
Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers

In this day, we announced an agreement to acquire GitHub, the world’s leading software development platform. I want to share what this acquisition will mean for our industry and for developers.
The era of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge is upon us. Computing is becoming embedded in the world, with every part of our daily life and work and every aspect of our society and economy being transformed by digital technology.
Developers are the builders of this new era, writing the world’s code. And GitHub is their home.
As every industry – from precision medicine to precision agriculture, from personalized education to personalized banking – is being impacted by technology, the developer community will only grow in numbers and importance. Developer workflows will drive and influence business processes and functions across the organization – from marketing, sales and service, to IT and HR. And value creation and growth across every industry will increasingly be determined by the choices developers make.
In short, developers will be at the center of solving the world’s most pressing challenges. However, the real power comes when every developer can create together, collaborate, share code and build on each other’s work. In all walks of life, we see the power of communities, and this is true for software development and developers.
That is why we are so excited about today’s announcement. More than 28 million developers already collaborate on GitHub, and it is home to more than 85 million code repositories used by people in nearly every country. From the largest corporations to the smallest startups, GitHub is the destination for developers to learn, share and work together to create software. It’s a destination for Microsoft too. We are the most active organization on GitHub, with more than 2 million “commits,” or updates, made to projects.
Microsoft has been a developer-focused company from the very first product we created to the platforms and tools we offer today. Building technology so that others can build technology is core to our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Chris Wanstrath (left), Github CEO and co-founder; Nat Friedman, Microsoft corporate vice president, Developer Services; Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO; and Amy Hood, Microsoft Chief Financial Officer.

Microsoft is also committed to empowering communities, from the world’s professionals to IT professionals to gamers. We believe in the power of communities to achieve much more than what their members can do on their own. It’s our ability to work together that helps our dreams become reality, and we are dedicated to cultivating and growing communities to do just that.
And Microsoft is all-in on open source. We have been on a journey with open source, and today we are active in the open source ecosystem, we contribute to open source projects, and some of our most vibrant developer tools and frameworks are open source. When it comes to our commitment to open source, judge us by the actions we have taken in the recent past, our actions today, and in the future.
Given all of this, together with GitHub, we see three clear opportunities ahead.
First, we will empower developers at every stage of the development lifecycle – from ideation to collaboration to deployment to the cloud. Going forward, GitHub will remain an open platform, which any developer can plug into and extend. Developers will continue to be able to use the programming languages, tools and operating systems of their choice for their projects – and will still be able to deploy their code on any cloud and any device.
Second, we will accelerate enterprise developers’ use of GitHub, with our direct sales and partner channels and access to Microsoft’s global cloud infrastructure and services.
Finally, we will bring Microsoft’s developer tools and services to new audiences.
Most importantly, we recognize the responsibility we take on with this agreement. We are committed to being stewards of the GitHub community, which will retain its developer-first ethos, operate independently and remain an open platform. We will always listen to developer feedback and invest in both fundamentals and new capabilities.
Once the acquisition closes later this year, GitHub will be led by CEO Nat Friedman, an open source veteran and founder of Xamarin, who will continue to report to Microsoft Cloud + AI Group Executive Vice President Scott Guthrie; GitHub CEO and Co-Founder Chris Wanstrath will be a technical fellow at Microsoft, also reporting to Scott. You can see how Chris, Nat and I envision the opportunity ahead in this public presentation.
Together we will continue to advance GitHub as a platform loved by developers and trusted by organizations.



COC 通報處理說明公告 - 20240811 通報事件

各位好, COSCUP COC 服務小組於 2024 年 8 月 11 日接獲一件通報,內容涉及在會期干擾議程進行;並於會後持續發送私訊予會中結識的講者;同時,該行為人亦被紀錄於活動當日干擾志工執行勤務。 有關此事件的處理過程,詳如下述: COC 服務小組接到通報後,於 8 月 15 日正式成立專案小組進行討論與檢視相關資料。經查,通報內容與 COC 條款「持續干擾議程或活動的正常進行,無視工作人員或與會者的制止」相符。同一行為人於大會期間,另有兩位會眾通報類似事件,COC 服務小組皆已明確指正其行為並重申 COC 規範和界線。綜合此次會後通報,行為人經提醒仍多次抵觸 COC 條例。 有鑒於上述行徑已明確影響 COSCUP 其他會眾之權益,COC 服務小組將依照 COSCUP COC 之辦法記錄事件處理過程及結果、行為人資料等,於籌備團隊組長群資料夾建立文件,以俾後續籌備團隊審慎思量該名行為人未來的參與形式與程度。 在此,感謝會眾願意信任 COC 和 COSCUP 團隊並且將其所遇到的事件於會後彙整提供予我們。另本次通報中,通報人所提及之部分事項,因非屬 COSCUP 大會參與期間和相關行為,已建議通報人另行循其他正規途徑處理。在此聲明, COSCUP 的 COC 落實並非要拒任何人於門外,而是希冀透過針對行為本身的評估,為無論志工、社群協調人、講者、廠商與所有會眾營造舒適與安全的交流環境。 我們在乎所有人於 COSCUP 大會的各種參與體驗與感受,如果您在大會和籌組期間有相關困擾,籌備團隊志工將會竭力協助釐清,希望一同打造友善的 COSCUP 與會環境。 COSCUP 2024 COC 服務小組

你所不知道的 foodpanda

  2020 左右,隨著新冠疫情流行,台灣也逐漸流行起一股懶人旋風。懶懶躺在沙發上,動動手指滑滑螢幕,生鮮或美食就能快速又安全地由可愛的粉紅色熊貓外送員送達您門口。多數人知道 foodpanda 是台灣最大生鮮美食外送平台,也不少人知道 foodpanda 在台灣不斷擴張業務範圍,但 foodpanda 也有許多台灣科技圈所不知道的事。 例如,foodpanda 其實並非台灣本土廠商,也非只專注在亞洲區域。foodpanda 隸屬於德國 Delivery Hero 集團,業務橫跨歐洲、亞洲、美洲及北非,旗下更有十多個生鮮美食外送品牌。除此之外,foodpanda 於 2021 年時也在台灣正式成立全球第三個 Tech Hub。做為四大產品 RD 研發中心之一,台灣與德國柏林、新加坡及土耳其伊斯坦堡的人才緊密地合作,專注於打造 end-to-end 的顧客體驗。諸如月費方案 Panda Pro、外帶自取、餐廳內用 (目前仍未在台灣上市) 等功能。期待能持續吸收優秀人才、與其它三個跨國研發中心合作,打造後疫情時代新的成長引擎。 事實上,台灣的 foodpanda 研發團隊並不僅止於打造台灣本土產品。反之,我們所建立的平台及產品,已成功於近 20 個國家、10 個品牌上市。要在快速的步調下,打造持續進步且符合不同國家文化客戶需求的產品,我們依靠的是 專案團隊成員一條龍組合 從 Product Manager、Engineering Manager、iOS/Android/Web/Backend developer、QA、Product Designer、Product Analyst 全都在同一個 product line squad。讓相同產品的團隊成員能緊密合作、第一手快速了解市場、滿足需求。 國際專業團隊緊密合作 foodpanda 的 iOS/Android/Web/Backend 等專業工程師,都各自設有其跨 squad 的 chapter 組織。讓工程師能在專案團隊以外,有跨國跨團隊專業能力交流的機會。在 chapter 中,相同技術域領的專家們,會一起制定共同的實作標準、分享在專案中遇到類似的挑戰,並且找出可能的應對方案。因此,在 foodpanda 我們不只打產品專案團隊的速度戰、還打整個集團的整合能力團體戰,讓德國、新加坡、台灣、伊斯坦堡的工程師...

COSCUP 2020 行前通知 / Are you ready ~~

(English below / 下半部有英文版) COSCUP 2020 即將開始了,我們幫你設計了一個簡單的引導手冊,讓你不錯過 COSCUP 每個小細節。 主要資訊 大會活動時間為 2020-08-01 - 2020-08-02 地點在 台灣科技大學 (台北市大安區基隆路四段43號) 活動前 申請通過 OSCVPass 享有氮氣咖啡與 VIP 室的使用 個人贊助方案 :集合您力量達成一個黃金等級 前夜派對 :自由入場、喝一杯、聊開源 議程表 :排出最想聽的議程的最佳解 填寫「 健康聲明 」、閱讀「 防疫守則 」:我 OK、大家也 OK 預先 登記參加 BoF 小聚,讓志同道合的朋友可以找到您 身為家長,歡迎預約 遊樂園 🎠服務 出發前 查詢前往會場 台科大 的最佳路徑 查看 會場地圖 ,會議廳、教室不迷路! 抵達會場 確認「 健康聲明 」是否填寫了! 是否詳細閱讀「 防疫守則 」! 請全程配戴口罩! 😷 TR、RB 都有設置報到處與自由索取的小貓袋! 我們有提供「紅色頸繩」,給不方便被拍照、攝影的您。如有需求,請在報到處拿取,並全程佩戴在明顯之處供相關人員識別。 如果... 我是講者,我應該直接前往所屬的社群議程教室。 我是會眾,可以先看看行程上第一個議程教室在哪。 我有帶小朋友,可以前往 TR515 遊樂園🎠 我有厚重行李,可以到 TR517 使用寄放行李服務。 大會期間 逛逛贊助商攤位 (TR 2F) 、社群攤位 (TR 3F) 、使用 OPass app,秀出 QRcode 讓攤位人員掃描取得點數,並到大會攤位 (TR 3F) 兌換贈品,數量有限! 逛逛 志工任務 、蒐集獎勵,或到志工服務台 (TR 2F) 報名 COSCUP 2021 的志工! 到 BoF 會議室 (TR 4F) 門口尋找屬於您的聚會,與同好暢談彼此在相同主題上的新發現 TR 1F 有小餐車,也可以來這裡點杯氮氣咖啡配上老闆私房料理的牛肋排。 我迷路了 以下為會場與商店的座標位置,透過地圖軟體可以方便指...