講題:Building PHP Web App in 15 Minutes with Symfony Framework (英文講題)
講者:黄琮政 ( Paul ooi / takizo )
自介:Paul Ooi, the Chief Systems Engineer of Global Transit Communications (http://www.globaltransit.net),
majored in Software Engineering. Paul has many years experience on Unix Systems, Network Security and Web Development and actively involves in Open Source projects related to Unix FreeBSD, Network Monitoring System, Honeynet Security and OSS Applications. He is the crew of Hack In The
Box (www.hackinthebox.org), a group that organize Asia Largest Security Conference
* What is Symfony Project?
* Why using Framework?
* Symfony? Why?
* Symfony requirements and installation
* Symfony Libraries: PHP, JavaScript
* Demo Session: Building Address Book in 15 Minutes
講者:黄琮政 ( Paul ooi / takizo )
自介:Paul Ooi, the Chief Systems Engineer of Global Transit Communications (http://www.globaltransit.net),
majored in Software Engineering. Paul has many years experience on Unix Systems, Network Security and Web Development and actively involves in Open Source projects related to Unix FreeBSD, Network Monitoring System, Honeynet Security and OSS Applications. He is the crew of Hack In The
Box (www.hackinthebox.org), a group that organize Asia Largest Security Conference
* What is Symfony Project?
* Why using Framework?
* Symfony? Why?
* Symfony requirements and installation
* Symfony Libraries: PHP, JavaScript
* Demo Session: Building Address Book in 15 Minutes