籌辦團隊以籌辦社群喜宴的心情,在此鄭重喜悅且誠摯的邀請所有在 7/5 報名的好朋友們一起來參加,2010 開源人年會暨 GNOME 亞洲峰會一起合辦的 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 聯合研討會。
歡迎所有的朋友一起參與今年的盛會!我們將在台灣時間 7/13 13:00 重新開始發送「報名確認信」。也煩請重覆報名的夥伴們在收到「報名確認信」後,撥空取消您重覆報名的名額,以利團隊統計參與活動人數及估算餐點飲食點心等。
而來不及報名的夥伴們,今年團隊將與 Pixnet 合作線上轉播,歡迎與我們在線上一起同樂。感謝 Pixnet 的支持,使我們能夠跨過國際、網路,將即時議題分享給全世界。
再次謝謝多位長輩的大力奔走,也多謝各位夥伴們的耐心體諒及對事件處理過程的瑕疵, 所給于的包容與諒解,在此一一感謝。
2010 年 8 月 14 日、15 日,(七月初五、初六,宜祭祀)!就讓我們大夥相約一起參與今年的開源社群大拜拜吧,不見不散!
大會籌備處 敬上
*Record breaking FLOSS community collect event*
Every name on the registration list is a friend of ours, be it direct or indirect. We are delighted such a large amount of people registered on time to support us, how can we let you down after months of waiting? We feel your passion!
We are delighted to invite everyone who registered on July 5th to join us for the COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 Joint Conference.
Everyone is welcome to join us this year! We will send out "register confirmation letter" on July 13 13:00. If you have registered more than once, please cancel the redundant invite so we can know the numbers for the food and beverages.
If you weren’t able to register, fret not we will work together with Pixnet this year to provide an online video broadcast. Thanks to the support from Pixnet, we can share the conference with everyone. You are welcome to enjoy our party online.
Thank you all again for your help and the patience you have demonstrated over the recent months.
We hope to see everyone on August 14 and 15, 2010! The party starts HERE!
The COSCUP 2010 team
籌辦團隊以籌辦社群喜宴的心情,在此鄭重喜悅且誠摯的邀請所有在 7/5 報名的好朋友們一起來參加,2010 開源人年會暨 GNOME 亞洲峰會一起合辦的 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 聯合研討會。
歡迎所有的朋友一起參與今年的盛會!我們將在台灣時間 7/13 13:00 重新開始發送「報名確認信」。也煩請重覆報名的夥伴們在收到「報名確認信」後,撥空取消您重覆報名的名額,以利團隊統計參與活動人數及估算餐點飲食點心等。
而來不及報名的夥伴們,今年團隊將與 Pixnet 合作線上轉播,歡迎與我們在線上一起同樂。感謝 Pixnet 的支持,使我們能夠跨過國際、網路,將即時議題分享給全世界。
再次謝謝多位長輩的大力奔走,也多謝各位夥伴們的耐心體諒及對事件處理過程的瑕疵, 所給于的包容與諒解,在此一一感謝。
2010 年 8 月 14 日、15 日,(七月初五、初六,宜祭祀)!就讓我們大夥相約一起參與今年的開源社群大拜拜吧,不見不散!
大會籌備處 敬上
*Record breaking FLOSS community collect event*
Every name on the registration list is a friend of ours, be it direct or indirect. We are delighted such a large amount of people registered on time to support us, how can we let you down after months of waiting? We feel your passion!
Yes, it's the light, we feel your burning blood running though our veins!
Let's set a new record for a FLOSS community event in Taiwan!
We are delighted to invite everyone who registered on July 5th to join us for the COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 Joint Conference.
Everyone is welcome to join us this year! We will send out "register confirmation letter" on July 13 13:00. If you have registered more than once, please cancel the redundant invite so we can know the numbers for the food and beverages.
If you weren’t able to register, fret not we will work together with Pixnet this year to provide an online video broadcast. Thanks to the support from Pixnet, we can share the conference with everyone. You are welcome to enjoy our party online.
Thank you all again for your help and the patience you have demonstrated over the recent months.
We hope to see everyone on August 14 and 15, 2010! The party starts HERE!
The COSCUP 2010 team