不知道 COSCUP 2021 各項活動在哪?快速傳送門來了!↓↓↓↓
Find all links for COSCUP 2021 activities here!↓↓↓↓
1. 前夜派對 / Welcome Party
準備好 Pizza 和啤酒,一起上來群聚閒聊吧。
Grab your pizza and beer, and have fun with us!
✦ 開放時間 / Opening Hours: 7/30 17:30 - 22:00 ✦
- 派對場地 1 / Party 1: https://bit.ly/3zNeDMj
- 派對場地 2 / Party 2: https://bit.ly/3BQz2SC
不會用 Gather Town?Newbie in Gather Town? ↓↓↓↓
繁中:https://bit.ly/3j3OSR8 / EN: https://bit.ly/3idv3aM
2. 會場大廳 / Virtual Venue
逛攤位、交朋友! Visit booths, and make friends here!
✦ 開放時間 / Opening Hours: 7/31-8/1 10:00 - 18:00 ✦
- 會場入口 / Entrance: https://bit.ly/3idqQnu
- 攤位區 1 / Booth 1: https://bit.ly/3zT7cn3
- 攤位區 2 / Booth 2: https://bit.ly/3feWZJs
不會用 Gather Town?Newbie in Gather Town? ↓↓↓↓
繁中:https://bit.ly/3j3OSR8 / EN: https://bit.ly/3idv3aM
3. BoF 活動這裡去
揪團去 / Initiate a BoF group! → https://bit.ly/376Yyor
✦ BoF 開放時間 / BoF Opening Hours: 7/30 17:30 - 22:00 ✦
- 派對場地 1 / Party 1: https://bit.ly/3zNeDMj
- 派對場地 2 / Party 2: https://bit.ly/3BQz2SC
不會用 Gather Town?Newbie in Gather Town? ↓↓↓↓
繁中:https://bit.ly/3j3OSR8 / EN: https://bit.ly/3idv3aM
4. 徵才活動 / Hiring Activities
徵才短講 / Hiring Short Talk
✦ 7/31 + 8/1 : 12:10-13:00 @ Hiring room, Booth 1 ✦
想徵才? Post A Job!
投稿徵才訊息,將工作秀在 Hiring Room!
Submit the job description, and it will be post on the Hiring Room.
在 Hiring room 能看到所有的徵才資訊!
Get all the recruiting msg in Hiring room!
5.議程哪裡看 / Online Conference Room
YouTube Playlist
- DAY1 - https://bit.ly/3rOKQjO
- DAY2 - https://bit.ly/2V0Q146
議程表 / Session
On session table, YouTube live links, and Q&A links (Sildo) are also listed here.
閃電秀報名 / Lightning Talk
6. 一起來討論 / Discuss and Chat
- Telegram: https://t.me/coscupchat
- HackMD: https://bit.ly/3zSXAbZ