
COSCUP 2023 - Early Bird - Call for Proposals

COSCUP 2023 Early Bird Call for Proposals

Welcome to the Early Bird Call for Proposals of COSCUP 2023!

New this year, for the first time in COSCUP’s history, we are doing Early Bird Call for Proposals . By recognizing the international air travel is resumed, now have access to earlier submission to better prepare our potential speakers to attend the 2023 COSCUP.


COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese Open source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users and promoters, while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers.

We had more than 2800 attendees last year, and we believe this year there will be more. It is the biggest open source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, along with some power users and FLOSS promoters and lovers. Here is an album of our previous events:

Where is Taiwan? Find it on Google maps

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

If you implemented an open source solution or product, or participated in a project that uses FOSS. Serving as a sole or co-core maintainer in open source projects. Open sourcing internal tools and platforms. Using GitHub as a platform from which to host/maintain/maintain projects. Using /integrating external open source code into an existing product/code base. Using open source license – knowledge of and familiarity with. Creating/Developing/working in an environment with an open source governance policy. Open source projects encompass all topics related to open collaboration research and practice, including open source, open data, open science, open education, wikis, and related social media, Wikipedia, and IT-driven open innovation research.

Types of Contributions

You can submit two types of proposals to the Call for Proposals:

  • Open source
  • Open culture

Talk Submission Timeframe / Milestones

  • Conference Date: July 29-July 30, 2023(AoE)
  • Early bird Call For Proposals submissions: begin-March 1, 2023(AoE)
  • Early bird Call for Proposals deadline: March 31th, 2023(AoE)
  • Early bird call Acceptance Notification:April 30th, 2023(AoE)

Tips for speakers

At COSCUP we share OSS values and promote access to the open source projects/talks/products that champions inclusivity, and displays transparency. All this while creating a variety of voices and ideas, and focused on a meritocracy of collaboration and community.

If you are considering sending a proposal to our Call for Proposals, consider the following:

  • Please note that each talk is 30 mins a session, including opening and Q&A

What we expect from you as a speaker

  • If after you have confirmed participation, you or the co-authors are no longer able to present, please let us know as soon as possible.
  • Please follow our COSCUP Code of Conduct.
  • All talks at COSCUP are all under Creative Commons license which grants the public permission to use your creative work under copyright law.

Community Review

We have hand-picked open source communities to review all proposals.

Conference Location

How to submit your proposal

You need to sign up for a new account on our system. With an activated account, you can fill up the speaker profile and create new proposals through the Proposal System page.


  • Q1: Why Early Bird CFP?
    We want to make our conference as inclusive as possible which means in order to serve people who don’t live in Taiwan to have enough time to prepare their travel plans to Taiwan and to encourage more international speakers to come visit us at COSCUP with their physical present.

  • Q2: Any differences between this CFP then the past one?
    We normally have CFP at around end of April, but the "Early Bird CFP" is bring itself earlier then any other community tracks.

  • Q3: If I am in Taiwan can I still participate?
    Yes, Please!

  • Q4: Which track will my proposal fall into?
    We will arrange your topic according to the proper track!

  • Q5: What are the differences between community track and mix track?
    COSCUP is organized by different open source communities, hence the”Community Track” is organized by other non-COSCUP open source community, and “Mix Track” is organized by COSCUP, and the proposals are evaluated by our committee members.

  • Q6: How do we get inform on April 30th Early bird Call for Proposals deadline?
    You will receive an email notification to know if your proposal has been accepted by COSCUP or not.

  • Q7: If I miss the early bird CFP deadline, can I still submit my talk later on?
    Yes, later on we will have another regular CFP, you can still submit your talks before the deadline.

  • Q8: If I didn’t get accepted on Early Bird CFP, can I still submit my proposal later on this year before the regular CFP deadline?
    If you didn’t get accepted on Early Bird CFP, we will keep your talks on regular CFP, when we start our regular CFP, you can edit your talks again and submit your talks before our CFP deadline.

COSCUP Early Bird CfP 開始徵稿啦

全球疫情趨緩,各國也逐漸開啟了大門。相信熱愛「開放文化」與「開源技術」的您,不論身處在世界何處,也想一同參加 COSCUP 盛會。為了讓您的稿件在通過後有更加充裕的時間做準備。也為了讓在非台灣地區的您能提早準備來台計畫。為此,我們推出「CfP - Early Bird」方案,適合想做好時間規劃的您。

我們非常期待您能再次回到 COSCUP 和其他社群朋友見面,並在現場分享您寶貴的經驗。


重要時程(所有截止時間皆為 AoE)

  • 大會日期: 2023 年 07 月 29 - 2023 年 07 月 30 日
  • Early Bird CfP 開放徵稿:2023 年 03 月 01 日
  • Early Bird CfP 投稿截止:2023 年 03 月 31 日
  • Early Bird CfP 稿件錄取通知:2023 年 04 月 30 日前通知


  • 地點:國立臺灣科技大學
  • 地址:106 台北市大安區基隆路四段 43 號


  • 與「開放文化」及「開源技術」相關即可


  • 30 mins(包含開場與 Q&A 時間)


  • 需同意錄影預設以 cc 釋出。


  • 「尊重與您相同或不相同的其他人」應該是社會的基本協定,無論是否身在 COSCUP 都應該有此意識,本文關注範圍暫且限定在 COSCUP 所有線上線下頻道,並涵括大會期間以及大會相關的會前、會後工作。請全體參與者共同維護此守則。並請詳細參考我們的行為準則


  • Q1:為什麼要有這個計畫?
    • 主要是為了方便讓投稿者您能有更充裕的時間準備稿件,以及在非台灣地區的投稿者能提早準備來台計畫。
  • Q2:和往年 CfP 有何差異?
    • 往年的 CfP 活動是與「社群軌」一起進行的綜合徵稿活動(四月底開始)。而此次的「Early Bird CfP 計畫」是早於綜合徵稿活動的計畫。
  • Q3:在台灣的我是否可以參加?
    • 可以。
  • Q4:錄取後稿件會到哪軌?
    • 錄取後的提案會後續依主題安排至適合的議程軌。
  • Q5:什麼是「社群軌」?與「綜合軌」有什麼差異?
    • 一直以來 COSCUP 都會與其他開放社群進行合作。而「社群軌」就是會交由該社群來決定並安排議程。而「綜合軌」則是由 COSCUP 自行舉辦的自辦軌,將由 COSCUP 議程組所找的審稿委員來協助稿件審核動作。
  • Q6:4 月 30 日是否一定會知道審核結果?
    • 我們會在 4 月 30 日前用 Email 方式來通知您稿件是否在此階段提前逕行錄取。
  • Q7:如果這段時間來不及參加,之後是否還有機會?
    • 有的。我們後續將會有與「社群軌」一同合辦的綜合徵稿活動可參加。
  • Q8:如果這次投稿沒上,今年是否可以再次投稿?
    • 若您的投稿沒有上,我們將保留您的稿件至常規徵稿階段。等到該階段開始,您將可以再次編輯您的稿件內容,再次進行投稿動作。


【攤位大地遊戲(開源巔峰挑戰賽)】Booth Reward Activity! 2024

/English Below/ 來啊,造訪攤位掃 QRCode,集點數換 2024 年限定贈品啊! 一年只有這一檔,錯過要再等一年! 在找工作嗎?想認識不同的社群嗎?想獲得 COSCUP 2024 專屬的限量贈品嗎? 利用空餘時間去各個攤位聊聊天、看一看,就可以參與大地遊戲拿獎品喲! 大地遊戲怎麼玩:​​ (歡迎順路參與 參與者大調查),填寫表單取得 OPass 票券,並下載與登入 OPass App: 取得 OPass 票券 。 前往 TR 309、312、409-1、515、516 逛各攤位。 在攤位前打開 OPass 的「我的票卷」,秀出 Opass QRcode 讓攤位人員掃描取得點數。 到 TR309 的「大會攤位」兌換贈品,數量有限! 造訪每個攤位掃描後,可獲得 5 點,今年有 28 攤 完成一日志工任務後,可獲得 50 點,至多可解 4 次 擔任講者,可享福利 400 點(請以收到的登入連結進入,每名講者限領取乙次) 今年的紀念品除了可以現金購買,也可以用點數兌換呦! ≡≡≡≡ 集點方法 ≡≡≡≡ 上方每ㄧ個方框,都是ㄧ個攤位或者ㄧ個小任務,每當你造訪完成任務後,即可打開「我的票券」中顯示你的 QRcode 給關主獲取點數,您可以在上方看到您的戰果點數。當您心滿意足準備離開大惠會場前,記得到下述地方將您的點數兌換成滿滿的回憶! ≡≡≡ 點數兌換處 ≡≡≡ 【TR309 外:大會攤位】 1 點即是 1 元,您可以在大會攤位上購置各種精美紀念品,包含滑鼠墊、鍵帽、透卡與紀念 T 恤!。 ≡≡≡ 點數兌換規則 ≡≡≡ 您可以於【紀念品攤位】旁的點數兌換區把點數兌換

你所不知道的 foodpanda

  2020 左右,隨著新冠疫情流行,台灣也逐漸流行起一股懶人旋風。懶懶躺在沙發上,動動手指滑滑螢幕,生鮮或美食就能快速又安全地由可愛的粉紅色熊貓外送員送達您門口。多數人知道 foodpanda 是台灣最大生鮮美食外送平台,也不少人知道 foodpanda 在台灣不斷擴張業務範圍,但 foodpanda 也有許多台灣科技圈所不知道的事。 例如,foodpanda 其實並非台灣本土廠商,也非只專注在亞洲區域。foodpanda 隸屬於德國 Delivery Hero 集團,業務橫跨歐洲、亞洲、美洲及北非,旗下更有十多個生鮮美食外送品牌。除此之外,foodpanda 於 2021 年時也在台灣正式成立全球第三個 Tech Hub。做為四大產品 RD 研發中心之一,台灣與德國柏林、新加坡及土耳其伊斯坦堡的人才緊密地合作,專注於打造 end-to-end 的顧客體驗。諸如月費方案 Panda Pro、外帶自取、餐廳內用 (目前仍未在台灣上市) 等功能。期待能持續吸收優秀人才、與其它三個跨國研發中心合作,打造後疫情時代新的成長引擎。 事實上,台灣的 foodpanda 研發團隊並不僅止於打造台灣本土產品。反之,我們所建立的平台及產品,已成功於近 20 個國家、10 個品牌上市。要在快速的步調下,打造持續進步且符合不同國家文化客戶需求的產品,我們依靠的是 專案團隊成員一條龍組合 從 Product Manager、Engineering Manager、iOS/Android/Web/Backend developer、QA、Product Designer、Product Analyst 全都在同一個 product line squad。讓相同產品的團隊成員能緊密合作、第一手快速了解市場、滿足需求。 國際專業團隊緊密合作 foodpanda 的 iOS/Android/Web/Backend 等專業工程師,都各自設有其跨 squad 的 chapter 組織。讓工程師能在專案團隊以外,有跨國跨團隊專業能力交流的機會。在 chapter 中,相同技術域領的專家們,會一起制定共同的實作標準、分享在專案中遇到類似的挑戰,並且找出可能的應對方案。因此,在 foodpanda 我們不只打產品專案團隊的速度戰、還打整個集團的整合能力團體戰,讓德國、新加坡、台灣、伊斯坦堡的工程師們用最有

COSCUP 2024 徵稿辦法 / COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals

COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals: Until 9th, May Submit Your Proposals HERE! 今年 COSCUP 一如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 05 月 09 日(AoE) 前投稿,徵稿主題可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。 請注意,每場議程長度預設為 30 分鐘 ,惟部分議程軌開放其他議程長度,會在報名表單第二頁選填。 為了增添 COSCUP 的國際能見度,今年所有入選稿件希望都可以提供中英文版雙語資訊。徵稿階段,您可先以自己偏好的語言準備演講或撰寫 CfP 稿件。 提醒您,COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有演講將錄影並以創用 YouTube CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 釋出。如果您的演講有任何不能錄影或不願以此條款釋出的狀況,請務必於投稿表單上註明。 We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 09th, 2024 (AoE, Anywhere on Earth) . The theme for submissions can be referenced from the information on various tracks at the bottom of this page. Please note that the length of each agenda is preset to 30 minutes, only the specific tracks are open to other agenda lengths for selection, which will be filled in on the second page of the registration form. To make it more accessible for international audiences, we kindly request CFP information to be provided in both Chinese and