
2023.07.20 近期活動預告 | Upcoming Announcements

[English below]

距離 COSCUP 2023 剩下不到 10 天的時間了!近期還有什麼不可錯過的重要事情,以下為您準備摘要。

再次提醒,COSCUP 是不用售票自由入場,而且是與一群開源社群舉辦的年度盛會,時間到、直接來就對,門也是 Open 的!

welcome party


  1. 前夜派對:7/28 18:15UTC+8 我們一同相約在華山町餐酒館相見,暢飲券已開始販售,也是不用報名,直接來就對了,暢飲券可以幫我們折抵場地費,也請多多購券支持!詳細的活動內容請參考已公告文章或分享。(有彩蛋!)
  2. BoF / Hacking Room:也已公告,請參考內容並預約好時段即可舉辦一場 BoF 同好會。(現在還有人想要來舉辦一場 PGP key signing BOF 嗎?等等,什麼是 PGP?去年的紀念品交換會今年還有嗎?)
  3. 閃電秀:也已公告,往年還有5分鐘的長度,今年只剩下3分鐘,上台後一有差錯一下子就消逝了 ......(先報名)
  4. 療癒市集:按摩小棧、冥想正念、紅酒瑜珈好評不斷,今年依舊提供現場會眾服務,請參考詳細的活動頁面與報名,而今年我們也舉辦議程軌「療癒講座」募集了8個稿件分享關於科技領域的多元共融議題,歡迎聆聽!
  5. 親子工作坊:歡迎帶小朋友來動手做,提早認識開源領域,這次有三個課程「伴伴學焊接很容易」、「海龜塗鴉機器人」、「自己的掌上電玩遊戲自己做」報名資訊也已公告,歡迎小小朋友一同來 COSCUP!
  6. 參考上一期的預告。




以上,是最近更新事項,也歡迎幫我們宣傳 COSCUP 給身邊的親朋好友,有2個方式可以持續關注我們:「訂閱電子報」或「登錄志工平台」,到時會場見喔,不,我們先在前夜派對上見!


There are less than 10 days left until COSCUP 2023! If there are any important events that you shouldn't miss recently, a summary is prepared for you below.

A reminder once again, COSCUP does not require tickets, it's free entry, and it's an annual event held together with a group of open source communities. Just come directly when it's time, the door is also open!

Recent updates

  1. Welcome Party: Let's gather together on the evening of 7/28 18:15UTC+8 at the Hua Shan Town Bar and Restaurant for the welcome party. Unlimited drink coupons are available for purchase now, and no registration is required. Simply show up and enjoy! The drink coupon can help offset the venue costs, so please buy more to support us! For details on the event, please refer to the announced article or shares. (There's a surprise!)
  2. BoF / Hacking Room: The announcement has also been made. Please check the content and schedule a time to host a BoF (Birds of a Feather) meetup. (Is there anyone still wanting to host a PGP key signing BoF? Wait, what is PGP? Will there be a souvenir exchange event like last year this year?)
  3. Lightning talk 2.0: It has also been announced that the duration has been reduced from 5 minutes in previous years to 3 minutes this year. If there is any mistake on stage, it may disappear immediately... (Sign up first)
  4. Healing Market: The popular massage station, mindfulness meditation, and red wine yoga received continuous praise, and this year we will once again provide on-site services for attendees. The detailed registration information has been announced. Please refer to the detailed event page and registration. Additionally, we are introducing a new track called "Healing Talks" where we have received 8 submissions discussing diverse and inclusive topics related to technology. We welcome you to join us and listen!
  5. Parent-Child Workshops: We welcome you to bring your children to participate in hands-on activities and introduce them to the world of open-source early on. This time, we have three workshops: "One-Day Soldering Workshop," "Turtle Doodle Robot," and "DIY Handheld Gaming Console" (tentative names). The registration details for these workshops has been announced. We encourage young children to join us at COSCUP!
  6. Refer to the previous episode.

Agenda / Sessions

The conference agenda has been announced, and this year also added filtering by classroom, agenda track, and types. The volunteer service platform also provides another way of presenting the numerous sessions of this year, which is also welcome to be used. After logging into the volunteer account, you can collect the sessions you are interested in and also share and recommend those sessions to others for sharing.


That's all for the latest updates. Feel free to promote COSCUP to your friends. There are two ways to stay connected with us: 'Subscribe to the newsletter' or 'Register on the volunteer platform'.

See you at the event, no, we'll see you at the welcome party!




【攤位大地遊戲(開源巔峰挑戰賽)】Booth Reward Activity! 2024

/English Below/ 來啊,造訪攤位掃 QRCode,集點數換 2024 年限定贈品啊! 一年只有這一檔,錯過要再等一年! 在找工作嗎?想認識不同的社群嗎?想獲得 COSCUP 2024 專屬的限量贈品嗎? 利用空餘時間去各個攤位聊聊天、看一看,就可以參與大地遊戲拿獎品喲! 大地遊戲怎麼玩:​​ (歡迎順路參與 參與者大調查),填寫表單取得 OPass 票券,並下載與登入 OPass App: 取得 OPass 票券 。 前往 TR 309、312、409-1、515、516 逛各攤位。 在攤位前打開 OPass 的「我的票卷」,秀出 Opass QRcode 讓攤位人員掃描取得點數。 到 TR309 的「大會攤位」兌換贈品,數量有限! 造訪每個攤位掃描後,可獲得 5 點,今年有 28 攤 完成一日志工任務後,可獲得 50 點,至多可解 4 次 擔任講者,可享福利 400 點(請以收到的登入連結進入,每名講者限領取乙次) 今年的紀念品除了可以現金購買,也可以用點數兌換呦! ≡≡≡≡ 集點方法 ≡≡≡≡ 上方每ㄧ個方框,都是ㄧ個攤位或者ㄧ個小任務,每當你造訪完成任務後,即可打開「我的票券」中顯示你的 QRcode 給關主獲取點數,您可以在上方看到您的戰果點數。當您心滿意足準備離開大惠會場前,記得到下述地方將您的點數兌換成滿滿的回憶! ≡≡≡ 點數兌換處 ≡≡≡ 【TR309 外:大會攤位】 1 點即是 1 元,您可以在大會攤位上購置各種精美紀念品,包含滑鼠墊、鍵帽、透卡與紀念 T 恤!。 ≡≡≡ 點數兌換規則 ≡≡≡ 您可以於【紀念品攤位】旁的點數兌換區把點數兌換

COSCUP 2024 徵稿辦法 / COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals

COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals: Until 9th, May Submit Your Proposals HERE! 今年 COSCUP 一如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 05 月 09 日(AoE) 前投稿,徵稿主題可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。 請注意,每場議程長度預設為 30 分鐘 ,惟部分議程軌開放其他議程長度,會在報名表單第二頁選填。 為了增添 COSCUP 的國際能見度,今年所有入選稿件希望都可以提供中英文版雙語資訊。徵稿階段,您可先以自己偏好的語言準備演講或撰寫 CfP 稿件。 提醒您,COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有演講將錄影並以創用 YouTube CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 釋出。如果您的演講有任何不能錄影或不願以此條款釋出的狀況,請務必於投稿表單上註明。 We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 09th, 2024 (AoE, Anywhere on Earth) . The theme for submissions can be referenced from the information on various tracks at the bottom of this page. Please note that the length of each agenda is preset to 30 minutes, only the specific tracks are open to other agenda lengths for selection, which will be filled in on the second page of the registration form. To make it more accessible for international audiences, we kindly request CFP information to be provided in both Chinese and

COSCUP 2020 行前通知 / Are you ready ~~

(English below / 下半部有英文版) COSCUP 2020 即將開始了,我們幫你設計了一個簡單的引導手冊,讓你不錯過 COSCUP 每個小細節。 主要資訊 大會活動時間為 2020-08-01 - 2020-08-02 地點在 台灣科技大學 (台北市大安區基隆路四段43號) 活動前 申請通過 OSCVPass 享有氮氣咖啡與 VIP 室的使用 個人贊助方案 :集合您力量達成一個黃金等級 前夜派對 :自由入場、喝一杯、聊開源 議程表 :排出最想聽的議程的最佳解 填寫「 健康聲明 」、閱讀「 防疫守則 」:我 OK、大家也 OK 預先 登記參加 BoF 小聚,讓志同道合的朋友可以找到您 身為家長,歡迎預約 遊樂園 🎠服務 出發前 查詢前往會場 台科大 的最佳路徑 查看 會場地圖 ,會議廳、教室不迷路! 抵達會場 確認「 健康聲明 」是否填寫了! 是否詳細閱讀「 防疫守則 」! 請全程配戴口罩! 😷 TR、RB 都有設置報到處與自由索取的小貓袋! 我們有提供「紅色頸繩」,給不方便被拍照、攝影的您。如有需求,請在報到處拿取,並全程佩戴在明顯之處供相關人員識別。 如果... 我是講者,我應該直接前往所屬的社群議程教室。 我是會眾,可以先看看行程上第一個議程教室在哪。 我有帶小朋友,可以前往 TR515 遊樂園🎠 我有厚重行李,可以到 TR517 使用寄放行李服務。 大會期間 逛逛贊助商攤位 (TR 2F) 、社群攤位 (TR 3F) 、使用 OPass app,秀出 QRcode 讓攤位人員掃描取得點數,並到大會攤位 (TR 3F) 兌換贈品,數量有限! 逛逛 志工任務 、蒐集獎勵,或到志工服務台 (TR 2F) 報名 COSCUP 2021 的志工! 到 BoF 會議室 (TR 4F) 門口尋找屬於您的聚會,與同好暢談彼此在相同主題上的新發現 TR 1F 有小餐車,也可以來這裡點杯氮氣咖啡配上老闆私房料理的牛肋排。 我迷路了 以下為會場與商店的座標位置,透過地圖軟體可以方便指