

LPI 證照! 2019 全台灣最棒的價格就在 COSCUP!

考試報名網頁快快由此去: http://bit.ly/30q1Xtc


  1. 考試時間:2019/8/17 13:00 ~ 16:00
  2. 考試地點:台科大 IB304
  3. 考試科目與價格:
科目 原價(USD)/場 COSCUP 專屬心動價/場 測驗時間
Linux Essentials
60 min
LPIC-1 101/102
90 min
LPIC-2 201/202
90 min
LPIC-3 300/303/304
90 min
DevOps Tools Engineer
90 min
  1. 這是全英文筆試測驗,有專人監考。
  2. 需要事先線上報名,並到場參與筆試測驗
  3. 最多可以選兩場
    謎之聲:選兩場的同學,這是 non-stop 的測驗,寫完第一份考卷,就會靜悄悄的送上第二份考卷讓你繼續寫;一鼓作氣兩張證照一次滿足!
  4. 一定要先有 LPI ID, 如果還沒有這裡給你註冊連結
  5. 報名截止日:2019/8/13
  6. 報名考試成功就可以獲得 COSCUP 2019 入場券!
    請到大會服務台亮出你的考試證明,大會馬上發給你一張 2019 入場券。

為什麼你需要 LPI 認證

  • 升學!:mortar_board:
  • 就業!:briefcase:
  • 有考有加分!考上有保佑!
有許多學校將 LPI 證照列為畢業標準之一、有些企業視這些證照如珍寶(因為可以去投標)
COSCUP 2019 與 LPI 合作的特別專案,希望可以幫助大家在職場/學業更上一層樓!


那 8/17 到 COSCUP LPI 攤位拿優惠碼,之後再上網報名考試也可以!.

現場攤位只有 8/17 這一天

現場攤位只有 8/17 這一天

現場攤位只有 8/17 這一天


錯過這天,就再也沒有優惠碼了喔 (echo ~ )

限量是殘酷的,無論是 8/17 考試名額,或是優惠碼都有限額;
再幫你貼一次連結,快手刀前往報名:: http://bit.ly/30q1Xtc



COSCUP 2024 財務報告

COSCUP 2024 年度財務收支摘要 COSCUP 2024 Annual Income and Expenditure Summary For the period 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 收入 Revenues 金額 總計 企業贊助收入 NT$1,644,863 個人贊助收入 129,099 義賣收入 141,555 利息收入 6,199 周邊活動收入 59,200 總收入 Total Revenues NT$1,980,916 支出 Expenses 金額 總計 場地費 NT$714,338 義務工作人員費用 592,639 擺攤出訪費用 471,205 行銷費 353,631 餐飲費用 230,079 議程交流費用 229,525 設備與器材費 220,106 周邊活動費用 75,500 倉儲及物流費用 45,510 線上系統費用 41,728 保險費 15,228 雜支 3,017 捐贈開源社群 43,000 金流手續費 6,412 稅費與金流服務費 174,693 總支出 Total Expenses NT$3,216,611 期間淨收支 Net Income 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 -NT$1,235,695 支出科目 歷年結餘 歷年結餘 2006/2008~2018 結餘 NT$5,146,663 2019 結餘 NT$1,128,514 2020 結餘 NT$86,842 2021 結餘 NT$744,271 2022 結餘 NT$1,015,462 2023 結餘 -NT$198,240 2024 結餘 -NT$1,235,695 結餘款總計 NT$6,806,648

COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...