
COSCUP x RubyConf Taiwan 2021 CfP is now open, submit your proposal before May 10th, 2021.

We have pleasure to work with RubyConf Taiwan to have a joint conference this year. We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 10th, 2021. After the review process from the coordinators, we will publish the full programme in early June.

今年 COSCUP 我們很榮幸與 RubyConf Taiwan 合作舉辦聯合研討會,並且如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 5 月 10 日前投稿,或可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。

Submit your proposal

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: May 10th, 2021 (截稿時間)
  • Full programme published: Early June (預定公佈時間)
  • COSCUP 2021: July 31st - Aug 1 (with welcome party at July 30st night), at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


RubyConf Taiwan 2021

Host: Ruby Taiwan

  • Your topic should be related to the Ruby programming language.
  • Your talk slot will be 40 minutes, includes Q&A time.
  • Your talk can be given in either English or Mandarin.
  • We recommend you to submit your proposal early. The earlier you submit, the better chance for your CFP to be reviewed and get feedback from the reviewers online.
  • Virtual talk is accepted for resident outside Taiwan

Chrome OS for Developer

Host: KaLUG

Chrome OS 非常適合當 Linux 軟體使用者的日常開發工具。

Chromebook 不僅是教育、文書、上網專用機,對 Linux 使用者來說它是一台非常好用的程式開發工具。

CLOUD NATIVE on Open Source Canal / 開源運河上的雲原生號

Host: Cloud Native Taiwan User Group


Please refer this image. If you have used, contributed to these projects/tools, or have experience in developing or operating private / public cloud, welcome to submit your proposal.

隨著各種雲的興起,雲原生的概念逐漸在臺灣萌生,我們竭誠歡迎有貢獻或使用過雲原生專案、管理維護過自己開發 or 共同開發維運雲服務經驗者踴躍投稿喔!


Let’s Read the Source Code / 帶您讀源碼

Host: 帶您讀源碼製作委員會, COSCUP

COSCUP is the most known event of F/OSS in Taiwan. But do you feel that the “source code” is lesser shown and discussed than other topics?

Do you want to share interesting things about the code from your own or contributed F/OSS projects?

Do you want to share amazing experiences about analyzing, tracing the source code?

Do you want to share the code iteration, refactoring experience of your own or contributed F/OSS projects and attract people to start doing F/OSS contribution?

Welcome to submit your proposal to ““Let’s read the source code”” track to share the following topics:

  • Discussion about workflow, architecture, code iteration, principle or algorithm from the aspect of source code in F/OSS projects
  • Experience about tracing or analyzing source code of F/OSS projects
  • Introduction of source code tracing tools (would be great if they are F/OSS)

您是否覺得在 COSCUP 這個 FLOSS年度盛會當中,主角之一「source code」反而佔不到什麼版面?大家都在談 Open Source,但是好像沒什麼人在意那個「Source」?


這兩年帶您讀源碼都是 COSCUP 非常熱門的議程軌,也是實在體現開源精神的一軌:講者也許分析、追蹤原始碼,並且分享其中寫得特別精湛的部分;也許是自己的開源專案,來描述其中特定一個段落覺得有趣、值得大書特書的地方;也許是講者參與的專案過去的改版中有個天大的錯誤,想聊聊當時這樣規劃撰寫的問題,以及自己打算改善的地方… 無論如何,這是個真真正正要看到 source code 的議程軌,其中適合的議題可能是:

  • 開放原始碼專案在「原始碼」層面的「流程運作」、「架構組成」、「迭代歷程」、「運作原理」、「關鍵程式碼」、「關鍵演算法」探討
  • 開放原始碼專案原始碼追蹤分析「心得經驗」分享
  • 開放原始碼專案原始碼追蹤分析「相關輔助工具」(←採用開源授權者為佳)的介紹


Enter the FLOSS World / 開源新手村

Host: Open Culture Foundation 開放文化基金會, COSCUP

每年 COSCUP 除了已經在這個領域徜徉多時的老手之外,也同時有許多好奇、來走走看看的人,或者剛剛踏入這個領域的新手參加。我們希望能特別開設一個議程軌給這些新血,讓 COSCUP 成為他們參與開源的第一站。

這個議程軌的內容著重於用深入淺出的方式,讓新手(甚至毫無資訊底子)能夠入門了解 FLOSS 運動與精神,來訪的聽眾也許是資訊科系的大一學生、陪著 RD 老婆來參加但對電腦不太熟練的老公、已經參與社群一陣子但從來沒有認真了解過 Open Source 內涵的夥伴、某位講者帶來把電腦純粹視為遊戲機的 14 歲兒子等等。


  • 介紹 FLOSS 基礎觀念 (自由軟體緣起、四大自由與開源定義… etc.)
  • 介紹 Public License 基礎觀念(當代著作權與自由軟體的關係、開源授權的要素、不同公眾授權的差異概要… etc.)
  • 白話解説特定資訊議題或開源相關抽象概念(例:以剪貼解說 Remix 概念)
  • 開源紀錄片欣賞


Open Source Chatbot

Host: Chatbot Developers Taiwan

聊天機器人 Open Source 專案分享

講題需至少包含以下 1 項:

  • 通訊軟體或平台相關技術 (e.g. Facebook Messenger API 技巧)
  • 特定主題 Chatbot 開發經驗
  • 特定程式語言開發經驗
  • 使用 Framework / Builder 開發經驗
  • ChatOps
  • 應用語意分析、機器學習、人工智慧於 Chatbot 開發
  • 相關產業技術 (e.g. Framework、Builder、Analytics、Marketing)
  • 其他 Conversational 應用

🗓 活動資訊連結

  • 2019
  • 2020

開放內容聯合軌 - OpenStreetMap 與 Wikidata

Host: OpenStreetMap Taiwan 開放街圖臺灣社群 、 Wikidata Taiwan 臺灣維基數據社群

OpenStreetMap 與 Wikidata 皆為是國際上具規模的開放資料專案,前者是地理圖資,後者為知識資料庫。OpenStreetMap 是除了 Google 地圖等商業地圖之外,另一個地圖專案,採開放授權處理圖資資料,因而能夠與其他開源計畫結合。而身為維基媒體基金會中最年輕計畫的 Wikidata 號稱是資料庫的資料庫,除了經緯度資訊,還能儲存 OpenStreetMap 關聯 ID。

趁著每年台灣最大的開源大會 COSCUP,爭取更多開放資料計畫的曝光,廣邀各路 Wikidata、OpenStreetMap 以及 GIS 好手分享他們做的事情,增加台灣社群的活躍度。

OSM x Wikidata 徵求與開源地理資訊,或是 Wikidata 的議題:

  • OpenStreetMap 開放街圖,或是群眾參與的地理繪製計畫相關議題
  • 開源的GIS軟體,如 QGIS 介紹、教學操作、資料視覺化
  • Wikidata 的介紹、各式專案應用與學術研討
  • 維基媒體相關的議題與專案,如維基百科、維基導遊等(但以與 Wikidata 相關從優錄取)


Tsú-pān: OpenStreetMap Taiwan siā-kûn 佮 Wikidata Taiwan siā-kûn.

OpenStreetMap 佮 Wikidata 攏是國際上 ū kui-bôo ê khui-hòng tsu-liāu tsuan-àn, tsîng-tsiá sī 地理圖資, hiō-tsiá sī tì-sik tsu-liāu-khòo. OpenStreetMap sī Google tíng siong-gia̍p tē-tôo í-guā ê līng-tsi̍t-tsióng tē-tôo tsuan-àn, in-uī khai-hòng siū-khuân, sóo-í ē-sái 佮 kî-thann 開源計畫 kiat-ha̍p. Sin-uî Uî-ki-muî-thé ki-kim-huē tiong-kan siōng siàu-liân ê kè-uē Wikidata kiò-tsò sī tsu-liāu-khòo ē tsu-liāu-khòo, tî-liáu 經緯度資訊, iáu–ē-sái thú-tsûn OpenStreetMap kuan-liân ID.

Thàn muí-nî Tâi-uân siāng-tuā ê 開源 nî-huē COSCUP, tsing-tshú 閣較濟開放資料 kè-uē pho̍k-kng ê ki-huē, iau-tshiánn ngóo-lōo Wikidata、OpenStreetMap 佮 GIS lāu-tshiú hun-hióng in tsò ê tāi-tsì, tsing-ka Tâi-uân siā-kûn ê ua̍h-hiánn-tōo.

OSM x Wikidata ting-kiû 開源 tē-lí tsu-sìn, 抑是 Wikidata siong-kuan ê gī-tê:

  • OpenStreetMap khui-hòng-tē-tôo, ia̍h-sī tsìng-lâng tsham-ú ê tē-lí huē-tsè kè-uē siong-kuan gī-tê.
  • 開源 ê GIS nńg-thé, 親像 QGIS 紹介、教學操作、資料視覺化.
  • Wikidata ê 紹介, kok-tsióng tsuan-àn ìng-iōng 佮 ha̍k-su̍t gián-thó.
  • Uî-ki-muî-thé siong-kuan gī-tê 佮 tsuan-àn,親像 Uî-ki-pah-kho, Uî-ki-tō-iû tíng-tíng.(tān-sī 佮 Wikidata siong-kuan ê iu-sian lo̍k-tshú)


Host: PostgreSQL Taiwan

你懂資料庫,資料庫就會幫你 — All about PostgreSQL

Bringing Open Source Software to Hardware

Host: Open HW/Chip lovers

We hereby present you, the way we can build ICs, PCB boards and all the “hard” stuffs with completely/partly open source software. The boundary of HW/SW is no longer an issue.
Let’s set hardware FLOSS altogether.

System Software

Host: Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers, Coding Serfs 新竹碼農

System software is the substrate for software environment. From fundamental libraries like standard C runtime, message queue library to operating systems and toolchains for various development target, e.g. compiler, EDA flow… etc

Without these components, we won’t be able to handle the colossal development needs nowadays.

In this track, we will unveil the mystery of system software to you.

我們是由 Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers (TWLKH) & 新竹碼農(Coding Serfs) 兩個社群合辦今年的 COSCUP 社群議程,目標是推廣與普及系統軟體相關開源技術並提供一個交流與分享的議程軌。

建議主題如下 :

  • Linux kernel
  • Deep learning
  • Toolchain/Compiler
  • Virtual machine
  • Programming language
  • System Performance
  • Research topics of software system


Host: 鍵人谷 (QMK Keyboarder)


From Beginner to Gopher

Host: Golang Taiwan

Go 具備簡潔且現代化的特性,使其成為眾多開發者想學習的程式語言之一。本次 Go 議程軌熱烈徵求入門和資深的 gopher 分享與 Go 語言相關的學習歷程或實戰經驗,例如:

  • 深入研究 Go 語言特性
  • 分享使用 Go 開發的 open source projects 或是 plugins
  • 學習 Go 所遭遇的問題及解決經驗
  • 從其他語言轉換到 Go 的經驗分享
  • 使用 Go 開發大型專案的心得和坑

可能重要的 MySQL 三兩事 Aspects of MySQL

Host: 台灣 MySQL 使用者社群

This track shares the latest development of MySQL, and we also welcome people to share their experience and insight about MySQL in this track



Host: 社團法人台灣維基媒體協會 Wikimedia Taiwan



JVM 狂歡嘉年華

Host: JVM 台灣代表隊(Taiwan Kotlin User GroupKotlin TaipeiClojure Taiwan

JVM(Java Virtual Machine)做為一個平台,已經演化成一個完整的生態系。其穩定與跨平台的特性已被各大企業驗證,也蘊育出 Java、Kotlin、Scala、Clojure、Groovy 等語言,可謂百家爭鳴、大放異彩。

近年來 Kotlin 漸受重視、GraalVM 帶來更多可能。今年 COSCUP 依照往例,由台灣 JVM 相關社群再次組成聯盟,號召各方好手,匯集了與 JVM 應用有關的主題,包括但不限於前後端、桌面或行動應用、原生與跨平台…等,一起探索 JVM 的無限潛能。

藝術與社群話形式: 如何透過藝術參與線上連結進行擾動與傳承

Host: 新樂園藝術空間 slyartspace


Blockchain and Distributed Ledger

Host: Taipei Ethereum Meetup 台北以太坊社群

Blockchain enpowers a decentralized and trustless world. It is a combination of several fields such as cryptography, consensus algorithm and economic models. Since Satoshi Nakamoto published Bitcoin on 2008, there were countless technology rised and developed. Among those, the advanced technology such as Ethereum Smart Contract, Proof of Stake, Zero-knowledge Proof, and sharding are getting more mature. We would like to sincerely invite submissions from academia, industry and any individual who are intereted in this area. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Sharding
  • Performance, Scalability Issues
  • Security and Privacy Issues
  • Zero Knowledge Proof
  • Consensus Algorithms
  • Blockchain-based Applications
  • Decentralized App Development
  • Smart Contracts
  • Regulations and Policies in Cryptocurrency
  • Token Economy
  • Decentralized Internet Infrastructure

Google Technology x Public Welfare x Open Source / Google 技術 x 公共參與 x 開源

Host: GDG (Google Developer Group)

GDG (Google Developer Group) is a major developer community based on researching Google related technologies.

This event have GDGs, GDEs and DSCs form TW/HK to participate in. The topics include:

  • Android/Java/Kotlin
  • Google Cloud
  • Flutter
  • Google Assistant (AOG)
  • TensorFlow
  • WTM

GDG(Google Developer Group)基於研究Google相關技術主要的開發者社群

這次活動集合各地的GDGs GDEs DSCs 共同來參與,議題包括:

  • Android/Java/Kotlin
  • Google Cloud
  • Flutter
  • Google Assistant (AOG)
  • TensorFlow
  • WTM

Open Source 桌面應用/套件管理大亂鬥

Host: KaLUG

關於桌面操作無論是機頂盒、手機、PC、kisok。或是套件管理如各種 OS 程式語言或是工具自帶的管理工具。都歡迎在這個議程討論。

Open Source Education


The Open Source Education track would like to call out to speakers that care about open source education regardless from K-12, colleges, private educational institutions, communal groups, or research units. We sincerely invite you to come to this community event to share the experience and achievements in related fields sharing content that covers but not limited to the following topics:

  • Lead students to participate in the FLOSS project concept/method design / process / experience sharing
  • Lead students to produce ideas/methods / processes / experience sharing of works authorized by the public
  • To teach courses / method design / process / experience sharing on FLOSS concepts
  • How to conduct research and teaching through open source hardware and software, and share it with the community
  • How to help teaching and research development through open source data sets
  • How to implement the spirit of the open source community in education

今年 Open Source Education 議程軌,無論您關心的領域屬於 K-12、大專院校、私人教育機構、共學團體或研究單位,我們誠摯邀請您來此社群盛會分享相關領域的經驗與成果,主要分享內容可涵蓋但不限於以下主題:

  • 帶領學生參與 FLOSS 專案的理念/方法設計/過程/心得分享
  • 帶領學生產出以公眾授權作品的理念/方法設計/過程/心得分享
  • 傳授關於 FLOSS 概念的課程/方法設計/過程/心得分享
  • 如何透過開源軟硬體進行研究與教學,並分享至社群
  • 如何透過開源資料集協助教學與研究發展
  • 如何將開源社群的精神落實於教育

Open Source Design

Host: Open Source Medical Supplies Taiwan, COSCUP

在程式的世界裡,我們有成熟的方式定義「開源」,但其他領域則不見得。一樣投注了大量創意在其中的「設計」領域,因為與軟體業仍高度相關,因此世界各地也不斷有各種嘗試、要將「自由/開源」的哲學、風氣與方法帶進設計界。現代的設計大多由電腦輔助,「Open Source Design」這方面應該無可避免要牽涉自由/開源軟體或相關概念在其中,包括以下任一:

  • 使用開源軟體作為設計工具
  • 採用他人以自由/開源授權條款發表的素材
  • 檔案使用開放檔案格式儲存散佈,其定義為至少有一個自由/開源軟體可正確開啟、非由單一廠商私自訂立的格式
  • 設計成品以開放/自由的授權條款發表,授權大眾使用

因此,您可以想像:可能契合的議題也許包括「某開源軟體的設計流程分享(流程、人機互動設計)」、「應用某開源軟體到某處所發生的行為改變(行為設計)」、「帶入開源觀念的設計活動(例如特別鼓勵以創用 CC 示出作品的活動)」。

這是一個還不算太多人踏足的領域,我們也邀請您與 COSCUP 一同探索其中的可能性。

農業資料,這樣開放才會讚!It’s better, when it’s open!

Host: 農業開放資料社群COODFA( Community of Open Data for Agriculture)


OpenSource Conference People Network (OSPN) in Japan

Host: OSPN

Japanese OpenSource trends to share with COSCUP folks

Misc. - Other Free Libre Open Source Topics / 其他開源議題

As always, you can submit FLOSS-related proposals even if your topic doesn’t fit in the tracks above.



COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...

COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...