COSCUP x RubyConfTW 2021 將於 07/31~08/01 線上舉辦!
籌備團隊針對 COVID-19 疫情之因應,依據指揮中心之警戒標準,決議今年將以 YouTube 直播加上 Live Q&A 的方式進行。
仍舊希望能讓大家參與我們的會期活動 (會前派對、聽議程、大拜拜、逛攤位),為此我們計畫使用 Gather Town 的服務,打造可以開心聊天交流、安心線上參與的遠距虛擬會議環境!
In response to the COVID-19 level 3 warning from CECC Taiwan, COSCUP x RubyConfTW 2021 will change to a virtual event this year, from Jul 31 to Aug 1.
We will use YouTube’s service: lectures will be uploaded, and the Q&A interaction part will be live streaming.
For the pre-conf party and other exhibition interactions, we plan to use Gather Town to bring the best experience to our participants. Stay home, and enjoy the online version COSCUP x RubyConfTW 2021!