You followed a few OSS people on SNS, now it's time to meet them at the BoF sessions of COSCUP 2019!
What is a BoF session?
Wikipedia is out best friend:
"A BoF session, an informal meeting at conferences, where the attendees group together based on a shared interest and carry out discussions without any pre-planned agenda." -- Wikipedia
This year, you can book an hour of the BoF room in Day 2 (Aug 18), or just host one at your favorite venue with friends during COSCUP!
Why attend / host a BoF?
Because we can!
Meet people with shared interest is always fun, and COSCUP bring a lot of OSS community people to Taipei during the conference, make it the best chance to join a nice BoF / meetup!
So, where should I check the sessions, and show my interest to attend one?
Easy. Just write your name at the session in the BoF document!
Host a BoF session
If you want to host a BoF session, please follow the instructions in the BoF document and write down a new session.
Please remember, if you want to book a BoF room slot, send your mobile phone number to program@coscup.org after you leave your session info on the document, so we can contact you if needed.
But, I don't have a ticket of COSCUP 2019...
Not a problem, you don't need the conference badge to join a BoF session :)
Just fire your question to program@coscup.org.
BoF 是什麼呢?
簡單說就是同樂會 — 有相同喜好的人、歡樂聚會的活動!因為喜好相同,所以你們可以暢談彼此在相同主題上的新發現,又或者與其他只在網路上聊過天、卻沒見過面的「熟人」碰個面。
BoF 是 COSCUP 的重頭戲之一,每年都在混亂 x 秩序交錯中熱烈開展!畢竟,COSCUP 年會聚集開放源碼社群成員,是舉辦開源相關主題 BoF 的絕佳環境之一。
本屆 BoF 文件提供兩種形式供大家填表
- 在 8/18 的 10:00-16:00 間,大會將提供一間會議室,供社群申請使用。每個社群可以申請一小時的時間。
- 如果您打算在大會期間(8/16-19)自行舉辦任何社群活動,也歡迎您在表上登記宣傳。
直接到這份文件,在想要參加的 BoF 活動下簽上自己的大名,表明要參加的意願即可!
要怎麼發起一個新的 BoF 主題?
請特別注意,今年大會僅提供 8/18 的 BoF Room 供社群登記使用,並無提供食物、飲料。該教室將不限制飲食,BoF 主辦人可自行準備。
可是我沒有 COSCUP 的票耶?
沒關係! BoF 活動並不限制有 COSCUP 票券的人才能入場,所以快點召集開源同好朋友來吧!
好喔!有 BoF 相關的問題,寄來 program@coscup.org 就對了,雖然在 COSCUP 前兩週我們已經忙到爆炸,但我們還是無敵熱血地會盡力擠出一點時間來回你的信。現在就報名吧!