱,最多可以選三個!
- 目前各社群都還在進行徵稿,如果你有好點子,歡迎立刻貢獻!
- COSCUP 是全台最大的 Open Source Conference,與會者來自業界的 Coder、Users、Promoters,是公司徵才、企業產品宣傳、提升形象的最佳選擇,贊助請聯繫:sponsorship@coscup.org