
Meet your friends at the BoF sessions of COSCUP 2020

Novell SuSE BoF

You followed a few OSS people on SNS, now it's time to meet them at the BoF sessions of COSCUP 2020!

What is a BoF session?

Wikipedia is out a best friend:
A BoF session, an informal meeting at conferences, where the attendees group together based on a shared interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda.
At the conference, we will provide a venue for BoF sessions, and you can host or participate in one or more BoF sessions out there!

Why attend/host a BoF?

Meet people with shared interest is always fun, and COSCUP brings a lot of OSS community people to Taipei during the conference, make it the best chance to join a nice BoF / meetup!

How to join a BoF session?

Easy. At the conference, all sessions and their times will be listed on the door of the BoF room. You can just walk in if you are interested. Don't be shy, they all lovely people.

You can also check it before the conference day. A document list session currently available and expected attendants.

Even though it's unnecessary to register a BoF session, we encourage you to show your interest beforehand. Just append your name to the expected attendant at the session you interested in.

Host a BoF session

If you want to host a BoF session, please follow the instructions in the BoF document.

Notice that we only provide the venue. You can prepare food and drink by yourself.

COVID-19 concerns

For your safety & health, if there is no seat left, please do no enter the room, and every BoF hosts should help for keeping this social distance.


Just fire your question to program@coscup.org.

BoF 是什麼呢?

簡單說就是同樂會 — 有相同喜好的人、歡樂聚會的活動!因為喜好相同,所以你們可以暢談彼此在相同主題上的新發現,又或者與其他只在網路上聊過天、卻沒見過面的「熟人」碰個面。

BoF 是 COSCUP 的重頭戲之一,每年都在混亂 x 秩序交錯中熱烈開展!畢竟,COSCUP 年會聚集開放源碼社群成員,是舉辦開源相關主題 BoF 的絕佳環境之一。

在會議期間,大會將提供一間 BoF 專用會議室,供大家舉辦及參與 BoF。




所有 BoF 聚會主題及時間會列在 BoF 會議室的門口。您可以在現場尋找你有興趣的主題,然後直接走進去就可以了!!!

您也可以在會議開始前先在這份文件看有哪些預定舉辦的 BoF 聚會。雖然參加 BoF 不用報名,但我們建議您可以在上述的文件簽上自己的大名,表明您的參加意願讓大家知道!

要怎麼發起一個新的 BoF 主題聚?


請特別注意,大會僅提供場地,並無提供食物、飲料。該會議室不限制飲食,BoF 主辦人可自行準備。

Bonus: 發現 BoF 會議室好的時段都被搶走了?或是會議期間還聊不夠?您也可以另外自找場地自辦聚會,並在上述文件宣傳您的自辦 BoF讓大家知道。


也請各 BoF 發起人協助維護人滿就不再進入教室的原則


好喔!有 BoF 相關的問題,寄來 program@coscup.org 就對了,雖然在 COSCUP 前兩週我們已經忙到爆炸,但我們還是無敵熱血地會盡力擠出一點時間來回你的信。



COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

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