The OpenChain Project's open source compliance standards aim to make supply chains simpler, faster, safer, and more efficient. OpenChain is all about increasing open source compliance in the supply chain . This issue, which many people initially dismiss as a legal concern or a low priority, is actually tied to making sure that open source is as useful and frictionless as possible. In a nutshell, because open source is about the use of third-party code, compliance is the nexus where equality of access, safety of use, and reduction of risk can be found. OpenChain accomplishes this by building trust between organizations. Many companies today understand open source and act as major supporters of open source development; however, addressing open source license compliance in a systematic, industry-wide manner has proven to be a somewhat elusive challenge. The global IT market has not seen a significant reduction in the number of open source compliance issues in areas suc...
COSCUP 2025 - 08/09 ~ 10(To be confirmed) at NTUST, Taiwan 無論您是開放原始碼的開發者、推廣者、使用者、還是想了解軟體的新手,都歡迎您來參加為開放原始碼開發者、使用者和推廣者舉辦的「開源人年會」