會眾服務「療癒市集」結合紅酒瑜伽、冥想正念、按摩小站 | Introducing the Healing Market with Yoga Wine, Meditations, Massage Station
[English version below]
今年的 COSCUP 2023 將延續去年的療癒市集繼續提供會眾服務,希望在繁忙的平日還抽空在假日來參與活動時,能夠療癒一下心靈與放鬆身體的負擔,療癒市集希望能夠為你帶來不一樣的體驗!
📍今年的療癒市集包含以下項目:🧘冥想正念 💃紅酒瑜珈 💆按摩小站,與我們新嘗試的【科技領域的多元共融 - 療癒講座】也歡迎前往聆聽與交流。
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你有肩頸酸痛問題嗎?平日累積的疲勞可以到按摩小站來放鬆休息,現場會有 4 位按摩師到場駐點,只要你有需要!隨到隨按!
- 按摩採座椅式
- 單次盡量不要超過 30 分鐘,按太久也不好!
- 按摩後建議飲用溫開水,台科大有飲水機,建議攜帶水瓶。

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- 每一課程時長為一個小時,每一堂最多 20 人(未滿 2 人不開課)
- 講座內容包含:冥想正念概念介紹、正念心理學概述、正念實作
- 需自備:水、坐墊 / 瑜珈墊(若沒有自己舒服也沒關係),穿著自己舒適的衣服
現在不用出國,在 COSCUP 也可以體驗這種身心靈保養的運動。
於 2017 年誕生於紐約,紅酒瑜珈是把紅酒帶進瑜珈練習的一種課程。在瑜珈練習的過程中,學員們手上各有一杯紅酒。老師帶領著學員練習瑜珈姿勢,並加入酒杯動作來增加難度與運動量。比如說,手握紅酒杯進行戰士三式(Warrior III),為了不讓液體撒出來,其實比起沒有道具輔助的瑜珈需要多一點肌耐力,所以可以達到更大的脂肪燃燒跟運動效果。
- 每一課程時長為一個小時,每一堂最多 12 人
- 講座內容包含:活動包含約 45 分鐘的紅酒瑜珈活動,以及約 15 分鐘的講解。課程會提供酒杯。若損壞葡萄酒杯,每個費用為 NT$ 280 元
- 需自備:需自行準備瑜珈墊、水壺、毛巾等個人用品
日期 | 2023-07-29 | 2023-07-30 | ||||
教室 | TR 610 | TR 611 | TR 310-2 | TR 610 | TR 611 | TR 310-2 |
10:00 - 11:00 | 冥想正念 | 按摩小站 | 冥想正念 | 按摩小站 | ||
11:00 - 12:00 | 紅酒瑜珈 | ㊡ | 按摩小站 | 紅酒瑜珈 | ㊡ | 按摩小站 |
12:00 - 13:00 | ㊡ | ㊡ | 按摩小站 | ㊡ | ㊡ | 按摩小站 |
13:00 - 14:00 | ㊡ | 冥想正念 | 按摩小站 | ㊡ | 冥想正念 | 按摩小站 |
14:00 - 15:00 | 紅酒瑜珈 | ㊡ | 按摩小站 | 紅酒瑜珈 | ㊡ | 按摩小站 |
15:00 - 16:00 | ㊡ | 按摩小站 | ㊡ | 按摩小站 |
【科技領域的多元共融 - 療癒講座】TR-311
時間 | 講座名稱 | 講者 |
7/29 10:00~10:30 | 我推的守則-COSCUP Code of Conduct 修訂之路 | 皇甫 |
7/29 10:35~11:05 | 性別平等在科技領域內的規範與實作 | 陳湘妤 |
7/29 11:10~11:40 | 如何在跨界位置進行不同跨域練習 – 以拍攝學習紀錄片為例 | Ivan Chiou |
7/29 11:50~12:20 | Effective Strategies for Disability Inclusion in OpenSource Communities | Brayan Kai Mwanyumba |
7/29 13:20~13:50 | 從零開始的數位政策建構,應該也要 Open Policy Meeting 吧 | Cheng Peng |
7/29 14:00~14:30 | 如何將程式教育帶進偏鄉,成為照亮學子未來職涯的光 | 黃孟婷 |
7/29 14:40~15:10 | Hacking Thursday CoC 的誕生祕辛 | RJ Hsiao |
COSCUP 2023 will continue the Healing Market from last year, providing services to attendees. We hope to soothe your mind and relax your body when you work hard in your life. The Healing Market aims to bring you a different experience!
📍This year's Healing Market includes the following activities: 🧘Meditation 💃Yoga Wine 💆Massage Station
👉Please note that pre-registration is required for Meditation as well as Yoga Wine. If you are interested in these two courses, please fill out the registration form directly!
👉Registration form link: https://ocf.neticrm.tw/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=37
Massage Station
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Do you have shoulder and neck pain? If you have accumulated fatigue from daily life, you can relax and rest at the Massage Station. There will be four massage therapists available on-site to assist you. Just come and get a massage whenever you need it!
Station guidelines
- Massage is provided in a seated position.
- Try not to exceed 30 minutes at a time. It's not advisable to have a massage for too long!
- After the massage, it is recommended to drink warm water. There are water dispensers at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, so it is recommended to bring a water bottle.

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We all long for peace in mind, especially in this fast-paced generation. We always compete with others or feel anxious about running behind someone.
Through meditation and mindfulness, you will better understand yourself and the world around you. In these moments, you can let go of yourself, embrace yourself, and ultimately find self-redemption.
Course information
- Each class lasts for one hour, with up to 20 participants and not less than 2 participants.
- In this class, you will learn more about what meditation is, mindfulness in the psychological process, and how to put them into practice.
- Bring to class: Yoga mat, bottle of water and come in comfortable clothes.
Yoga Wine
Urban life is fast-paced with high work pressure, and on weekends, we always want activities that help us relieve stress and recharge ourselves, allowing us to face tomorrow's challenges in a better state.
And when it comes to the latest trendy and fashionable choice, we can't ignore the popular "Yoga Wine" from Europe and America.
Now you can experience this body-mind-spirit wellness exercise at COSCUP.
During the course, the instructor will guide participants to taste different stages of wine while practicing various yoga poses, experiencing the wine's flavors and savoring its layers and nuances. The alcohol also increases blood circulation, generating body heat and achieving muscle warm-up, similar to the effects of hot yoga.
What is Yoga Wine?
Born in New York in 2017, Yoga Wine is a course that incorporates red wine into yoga practice. During the yoga session, participants each hold a glass of red wine. The instructor leads the participants in yoga poses and incorporates cup movements to increase the difficulty and intensity. For example, holding a wine glass while performing Warrior III in yoga requires more muscular endurance compared to traditional yoga without props, as it prevents the liquid from spilling. This can lead to greater fat burning and exercise benefits.
Course Information
- Each session lasts for one hour, with up to 12 participants.
- This class includes approximately 45 minutes of wine yoga practice and around 15 minutes of explanation. Wine glasses will be provided. In case of any damage to the wine glasses, we kindly charge a NTD$280 fee per wine glass.
- Bring to class: Yoga mat, bottle of water, small towel.
Date | 2023-07-29 | 2023-07-30 | ||||
Class | TR 610 | TR 611 | TR 310-2 | TR 610 | TR 611 | TR 310-2 |
10:00 - 11:00 | Meditation | Massage Station | Meditation | Massage Station | ||
11:00 - 12:00 | Yoga Wine | ㊡ | Massage Station | Yoga Wine | ㊡ | Massage Station |
12:00 - 13:00 | ㊡ | ㊡ | Massage Station | ㊡ | ㊡ | Massage Station |
13:00 - 14:00 | ㊡ | Meditation | Massage Station | ㊡ | Meditation | Massage Station |
14:00 - 15:00 | Yoga Wine | ㊡ | Massage Station | Yoga Wine | ㊡ | Massage Station |
15:00 - 16:00 | ㊡ | Massage Station | ㊡ | Massage Station |
㊡: Suitable for providing parent-child rest time, any classroom that is not in session can be used as a temporary resting space! Classrooms that are in session must not be disturbed, thanks.