This year, the Welcome Party will be held on Gather Town, please feel free to join us!
場地開放時間:2021-07-30(Fri.) 17:30 - 22:00
(現場有 BoF 報名的文件,可以試著找找)
依照往年,活動前一天的晚上我們會舉行「前夜派對」!這個活動不論隔天是否要參加 COSCUP、只要你有空,都可以來這裡和好友、社群夥伴喝一杯,有可能會遇到心目中期待已久的大神講者!
As tradition goes, we will hold a "Welcome Party" the night before the event! No matter if you are attending COSCUP or not, as long as you are free, you can come to have a drink with your friends and community partners. Who knows - you may even meet the speaker you have been waiting for!
(we suggest you bring enough snacks or beers to have a drink with everyone in front of the computer! Online drinking sesssion! 線上飲み会! Virtual kanpai!)