



籌辦團隊以籌辦社群喜宴的心情,在此鄭重喜悅且誠摯的邀請所有在 7/5 報名的好朋友們一起來參加,2010 開源人年會暨 GNOME 亞洲峰會一起合辦的 COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 聯合研討會

歡迎所有的朋友一起參與今年的盛會!我們將在台灣時間 7/13 13:00 重新開始發送「報名確認信」。也煩請重覆報名的夥伴們在收到「報名確認信」後,撥空取消您重覆報名的名額,以利團隊統計參與活動人數及估算餐點飲食點心等。

而來不及報名的夥伴們,今年團隊將與 Pixnet 合作線上轉播,歡迎與我們在線上一起同樂。感謝 Pixnet 的支持,使我們能夠跨過國際、網路,將即時議題分享給全世界。

再次謝謝多位長輩的大力奔走,也多謝各位夥伴們的耐心體諒及對事件處理過程的瑕疵, 所給于的包容與諒解,在此一一感謝。

2010 年 8 月 14 日、15 日,(七月初五、初六,宜祭祀)!就讓我們大夥相約一起參與今年的開源社群大拜拜吧,不見不散!

大會籌備處 敬上

*Record breaking FLOSS community collect event*

Every name on the registration list is a friend of ours, be it direct or indirect. We are delighted such a large amount of people registered on time to support us, how can we let you down after months of waiting? We feel your passion!

Yes, it's the light, we feel your burning blood running though our veins!
Let's set a new record for a FLOSS community event in Taiwan!

We are delighted to invite everyone who registered on July 5th to join us for the COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 Joint Conference.

Everyone is welcome to join us this year! We will send out "register confirmation letter" on July 13 13:00. If you have registered more than once, please cancel the redundant invite so we can know the numbers for the food and beverages.

If you weren’t able to register, fret not we will work together with Pixnet this year to provide an online video broadcast. Thanks to the support from Pixnet, we can share the conference with everyone. You are welcome to enjoy our party online.

Thank you all again for your help and the patience you have demonstrated over the recent months.

We hope to see everyone on August 14 and 15, 2010! The party starts HERE!

The COSCUP 2010 team


COSCUP 2024 財務報告

COSCUP 2024 年度財務收支摘要 COSCUP 2024 Annual Income and Expenditure Summary For the period 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 收入 Revenues 金額 總計 企業贊助收入 NT$1,644,863 個人贊助收入 129,099 義賣收入 141,555 利息收入 6,199 周邊活動收入 59,200 總收入 Total Revenues NT$1,980,916 支出 Expenses 金額 總計 場地費 NT$714,338 義務工作人員費用 592,639 擺攤出訪費用 471,205 行銷費 353,631 餐飲費用 230,079 議程交流費用 229,525 設備與器材費 220,106 周邊活動費用 75,500 倉儲及物流費用 45,510 線上系統費用 41,728 保險費 15,228 雜支 3,017 捐贈開源社群 43,000 金流手續費 6,412 稅費與金流服務費 174,693 總支出 Total Expenses NT$3,216,611 期間淨收支 Net Income 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 -NT$1,235,695 支出科目 歷年結餘 歷年結餘 2006/2008~2018 結餘 NT$5,146,663 2019 結餘 NT$1,128,514 2020 結餘 NT$86,842 2021 結餘 NT$744,271 2022 結餘 NT$1,015,462 2023 結餘 -NT$198,240 2024 結餘 -NT$1,235,695 結餘款總計 NT$6,806,648

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...

COC 通報處理說明公告 - 20240811 通報事件

各位好, COSCUP COC 服務小組於 2024 年 8 月 11 日接獲一件通報,內容涉及在會期干擾議程進行;並於會後持續發送私訊予會中結識的講者;同時,該行為人亦被紀錄於活動當日干擾志工執行勤務。 有關此事件的處理過程,詳如下述: COC 服務小組接到通報後,於 8 月 15 日正式成立專案小組進行討論與檢視相關資料。經查,通報內容與 COC 條款「持續干擾議程或活動的正常進行,無視工作人員或與會者的制止」相符。同一行為人於大會期間,另有兩位會眾通報類似事件,COC 服務小組皆已明確指正其行為並重申 COC 規範和界線。綜合此次會後通報,行為人經提醒仍多次抵觸 COC 條例。 有鑒於上述行徑已明確影響 COSCUP 其他會眾之權益,COC 服務小組將依照 COSCUP COC 之辦法記錄事件處理過程及結果、行為人資料等,於籌備團隊組長群資料夾建立文件,以俾後續籌備團隊審慎思量該名行為人未來的參與形式與程度。 在此,感謝會眾願意信任 COC 和 COSCUP 團隊並且將其所遇到的事件於會後彙整提供予我們。另本次通報中,通報人所提及之部分事項,因非屬 COSCUP 大會參與期間和相關行為,已建議通報人另行循其他正規途徑處理。在此聲明, COSCUP 的 COC 落實並非要拒任何人於門外,而是希冀透過針對行為本身的評估,為無論志工、社群協調人、講者、廠商與所有會眾營造舒適與安全的交流環境。 我們在乎所有人於 COSCUP 大會的各種參與體驗與感受,如果您在大會和籌組期間有相關困擾,籌備團隊志工將會竭力協助釐清,希望一同打造友善的 COSCUP 與會環境。 COSCUP 2024 COC 服務小組