
贊助全新方案:海外講者旅費贊助 New Sponsorship program: Overseas Speaker Travel Sponsorship

COSCUP 今年推出的「海外講者旅費贊助」方案,將替贊助商與講者媒合,若有贊助商選擇「海外講者旅費贊助」方案,將有機會替講者補貼旅費。

This year, COSCUP introduces the "Overseas Speaker Travel Sponsorship" program to match sponsors with speakers. Sponsors opting for the "Overseas Speaker Travel Sponsorship" package will have the opportunity to subsidize travel expenses for speakers.

English Version


  • 已邀請海外講者,也贊助 COSCUP、且需要協助講者旅費的核銷事宜。
  • 未決定邀請講者,但是希望贊助 COSCUP,且指定用於贊助海外講者旅費贊助。


選擇此方案的費用為:NTD 6,000 + 指定區域講者的贊助費用。


  • 依照講者所在地的不同,有不同的贊助金額上限,金額固定,恕無法客製:
    • 港中澳:NTD 15,000(USD 535) / 位
    • 大洋洲與亞洲(港中澳以外):NTD 30,000(USD 1,070)/ 位
    • 非洲:NTD 45,000(USD 1,600)/位
    • 歐洲與北美:NTD 60,000(USD 2,140)/ 位
    • 中南美洲:NTD 82,500(USD 2,495)/ 位
  • 贊助講者數量不限,所有贊助金額會用於補助講者的來回機票與住宿費用(實報實銷)。
  • COSCUP 可協助媒合講者;若媒合失敗,則此方案贊助金可協助贊助商轉成其他方案。


  • 贊助回饋如下:
    • 於 COSCUP 官網與 OPass app 曝光公司簡介。
    • COSCUP 官方社群網站宣傳。
    • 會場迎賓牆 Logo 曝光。
    • Sponsor 別針乙枚與 Speaker 別針、並請講者別在身上。
      • 講者別針數量依照媒合成功數量提供。
  • 講者的申請金額,將用於補助講者來回機票與住宿費用。
  • 若申請金額未達區域上限,則贊助餘款將進入 COSCUP 帳戶。
  • COSCUP 協助媒合講者,若截止日期前媒合成功,則確認列入講者旅遊補助贊助商。
  • COSCUP 協助媒合講者,若截止日期前若媒合失敗,則贊助金將會轉成其他方案(COSCUP 會再與贊助商確認細節)。
  • 若講者因戰亂、天氣、意外事故等不可抗力因素,最終未能前來。將視情況決定贊助金是否用於補助講者無法退票損失,剩餘費用將轉至 COSCUP。


  • 例子 1:贊助一位來自港中澳的講者。

    • 講者申請費用:NTD 15,000
    • 贊助金額為 NTD 6,000 + 15,000 = 21,000
    • 贊助回饋:
      • 於 COSCUP 官網與 OPass app 曝光公司簡介。
      • COSCUP 官方社群網站宣傳。
      • 會場迎賓牆 Logo 曝光。
      • Sponsor 別針乙枚與 Speaker 別針乙枚。
  • 例子 2:贊助兩位來自亞洲的講者。

    • 講者申請費用:NTD 30,000 * 2 = 60,000
    • 贊助金額為 NTD 6,000 + 30,000 * 2 = 66,000
    • 贊助回饋:
      • 於 COSCUP 官網與 OPass app 曝光公司簡介。
      • COSCUP 官方社群網站宣傳。
      • 會場迎賓牆 Logo 曝光。
      • Sponsor 別針乙枚與 Speaker 別針二枚。
  • 例子 3:贊助一位來自港中澳的講者,且講者的機票與住宿最終加總為 NTD 14,000。

    • 講者申請費用:NTD 14,000
    • 贊助金額為 NTD 6,000 + 15,000 = 21,000
    • 贊助回饋:
      • 於 COSCUP 官網與 OPass app 曝光公司簡介。
      • COSCUP 官方社群網站宣傳。
      • 會場迎賓牆 Logo 曝光。
      • Sponsor 別針乙枚與 Speaker 別針二枚。
    • 由於講者最終只使用 NTD 14,000,因此 NTD 1,000 會進入 COSCUP 帳戶。


  1. 確認此講者已登錄 COSCUP 投稿系統,且已確認會在 COSCUP 出席演講。
  2. 請於 2024/7/5 前,來函至 sponsorship@coscup.org 與我們聯繫。

若您尚未邀請海外講者,且希望由 COSCUP 媒合

  1. 決定贊助的人數與地區。
  2. 請於 2024/6/14 前,來函至 sponsorship@coscup.org 與我們聯繫。
  3. COSCUP 會於 2024/7/10 前,告知媒合結果。

English Version

Ideal For

  • Those who have already invited overseas speakers and need to assist with travel expenses are also interested in sponsoring COSCUP.
  • Those who have yet to confirm speaker invitations but are interested in sponsoring COSCUP can specify sponsorship to support overseas speakers' travel expenses.

About Speaker Travel Sponsorship Package

The cost of choosing this package is COSCUP Sponsorship Fee USD 214 + Travel Sponsorship Fee for speakers in designated areas.

Travel Sponsorship in Designated Areas

  • The travel sponsorship amounts vary depending on the location of the speaker. It's a fixed price and cannot be customized:
    • China, Hong Kong and Macao: USD 535 / per person
    • Oceania and Asia (excluding China, Hong Kong, and Macao): USD 1,070 / per person
    • Africa: USD 1,600 / per person
    • Europe and North America: USD 2,140 / per person
    • Central and South America: USD 2,495 / per person
  • There is no limit to the number of sponsored speakers. All sponsorship funds will cover the round-trip airfare and accommodation expenses for speakers (based on actual expenditure).
  • If matching is unsuccessful, COSCUP can assist in matching speakers and transfer the funds into an alternative package for sponsors.
  • For those sponsoring this package, these are the Sponsor Benefits as listed below:
    • COSCUP will list your company profile on the official COSCUP website and the OPass app (the primary communication tool for COSCUP participants).
    • COSCUP will promote your company on the official COSCUP social media.
    • COSCUP will display your company logo at the reception table.
    • One Sponsor Pin.
    • The sponsored speaker will wear a pin with your company logo.
      • The number of Speaker pins provided will correspond to the number of sponsed speakers.

Sponsor Notes

  1. The amount requested by speakers will cover their round-trip airfare and accommodation expenses.
  2. If the requested amount does not reach the regional cap, any surplus sponsorship funds will be transferred to COSCUP.
  3. COSCUP will help with speaker matching. The sponsor will be confirmed as an Overseas Speaker Travel Sponsorship if matching is successful before the deadline.
  4. In the event of an unsuccessful match, COSCUP will confirm the details with the sponsor to make alternative sponsorship arrangements.
  5. Suppose a speaker cannot attend due to uncontrollable circumstances such as war, weather conditions, or unforeseen accidents. In that case, COSCUP will determine the sponsorship funds to compensate for non-refundable ticket losses by case. Any remaining funds will be transferred to COSCUP.


  • Example 1: You sponsored a speaker from Hong Kong.

    • The sponsorship amounts: COSCUP USD 214 + Travel USD 535 = USD 749
    • Sponsorship Benefits:
      • COSCUP will list your company profile on the official COSCUP website and the OPass app (the primary communication tool for COSCUP participants).
      • COSCUP will promote your company on the official COSCUP social media.
      • COSCUP will display your company logo at the reception table.
      • One Sponsor Pin.
      • The sponsored speaker will wear a pin with your company logo.
  • Example 2: You sponsored two speakers from Asian countries (outside of China, Hong Kong, and Macao)

    • The sponsorship amounts: COSCUP USD 214 + Travel (USD 1,070 * 2 speakers) = USD 2,354
    • Sponsorship Benefits:
      • COSCUP will list your company profile on the official COSCUP website and the OPass app (the primary communication tool for COSCUP participants).
      • COSCUP will promote your company on the official COSCUP social media.
      • COSCUP will display your company logo at the reception table.
      • One Sponsor Pin.
      • Two sponsored speakers will both wear a pin with your company logo.
  • Example 3: You sponsored a speaker from Hong Kong. The total cost for the speaker's airfare and accommodation amounts to USD 500.

    • The sponsorship amounts: COSCUP USD 214 + Travel USD 535 = USD 749
    • Sponsorship Benefits:
      • COSCUP will list your company profile on the official COSCUP website and the OPass app (the primary communication tool for COSCUP participants).
      • COSCUP will promote your company on the official COSCUP social media.
      • COSCUP will display your company logo at the reception table.
      • One Sponsor Pin.
      • The sponsored speaker will wear a pin with your company logo.
    • Since the speaker only used USD 500, the remaining USD 35 will be transferred to COSCUP.

If you have already invited overseas speakers,

  1. Confirm that this speaker has registered in the COSCUP submission system and has confirmed attendance to speak at COSCUP.
  2. Please get in touch with us via email at sponsorship@coscup.org before July 5, 2024.

If you haven't invited overseas speakers yet and wish to be matched by COSCUP,

  1. Determine the number of sponsored speakers and their regions.
  2. Please get in touch with us via email at sponsorship@coscup.org before June 14, 2024.
  3. COSCUP will inform you of the matching results by July 10, 2024.



COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...

COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...