(Photo from sunline, CC:BY-NC-ND)
Welcome to the very first "COSCUP Community Choice" Vote!
Here, we list the communities in the Community Room program (which means they will have their own track in COSCUP 2018,) you can cast your votes before 5/18 23:59 (UTC+8) for the Community Room(s) you are going to participate in COSCUP 2018. You can choose at most 3 Community Rooms.
歡迎來到第一屆社群議程 Community Room 的票選活動!
我們列出了今年參與的各社群議程主題,您可以在 5/18 前選出自己最有興趣在 COSCUP 2018 期間參與的議程軌,每人最多三票!
But Why? 幹嘛這樣?
One of the most asked question from the Community Room coordinators was "Can we have a few tickets for our community members?"
Well... it was planned that we only reserve tickets for the Community Room coordinators, but not their community members this year -- we encourage all the Open Source Contributors to apply for a VIP ticket via the OSC program!
有個社群協調人超級常問的問題:「大會可以保留入場券給我們的社群成員嗎?你知道的票不好搶...」。這個過去常有的制度,今年本來刻意設計成沒有,我們希望所有社群的參與者都試著從「開源貢獻方案」取得 VIP 票券。
But on second thought, why not to have an event to help Community Rooms promote their tracks? So... tada! The first "COSCUP Community Choice" Vote!
- Each of the top 3 Community Rooms will get 5 VIP tickets for their community members.
- Also, we will randomly select 5 voters of each top tracks, send these lucky folks a VIP tickets of COSCUP 2018!
- 最多票數的前三名,會各送五張保留票,讓社群邀請人參加 COSCUP。
- 除此之外,只要你剛巧就是投票給最多票數的那三軌之一,那還有第二重抽獎,也有各 5 名的機會拿到保留票!
Just call your community members to show their support! It will helps your community to participate COSCUP 2018 without the hassles of "get a ticket" click race. :D
Important Dates:
- Vote before: May 18th, 23:59 (UTC+8)
- Result published: May 19th, on blog.coscup.org
Three more things 還有些事
- Don't forget, you can also submit your talk proposals to these tracks!
- 2018 COSCUP Call for sponsorship is on the way, please contact: sponsorship@coscup.org
- Donate us and get cool limited gadgets! Check COSCUP blog / Facebook page on May 20th, we will show you how :D
- 別忘了,COSCUP 演講徵稿也在如火如荼進行中啊!
- COSCUP 是全台最大的 Open Source Conference,與會者來自業界的 Coder、Users、Promoters,是公司徵才、企業產品宣傳、提升形象的最佳選擇,贊助請聯繫:sponsorship@coscup.org
- 個人贊助方案即將在 5/20 公佈,今年又會有什麼有趣的玩意呢?別忘了回來看看!