Join the Party, have fun with the speakers and your beloved FLOSS community members!

會場有什麼? / What will we have at the party?
- 當日精選的 MIT 掌門精釀啤酒 (也有無酒精飲料)
Beer! For people who don't like alcohol, the bar also provides soft drinks. - 下酒點心 Snacks
- 200 坪空中花園派對,可以直接看到台北 101!美景與美酒,絕配!
Awesome view, believe me! Just check the photos from Google Maps. - 最重要的是:與熱愛開源的大會講者與社群同好交流的最佳活動!
Lots of FLOSS folks!
注意事項 / Note
- 由於防疫期間,必須完成健康聲明表才可以進場。
Every participant should fill out the Personal Health Declaration Form. After filling out the form, you will get your personal QR-Code and CODE NUMBER that will be used in our physical events. - 會場食物為下酒菜,數量有限,建議吃過正餐再來!
Please have your dinner before the party, we only prepare party appetizers. - 低消為 $200 元。
The minimum order is NTD$200. - 不用報名,自由參加。
Please feel free to join Welcome Party, no matter what you come to COSCUP2020 or not. - 講者與贊助商請找社群協調人或贊助組領取酒券。
If you are the speaker or sponsor, please contact your community coordinator or the Sponsorship Team for the free beer ticket. - 如果你怕忘記參加活動,可以訂閱 COSCUP 活動電子報,不錯過最新活動訊息! Subscribe the COSCUP newspaper to receive important reminders and exciting activities.
時間地點 / When, Where
- 時間:2020-07-31(Fri.) 19:00 - 22:00
- 地點:掌門精釀啤酒 松高店 / 台北市信義區松高路16號4樓
Tap Bistro Zhangmen(微風松高店)
