
COSCUP 2024 Call for Participation 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

COSCUP 2024 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

COSCUP 2024 的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於 3 月 17 日截止申請,社群攤位於 6 月 3 號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會!

點此快速報名 / Quick Apply


Jump to Community Track English Ver.

Jump to Community Booth English Ver.

社群議程 Community Room

COSCUP 2024 社群議程提供場地與行政協助,您可以在此舉辦一整天關於特定開源議題的討論、座談、工作坊等。


  • 自訂議程時長:各社群可以自己決定每段議程的時間,無論 15 分鐘、30 分鐘、45 分鐘,甚至直接開設數個小時的工作坊都可以。

  • 自訂休息時間:各社群可以決定是否有休息時間,或是連番上陣。

What's new in COSCUP 2024

今年 COSCUP 有一些新的合作注意事項,歡迎欲報名的社群夥伴們確認,報名即視為貴社群同意今年度的合作注意事項

Changes in COSCUP 2024

今年 COSCUP 將基於 2023 合作模式進行調整,歡迎欲報名的社群夥伴們確認,若有任何問題或建議,歡迎聯絡 program@coscup.org

  • 今年仍將邀請各社群自行剪輯影片,我們會提供說明文件協助。


  • 02/11 (日) 社群招募表單 Open !

  • 02/25 (日) 社群議程招募說明會

  • 03/17 (日) 社群議程截止申請

  • 03/18 (ㄧ) 社群 open hour Start/公布錄取社群名單

  • 03/24 (日)

    • prime session speaker 推薦表單 Open

    • 社群議程提供徵稿資訊截止

  • 03/31 (日) 公告徵稿資訊

  • 05/09 (四)

    • 徵稿截止

    • 審稿開始

  • 05/09 (四) 開放受理社群申請境外講者邀請函以及講者簽證

  • 06/09(日)公佈通知所有錄取及未錄取稿件

  • 06/30(日)社群提供所配發時段內的完整議程表

  • 06/16 (日) 截止受理境外講者簽證事宜

  • 07/07 (日) 總議程表發佈

  • 08/03~08/04 COSCUP 2024!



歷年來 COSCUP 演講時間皆供不應求,因此我們不希望講堂刻意留空。申請此案代表您承諾將填滿所配發的議程時間。每段社群議程之配發時間約 3-6 小時左右,確定的時段將依據申請狀況略有調整,容後公佈。排設議程時,每段議程時間長短、是否有休息時間等,由社群自行決定。
如果您沒有信心稿件能填滿全天議程,請與其他社群共同申請,或在申請書上註明希望 COSCUP 協助配對,我們會盡力而為但無法保證。


通過申請後,您需要在 03 月 24日前提供徵稿時所需的資訊(例如希望有哪類稿件、有沒有特殊欄位等等),COSCUP 將統整後一併發佈徵稿消息及表單。所有稿件皆須透過 COSCUP 的表單填寫(即使是您自行邀請的亦同)。

COSCUP 將盡可能為所有演講錄影,這些影片將在會後以創用 CC 姓名標示,並請個社群自行剪輯影片,我們之後會提供剪輯影片說明文件。影片完成後將以 CC BY 4.0 版公開釋出。如果特定講者要求不可錄影或直播,請謹慎考慮是否收納,並徵得 COSCUP 議程組同意後方可收入議程軌。



COSCUP 的攝影組將不擔保為每位講者拍攝照片,如有需求請社群自行派員協助拍攝;申請社群必須協助確保講廳內的錄影器材持續運作、正確錄製影片。因應無紙化愛護地球,COSCUP 大會近幾年已使用電子版議程,贊助商的廣告將會在使用者閱讀議程資訊時在旁隨機播放。


COSCUP 希望利用更多元的溝通與合作方式,讓大家有更好的合作感受與體驗!今年調整的合作項目有:

  1. 社群 open hour:以 Online meeting 形式,利用發送 Google Meet 給個社群, 讓社群夥伴們直接上線問問題,同時若有大事項需要跨社群同步的會議,將會於 open hour 進行。針對 COSCUP 的最新動態、規劃與資訊有任何問題、想法與建議,都歡迎來 open hour 與我們討論。
  2. 社群招募經驗分享: 今年度將為新手 host 準備經驗教學分享會,為期半日的 workshop 中,將由議程組說明怎麼辦社群議程,並邀請有經驗的社群進行經(踩)驗(坑)分享。


  1. COSCUP 跨組例會直播:COSCUP 會將每一場跨組會議,利用 Google Meet 進行直播,歡迎有興趣的社群加入。
  2. Prime Session 大人物推薦:COSCUP 2024 將持續邀請社群夥伴提名 prime session 大人物。今年執行的方向,將須先由各社群將該名重量級講者邀請到自己的軌,再推薦給議程組,作為 prime session speaker。詳情辦法將於社群議程說明會進一步公布。
  3. Google Calendar 同步:COSCUP 2024 議程相關的重要日常,我們除了會在跨社群會議中同步外,也會設定 Google Calendar,在截止日前發布通知。

以上資訊望各位社群夥伴知悉,若有其他問題,歡迎參考參加社群夥伴說明會,或是參考往年的問答集影片。當然,也歡迎您與 program@coscup.org 聯繫!


各位熱血的 FLOSS 社群夥伴們,想要有招募新血、宣傳自己,或跟社員一起認親團聚瞎扯的機會嗎?COSCUP 2024 按往例將開放有限空間供 FLOSS 社群擺攤,只要按照表單提出申請,就有機會在會場獲得一席之地喔!

  • 2/11 (日): 社群攤位招募開始

  • 4/17 (三): 首批社群攤位名單公佈

  • 6/3 (一) : 社群攤位招募截止

  • 六月中: 公布完整社群攤位名單


申請者須代表 FLOSS 社群,或為提倡自由開源軟體之非營利組織,



如在攤位上提供飲食、或是有音樂、影片等「會播放聲音」的情形,須先與 COSCUP 協調取得同意。

一張桌子(180 x 60 cm)且配有兩張椅子,有可能與其他社群共桌。

至少一個 110V 電力插座(總消耗功率 550W 內),建議自行攜帶電力延長線。


COSCUP 2024 Call for Participation -- Now Open

The community tracks and booth applications for COSCUP 2024 are now open for submission. The deadline for community tracks is March 17th, while community booths have until June 3rd. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this year's event!

Click here for Quick Apply

Community Tracks

COSCUP 2024 community tracks are open for proposals, providing venues and administrative assistance for discussions, roundtables, workshops, and more on specific open-source topics.

Feature include

Customized session durations: Communities can determine the duration of each session, whether it's 15, 30, 45 minutes, or even hosting workshops for several hours.

Customized break times: Communities can decide whether to include break times or present sessions continuously.

What's New in COSCUP 2024

This year, COSCUP introduces new collaboration guidelines. Interested community partners are encouraged to review and agree to these guidelines upon registration.

COSCUP welcomes community partners to promote and share information about their activities at COSCUP, including planning independent registration systems, setting up promotional event websites, or using ticketing systems. However, it is essential to mention COSCUP as the collaborating partner. Following the spirit of COSCUP, activities associated with COSCUP should avoid restricting audience participation. If limitations are necessary for specific reasons, please contact the program committee for discussion.

Partners applying to join COSCUP are required to agree with the Conference Code of Conduct (CoC). Please help promote and abide by the CoC to create a respectful and friendly event environment.

For more community collaboration guidelines, please refer to this document. All of the registered COSCUP community members are jointly liable for meeting COSCUP guidelines and requirements stated within the document.

Changes in COSCUP 2024

COSCUP 2024 adjusts its collaboration model based on the 2023 experience. Interested community partners are encouraged to review and provide feedback. For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact program@coscup.org

This year, each community is requested to edit their own videos. Editing instructions will be provided to assist in this process.

Important Dates

  • 02/11 (Sunday) - Community Open for Application
  • 02/25 (Sunday) - Community Track Q&A Meeting
  • 03/17 (Sunday) - Community Track Application Deadline
  • 03/18 (Monday) - Community Open Hour Start / Release Accepted Community List
  • 03/24 (Sunday)
    • Prime session speaker recommendation form open
    • Call for paper required information need to be submitted by community
  • 03/31 (Sunday) - Call for Paper
  • 05/09 (Thursday) - Call for Paper Deadline / Start to evaluate each submission
  • 05/09 (Thursday) - Start to accept Visa/Invitation letter request
  • 06/09 (Sunday) - Release Accepted Submissions / Community release program schedule
  • 06/16 (Sunday) - Deadline to accept any Visa/Invitation letter requests
  • 07/07 (Sunday) - Publish Program Schedule
  • 08/03 ~ 08/04 - COSCUP 2024!

Application Rules

In the past, COSCUP speaking slots were in high demand, so deliberately leaving gaps in the schedule is discouraged. Applying for a slot signifies the commitment to fill the allocated time. Each community track is allocated approximately 6 hours, with specific time slots adjusted based on application conditions. Communities have the flexibility to decide the duration of each session, whether there are break times, etc.

Coordinators of community tracks need to finalize the schedule by Jun 9.

If there are concerns about filling the entire day's schedule, consider collaborating with other communities or specify the desire for COSCUP's assistance in pairing. While efforts will be made, there is no guarantee.

Topic Submissions

After application approval, provide the required information for CFP by March 24. (Ex .In pretalx you wish to add any column )COSCUP will consolidate and release the CFP and forms. All submissions, even those invited directly, must use COSCUP's form.

COSCUP aims to record as many sessions as possible. Videos will be released under a Creative Commons Attribution license, and communities are responsible for editing. Detailed instructions can be found in the video editing guide. If a specific speaker requests no recording or live streaming, inclusion in the track must be carefully considered and approved by the COSCUP program committee.

Coordinators and Essential Staff

Please provide the names and contact information of two community members as coordinators during the application. Once approved, they will be the main point person during the event. At least one coordinator must be present in the room during community track sessions to handle administrative matters.

COSCUP's photography team does not guarantee photos for every speaker. If needed, communities must assign members to assist with photography. Applying communities must ensure that recording equipment in the room is running and correctly recording videos. In line with the paperless initiative, COSCUP has used electronic schedules in recent years, and sponsor advertisements may play randomly as users access schedule information.

Community Collaboration

COSCUP aims to enhance communication and collaboration with diverse approaches for a better experience. Adjustments in collaboration for this year include:

Community Open Hour

We will host online meetings via google meet and will send out invitations to community hosts to invite questions. Feel free to join open hours to discuss the latest updates, planning, and information about COSCUP, or share your thoughts and suggestions.

Community Experience Sharing

We will invite previous community hosts to share their experiences and the program coordinators will explain how to organize community tracks.

Continuing from last year, the following collaboration initiatives will also be executed:

COSCUP Cross-Team Meetings Live Broadcast

COSCUP will live stream every cross-team meeting using Google Meet. Interested communities are welcome to join.

Prime Session Speaker Recommendations

COSCUP 2024 will continue to invite community partners to nominate prime session speakers. The process involves inviting the prominent speaker to the community track first and then recommending them to the program committee as a prime session speaker. Detailed instructions will be announced during the community intro meeting.

Google Calendar Sync

Important daily events related to COSCUP 2024 will be synchronized through a Google Calendar, with notifications released before the deadline.

For any other questions, attend the community intro meeting or refer to the Q&A videos from previous years. Feel free to contact program@coscup.org for further assistance.

Community Booths

Passionate FLOSS community partners, if you're looking to recruit new members, promote your initiatives, or gather with fellow members at COSCUP 2024, we're providing limited space for FLOSS community booths. Submit your application through the form for a chance to secure a spot at the event!

  • Feb 11 : Call For Community Booth

  • April 17: Release First batch Accepted Community Booth

  • June 3 : Deadline to apply for Community Booth

  • Mid June: Release Community Booth Admission List

Application Guideline

Applicants need to represent a FLOSS (Free software/open source related) community or non-profits that use or promote free software or open-source software. The booth must be manned anytime during the conference. Please ensure your goods and valuables during and prior to the conference, COSCUP is not responsible for any losses during the event.You will need to get approval from COSCUP for any vocal or sound effects playing or food provided within the exhibition areas.

Please provide the names and two contact persons for the community booth as contact window during the application. Once approved, they will be the main point person during the event. At least one person must be present in the room to handle administrative matters.

One table (180 x 60 cm), with two chairs. Tables might probably share with other communities if necessary.

At least ONE 110V AC socket (Total power consumption mustn’t exceed 550W), bring an own power strip if it is needed.

Questions? Drop us a line: program at coscup.org

Apply COSCUP 2024 NOW



COC 通報處理說明公告 - 20240811 通報事件

各位好, COSCUP COC 服務小組於 2024 年 8 月 11 日接獲一件通報,內容涉及在會期干擾議程進行;並於會後持續發送私訊予會中結識的講者;同時,該行為人亦被紀錄於活動當日干擾志工執行勤務。 有關此事件的處理過程,詳如下述: COC 服務小組接到通報後,於 8 月 15 日正式成立專案小組進行討論與檢視相關資料。經查,通報內容與 COC 條款「持續干擾議程或活動的正常進行,無視工作人員或與會者的制止」相符。同一行為人於大會期間,另有兩位會眾通報類似事件,COC 服務小組皆已明確指正其行為並重申 COC 規範和界線。綜合此次會後通報,行為人經提醒仍多次抵觸 COC 條例。 有鑒於上述行徑已明確影響 COSCUP 其他會眾之權益,COC 服務小組將依照 COSCUP COC 之辦法記錄事件處理過程及結果、行為人資料等,於籌備團隊組長群資料夾建立文件,以俾後續籌備團隊審慎思量該名行為人未來的參與形式與程度。 在此,感謝會眾願意信任 COC 和 COSCUP 團隊並且將其所遇到的事件於會後彙整提供予我們。另本次通報中,通報人所提及之部分事項,因非屬 COSCUP 大會參與期間和相關行為,已建議通報人另行循其他正規途徑處理。在此聲明, COSCUP 的 COC 落實並非要拒任何人於門外,而是希冀透過針對行為本身的評估,為無論志工、社群協調人、講者、廠商與所有會眾營造舒適與安全的交流環境。 我們在乎所有人於 COSCUP 大會的各種參與體驗與感受,如果您在大會和籌組期間有相關困擾,籌備團隊志工將會竭力協助釐清,希望一同打造友善的 COSCUP 與會環境。 COSCUP 2024 COC 服務小組

你所不知道的 foodpanda

  2020 左右,隨著新冠疫情流行,台灣也逐漸流行起一股懶人旋風。懶懶躺在沙發上,動動手指滑滑螢幕,生鮮或美食就能快速又安全地由可愛的粉紅色熊貓外送員送達您門口。多數人知道 foodpanda 是台灣最大生鮮美食外送平台,也不少人知道 foodpanda 在台灣不斷擴張業務範圍,但 foodpanda 也有許多台灣科技圈所不知道的事。 例如,foodpanda 其實並非台灣本土廠商,也非只專注在亞洲區域。foodpanda 隸屬於德國 Delivery Hero 集團,業務橫跨歐洲、亞洲、美洲及北非,旗下更有十多個生鮮美食外送品牌。除此之外,foodpanda 於 2021 年時也在台灣正式成立全球第三個 Tech Hub。做為四大產品 RD 研發中心之一,台灣與德國柏林、新加坡及土耳其伊斯坦堡的人才緊密地合作,專注於打造 end-to-end 的顧客體驗。諸如月費方案 Panda Pro、外帶自取、餐廳內用 (目前仍未在台灣上市) 等功能。期待能持續吸收優秀人才、與其它三個跨國研發中心合作,打造後疫情時代新的成長引擎。 事實上,台灣的 foodpanda 研發團隊並不僅止於打造台灣本土產品。反之,我們所建立的平台及產品,已成功於近 20 個國家、10 個品牌上市。要在快速的步調下,打造持續進步且符合不同國家文化客戶需求的產品,我們依靠的是 專案團隊成員一條龍組合 從 Product Manager、Engineering Manager、iOS/Android/Web/Backend developer、QA、Product Designer、Product Analyst 全都在同一個 product line squad。讓相同產品的團隊成員能緊密合作、第一手快速了解市場、滿足需求。 國際專業團隊緊密合作 foodpanda 的 iOS/Android/Web/Backend 等專業工程師,都各自設有其跨 squad 的 chapter 組織。讓工程師能在專案團隊以外,有跨國跨團隊專業能力交流的機會。在 chapter 中,相同技術域領的專家們,會一起制定共同的實作標準、分享在專案中遇到類似的挑戰,並且找出可能的應對方案。因此,在 foodpanda 我們不只打產品專案團隊的速度戰、還打整個集團的整合能力團體戰,讓德國、新加坡、台灣、伊斯坦堡的工程師...

利用 Jitsi 建立個人化的視訊會議平台

  近期因為疫情的關係,越來越多企業開始實施分流或在家工作,視訊會議的需求也日益增加。 在商用解決方案選擇上,有不少企業會選擇知名品牌的產品,例如  Cisco Webex 、 Google Meet 、 Microsoft Teams 、 Zoom  都是很不錯的方案。 KKBOX 集團在去年便試行及做好充分 work from home 的準備,今年五月也因應疫情升溫,全員 work from home 至今兩個月有餘。 當然,取之 Open Source,也要對社群有些貢獻。在這一屆 COSCUP,我們要來介紹 Open Source 圈中也很知名,效果也很不錯的一套視訊會議平台: Jitsi 。 除了基本的視訊會議功能外,在最後我們也會示範如何透過 Jitsi 畫面輸出到 YouTube/Twitch 或其他支援 RTMP 的平台進行直播。 由於篇幅有限,且 Jitsi 可以調整的細節非常多。今天我們純粹很快速的示範,如何簡單的建置出一個 Jitsi 環境,並提供單場會議內容錄影或直播。 Jitsi 的文件可以在 這裡 找到。 今天透過 AWS Lightsail 的 $10/month instance(1 core CPU + 2GB RAM + 60GB SSD),作業系統則是 Ubuntu 20.04 來示範。當然,使用其他 VPS 亦可,大同小異,這邊直接跳過 VPS 相關的建置過程。 *firewall 相關資料參考 這裡 及 這裡 。 針對系統做必要的更新 基本的 apt repository 更新: $ sudo apt update 因為後面要示範的會議錄影及直播需要使用 ALSA loopback device,如果是 EC2 or Lightsail 則需要額外安裝 generic kernel( 註 ): $ sudo apt install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-extra- virtual 接著做系統套件們的更新: $ sudo apt dist-upgrade $ sudo apt autoremove 如果是 AWS EC2 or Lightsail 則需要另外再將預設的 AWS optimized kernel...