
第伍拾次來電五十黑客松 x COSCUP Open Source Contributor Workshop 5/16 開始報名

大家知道在 COSCUP 不只聽議程交朋友,也可以實際寫 code/doc 對開源專案做出貢獻嗎?歡迎參加會前 Special event: 開源貢獻者工作坊!

本次 workshop 與 g0v 揪松網、OSCVPass 合作募集數十個開源專案及邀請其領導者及維護者。參加者可以在專案 leader 的協助及帶領下入門參與開源專案並實際進行貢獻。(詳細專案列表將於近日更新)



👉參與開源專案做出專案的同時證明自己,提升自身在專業領域的 reputation。展示您的專案可與技術同好分享您的成果,更勝過任何履歷。

👉成為開源專案貢獻者,更有機會當天申請 OSCVPass(開源貢獻者快速通關)

👉取得 OSCVPass 資格好處:取得開源專案貢獻者資格,可在國內各大開放技術活動, e.g., COSCUP、SITCON、PyCon 取得購票等各種優惠! OSCVPass 詳細說明:https://ocf.tw/p/oscvpass/

💻 詳細活動辦法: https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath50n

🗓️ 報名時間:2022 年 5 月 16 日中午 12:00 (UTF+8)開放報名,名額有限額滿截止!

🔗 報名連結:https://g0v-jothon.kktix.cc/events/g0v-hackath50n

🛎️ 注意事項:不克出席,請記得到 KKTIX 取消票券,將機會讓給其他人。本次活動將遵守政府防疫規定實體舉辦,若您於自主隔離期間,或身體不適,請在家休息。因應疫情嚴峻,參與本次實體活動需出示三劑疫苗証明 or 24h 內快篩(快篩試劑上寫日期&拍照,入場報到時提供)。

📅 活動時間:2022 年 6 月 18 日(週六)早上9 : 00(UTF+8)開始報到, 早上9 : 30(UTF+8)活動開始

📍活動地點:臺北市松江南京站 4 號出口「升級商務會議中心」

🍽️ 飲食:本次活動會提供早上小點、午餐、下午小點,請記得自帶餐具。



COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...

COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...