講題:LXDE and xPUD
講者:錢逢祥 (Fred Chien),陳品勳 (penk)
Fred 是永遠的大四生,開放原始碼愛好者,LXDE 的主要開發者之一,不時在業界任職或接案打工,是個職業的工讀生。
Penk is a web & open source developer and the project leader of xPUD.
為因應這個行動裝置當道的時代,羽量級操作環境和系統是眾所矚目的焦點,不單硬體,今日的軟體也開始追求省電、省時、省資源,而且,載體也已經從電腦跨足到 PDA、手機等裝置。過去瘋狂消費硬體能力的軟體設計,勢必不再能立足。反觀思考如何開發輕量的系統,就變成了當前最重要的課題之一。而長久以來, LXDE 就在這輕量的課題上多有著墨,其除了可以是一個羽量級桌面環境外,更是一個羽量級軟體的集合,可以協助各個行動裝置快速建立基本的輕量系統平台。本議程將在此探討 LXDE 羽量級桌面環境的背後,有著如何的設計邏輯和架構,以及說明未來的發展方向。
xPUD (http://xpud.org) is a minimalist desktop Linux distribution. It's fast, on average booting within 10 seconds, and it's small, too. The core image is weighing in at under 35MB, yet it still remains binary compatible with most major Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Fedora. xPUD consisting mainly a web-based desktop by leveraging purely HTML/CSS and JavaScript, a kiosk-like user interface running on top of Gecko / XUL engine, and a customizable binary-level build system that generates image directly from a working Linux system. We have the advantages of web application like rapidly developing and easily mash-up, also made it possible to develop a platform-independent environment. So xPUD can not only be a great platform to deliver Web Apps, but it's also suitable for use on small devices like Netbook or MID.
講者:錢逢祥 (Fred Chien),陳品勳 (penk)
Fred 是永遠的大四生,開放原始碼愛好者,LXDE 的主要開發者之一,不時在業界任職或接案打工,是個職業的工讀生。
Penk is a web & open source developer and the project leader of xPUD.
為因應這個行動裝置當道的時代,羽量級操作環境和系統是眾所矚目的焦點,不單硬體,今日的軟體也開始追求省電、省時、省資源,而且,載體也已經從電腦跨足到 PDA、手機等裝置。過去瘋狂消費硬體能力的軟體設計,勢必不再能立足。反觀思考如何開發輕量的系統,就變成了當前最重要的課題之一。而長久以來, LXDE 就在這輕量的課題上多有著墨,其除了可以是一個羽量級桌面環境外,更是一個羽量級軟體的集合,可以協助各個行動裝置快速建立基本的輕量系統平台。本議程將在此探討 LXDE 羽量級桌面環境的背後,有著如何的設計邏輯和架構,以及說明未來的發展方向。
xPUD (http://xpud.org) is a minimalist desktop Linux distribution. It's fast, on average booting within 10 seconds, and it's small, too. The core image is weighing in at under 35MB, yet it still remains binary compatible with most major Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Fedora. xPUD consisting mainly a web-based desktop by leveraging purely HTML/CSS and JavaScript, a kiosk-like user interface running on top of Gecko / XUL engine, and a customizable binary-level build system that generates image directly from a working Linux system. We have the advantages of web application like rapidly developing and easily mash-up, also made it possible to develop a platform-independent environment. So xPUD can not only be a great platform to deliver Web Apps, but it's also suitable for use on small devices like Netbook or MID.