
會眾行前信「如何玩 COSCUP」| How to Enjoy COSCUP


[English below], archived info.:07/20, 07/08
Last updated: 2023/07/26 21:00UTC+8

本週就是期待已久的 COSCUP 2023 活動,準備好了嗎?沒關係,這裡有一份簡單的「如何玩 COSCUP」的簡介,我們開始吧!

再次提醒,啟動 COSCUP 前不需要報名與收費,時間到、直接來就可以了!

  • 時間:2023/07/29 - 2023/07/30
  • 地點:臺灣科技大學 NTUST




在活動前您可以有的準備,讓參與 COSCUP 有更好的體驗。

  1. 大會議程:由於今年的議程為數眾多,可以花點時間瀏覽並紀錄自己感興趣的議程。或是幫我們測試另外一種議程表的呈現方式。
  2. 參與者調查:可先協助我們調查參與者的概況,並同時預先完成安裝 OPass 可在大會活動參與集點與闖關遊戲。
  3. 前夜派對:7/28 18:15UTC+8 來與我們喝一杯、聊開源,不論隔天是否參與大會活動。記得購買暢飲券,協助我們折抵場地費用。
  4. 療癒市集:想在大會二日好好休息與心靈沉澱,紅酒瑜伽、冥想正念目前還有名額,非常歡迎揪團報名。按摩小站 TR310-2 可自行前往排隊等候,現場有樂捐箱接受微薄的回饋。
  5. 親子工作坊:歡迎帶著小朋友一起來,大朋友聽議程,小朋友手作開源工作坊,目前課程還有名額,歡迎報名!


  1. 大會無提供 WiFi 連線,各社群或攤位可自行提供網路連線方案,提醒:連線不明網路時請記得透過 VPN 方式確保連線安全。
  2. 各樓層有茶水間與飲水機。
  3. 行李寄放處在 TR517。
  4. 各場地簡寫:TR 研揚大樓、RB 綜合教學大樓、AU 視聽室,場地資訊可參考「會場資訊」。



  • 講者:直接前往社群議程教室。
  • 會眾:可以看看行程上第一個議程教室在哪裡。
  • 我有報名「療癒市集」:請到 TR409-2 志工服務台報到。
  • 我有 OSCVPass 資格:請到 TR409-2 志工服務台兌換氮氣咖啡與預約形象照拍攝時段。
  • 我有行李:可利用 TR517 行李寄放。
  • 逛到累了,可以前往按摩小站 TR310-2 放鬆一下、舒緩痠痛!


參與 COSCUP 有著未被證實的數據是 40% 聽議程、60% 交朋友。我們非常歡迎您多在會場走走逛逛,不論是聽議程、逛攤位或是參與一日志工的見習。

  1. 開源星手村桌遊:今年邀請開放文化基金會來現場舉辦桌遊活動,透過桌遊方式帶您認識開源文化與跨領域夥伴的合作,非常歡迎當作 Team building 組隊報名。
  2. BoF 社群聚閃電秀:已開放報名了,快來登高一呼,風起雲湧遍山岡!
  3. 開源巔峰挑戰賽:其實就是我們說的大地遊戲,想要透過大地遊戲蒐集點數兌換紀念品,請先安裝 OPass,如您已是講者,請透過議程組或是社群聯繫人所寄送的信件指示安裝取得餽贈點數。
  4. 逛攤位:COSCUP 有不同類型的攤位,如:贊助商攤位、開源社群攤位、大會行銷攤位(買紀念品的地方)、志工服務台(招募與推廣)
    • 贊助商攤位:由於 COSCUP 不需報名與收費,我們所有費用都來自贊助商與個人贊助來支持我們的,非常感謝!也歡迎前往贊助攤位瞭解或提交履歷!
    • 開源社群攤位:COSCUP 是一群開源社群一同舉辦的年會。今年也有來自日本、韓國、香港的社群,也歡迎前往攤位交流!
    • 大會行銷攤位(TR3F):這裡是紀念品與點數兌換區,請帶著大地遊戲的完成章或是限定通貨前往選購!
    • 志工服務平台(TR409-2):兌換 OSCVPass 氮氣咖啡、形象照,兌換餐車點數、一日志工參與、瞭解 COSCUP 志工參與或行政組召募,歡迎來找我們聊聊,分享參與志工的經驗。
      • 氮氣咖啡:如果你是今年贊助廠商的員工,也可兌換一杯,憑名片或識別證即可。
      • 一日志工、志工任務:可以從會眾轉職為志工,即刻與我們一起籌辦 COSCUP,當作明年加入籌備團隊的見習!


  1. 社群佈告欄:如果你有想要帶來 COSCUP 宣傳的開源專案、開源提案或是想在會場招募開源夥伴,今年會在每一樓層提供免費張貼的活動佈告欄,開始製作傳單準備來張貼吧,還有社群貼紙也可帶來交換喔!
  2. 紅色頸繩:頸繩可告知我們不要被拍攝到或是不慎被拍攝到也不能公開呈現,可在報到處、大會服務台取得。
  3. 社群守則:請先閱讀大會的社群守則,共同維護友善環境。
  4. 語言貼紙:由於今年有較多的海外講者或是會眾加入,我們將在報到處、服務台、志工休息室放置多國語言貼紙,您如果願意開啟多國語系支援交流,也歡迎黏貼識別。(目前已知來參與的會眾、講者:日本、韓國、香港、印度、歐洲)
  5. 攤販餐車(Beta):往年我們只有一攤氮氣咖啡在現場配合活動,今年嘗試額外找尋新的攤販進駐,由於今年還在突破場地與招商流程,再加上遇上颱風天氣攪局,我們可能會臨時移動攤位區的位置,再請注意現場的公告與提示。




  1. 訂閱電子報:我們會在下一屆啟動時第一時間告知!
  2. 加入志工:想要與我們一起籌備 COSCUP 2024 嗎?直接登入志工平台,各組成立開始招募時也將發送通知!
  3. 參與下半年研討會活動:下半年還有許多研討會陸續舉辦,如:HITCON(08/18, 19)Laravel x Vue(08/18, 19)PyConTW(09/02, 03)MOPCON(11/11, 12)⋯⋯等
  4. 或是訂閱社群活動行事曆!(這裡可以提出新增活動喔)
  5. 持續開源貢獻與申請 OSCVPass參與此計畫。


開源精神依舊是 COSCUP 的核心,與社群一同推廣開源是我們的行動,我們希望從今年開始慢慢走向國際舞台,讓更多會眾或組織認識我們!非常歡迎認同開源信念的您在未來加入我們的籌備團隊、持續與我們交流您的開源理念與經驗!


2023 COSCUP sponsors



This week is the long-awaited COSCUP 2023 event. Are you ready? No worries, here is a simple introduction on "How to Enjoy COSCUP". Let's get started!

Again, it's worth reminding that there is no need to register or pay for participating in COSCUP. Just show up when it's time!

  • Date: July 29th - July 30th, 2023
  • Location: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST, 臺灣科技大學)

Typhoon Status

Although there is currently a typhoon 🌀 moving around Taiwan, according to the information released by the Central Weather Bureau, this year's activities will still proceed as planned. However, it is expected to rain ☔️ on the two days of the event, so please remember to bring your rain gear when you go out!

Before the Event

Here's what you can do to prepare for a better experience at COSCUP:

  1. Session Schedule: Given the large number of sessions this year, you might want to take some time to browse through and note down the ones you are interested in. Or you could help us test a different method of presenting the schedule.
  2. Participant Survey: Please help us by filling out a survey to understand our participants. Meanwhile, you can install OPass in advance for the event's point collection and challenge game.
  3. Welcome Party: Come join us for a drink and chat about open source on 7/28 at 18:15, whether or not you will be attending the event the next day. Remember to purchase the unlimited drink coupons to help us offset the venue costs.
  4. Healing Market: If you want to relax and rejuvenate during the two days of the event, there are still spots available for wine yoga and meditation mindfulness. You're welcome to sign up in groups. You can also queue up at the massage booth TR310-2 on your own, where a donation box is available for small contributions.
  5. Parent-Child Workshop: We welcome you to bring your children along. While the adult listens to the sessions, the child can participate in the open-source hands-on workshop. There are still spots available, so feel free to sign up!


  1. The conference does not provide WiFi connection. Each community or booth can provide its own internet connection plan. Reminder: When connecting to an unclear network, remember to ensure connection security through VPN.
  2. There are drinking fountains on each floor.
  3. The luggage storage is located at TR517.
  4. Abbreviations for each venue: TR AAEON Building(研揚大樓), RB 綜合教學大樓, AU 視聽室. For venue information, refer to 'Conference Information'.

Arriving at the Venue

If I am:

  • A Speaker: I should head straight to the community agenda classroom.
  • An attendee: I can check where the first agenda classroom is on the schedule.
  • Registered for "Healing Market": Please check-in at the volunteer service desk at TR409-2.
  • Holding an OSCVPass: Please go to the volunteer service desk at TR409-2 to exchange it for a Nitro Coffee and to schedule a portrait shoot.
  • If I have luggage: I can use the luggage storage at TR517.
  • If I'm tired from walking around, I can go to the massage station at TR310-2 to relax and soothe aching muscles!

Ongoing Activities

It is rumored that participating in COSCUP consists of 40% attending lectures and 60% making friends. We encourage you to roam around the venue, whether it's to listen to a lecture, tour the booths or join a one-day volunteer internship.

  1. Open Source Star Village Board Game: This year, we have invited the Open Culture Foundation to host board game activities on-site. We will guide you to understand open source culture and multi-disciplinary partner cooperation through board game activities, and welcome you to register as a team for team building.
  2. BoF Community Meeting and Lightning Talk: Registration is now open. Come and shout out your support!
  3. Open Source Summit Challenge: It's actually what we call a scavenger hunt. If you want to collect points through the scavenger hunt to redeem souvenirs, please install OPass first. If you are already a speaker, please install the app as instructed in the email sent by the program team or community liaison to receive gift points.
  4. Booth tour: COSCUP has different types of booths, such as sponsor booths, open source community booths, conference marketing booths (where you can buy souvenirs), and volunteer service desks (for recruitment and promotion)
    • Sponsor booth: Since COSCUP does not require registration or charge fees, all our costs are supported by sponsors and individual donors. We appreciate it! You are welcome to visit our sponsor booths to learn more or submit your resume!
    • Open source community booth: COSCUP is an annual meeting held together by a group of open source communities. This year we also have communities from Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. You are welcome to visit the booths and interact!
    • Conference marketing booth (TR3F): This is where you can redeem souvenirs and points. Bring your scavenger hunt completion stamp or limited currency to purchase!
    • Volunteer service desk (TR409-2): Exchange OSCVPass Nitrogen coffee, get your portrait taken, redeem food truck points, participate in a day-long volunteer opportunity, learn about COSCUP volunteer participation or administration recruitment. We welcome you to chat with us and share your volunteer experience.
      • Nitrogen Coffee: If you are an employee of this year's sponsor, you can also redeem a cup with a business card or badge.
      • One-day Volunteer & Volunteer Tasks: You can switch from attendee to volunteer and start co-organizing COSCUP with us. Take it as an internship for joining the organizing team next year!

Special Items

  1. Community Bulletin Board: If you have an open-source project to promote at COSCUP, or an open-source proposal to share, or if you wish to recruit open-source partners at the venue, this year, we will provide a free bulletin board on each floor for you to post your announcements. Start preparing your flyers, and bring your community stickers for exchange too!
  2. Red Lanyards: The lanyards can let us know if you do not wish to be photographed or if accidentally photographed, the image cannot be made public. They can be obtained at the registration counter or the convention service desk.
  3. COC: Please read the conference's COC in advance to help maintain a friendly environment.
  4. Language Stickers: As we have more overseas speakers and attendees this year, we will place multi-language stickers at the registration counter, service desk, and volunteer rest area. If you are willing to support multi-language communication, you are welcome to use these identifier stickers. (Currently known attendees and speakers are from Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, India, Europe)
  5. Vendor Food Trucks (Beta): In the past years, we only had one nitrogen coffee stand on-site for the event. This year, we'll try to bring in additional vendors. As we're still figuring out location logistics and the process of recruiting vendors, and there might be disruptions due to typhoons, we might have to relocate the vendor area temporarily. Please pay attention to announcements and signs on-site.

After the Event

After the conclusion of the conference, you can continue to participate in small gatherings organized by the community. We encourage everyone to return to the community to contribute or give back, making the open-source area even more lively! (You can refer to the community partners that co-hosted with us!)

Here are a few channels to keep up-to-date:

  1. Subscribe to the newsletter: We will notify you as soon as the next event is launched!
  2. Join us as a volunteer: Want to help us prepare for COSCUP 2024? Just log in to the volunteer platform, and you'll be notified when each group starts recruiting!
  3. Participate in the activities for the second half of the year: There will be many more seminars coming up in the second half of the year, such as HITCON (08/18, 19), Laravel x Vue (08/18, 19), PyConTW (09/02, 03), MOPCON (11/11, 12) and more.
  4. Or subscribe to the community event calendar! (You can suggest new events here).
  5. Continue to contribute to open source and apply for OSCVPass or participate in this program.

After All

The spirit of open-source remains the core of COSCUP. Our mission is to promote open source with the community. We hope to gradually step onto the international stage starting from this year, allowing more audiences or organizations to know us! Those who share the belief in open source are very welcome to join our volunteer groups in the future or continue to exchange your open source philosophy and experience with us!

See you at COSCUP 2023!

2023 COSCUP sponsors



COC 通報處理說明公告 - 20240811 通報事件

各位好, COSCUP COC 服務小組於 2024 年 8 月 11 日接獲一件通報,內容涉及在會期干擾議程進行;並於會後持續發送私訊予會中結識的講者;同時,該行為人亦被紀錄於活動當日干擾志工執行勤務。 有關此事件的處理過程,詳如下述: COC 服務小組接到通報後,於 8 月 15 日正式成立專案小組進行討論與檢視相關資料。經查,通報內容與 COC 條款「持續干擾議程或活動的正常進行,無視工作人員或與會者的制止」相符。同一行為人於大會期間,另有兩位會眾通報類似事件,COC 服務小組皆已明確指正其行為並重申 COC 規範和界線。綜合此次會後通報,行為人經提醒仍多次抵觸 COC 條例。 有鑒於上述行徑已明確影響 COSCUP 其他會眾之權益,COC 服務小組將依照 COSCUP COC 之辦法記錄事件處理過程及結果、行為人資料等,於籌備團隊組長群資料夾建立文件,以俾後續籌備團隊審慎思量該名行為人未來的參與形式與程度。 在此,感謝會眾願意信任 COC 和 COSCUP 團隊並且將其所遇到的事件於會後彙整提供予我們。另本次通報中,通報人所提及之部分事項,因非屬 COSCUP 大會參與期間和相關行為,已建議通報人另行循其他正規途徑處理。在此聲明, COSCUP 的 COC 落實並非要拒任何人於門外,而是希冀透過針對行為本身的評估,為無論志工、社群協調人、講者、廠商與所有會眾營造舒適與安全的交流環境。 我們在乎所有人於 COSCUP 大會的各種參與體驗與感受,如果您在大會和籌組期間有相關困擾,籌備團隊志工將會竭力協助釐清,希望一同打造友善的 COSCUP 與會環境。 COSCUP 2024 COC 服務小組

COSCUP 2024 財務報告

COSCUP 2024 年度財務收支摘要 COSCUP 2024 Annual Income and Expenditure Summary For the period 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 收入 Revenues 金額 總計 企業贊助收入 NT$1,644,863 個人贊助收入 129,099 義賣收入 141,555 利息收入 6,199 周邊活動收入 59,200 總收入 Total Revenues NT$1,980,916 支出 Expenses 金額 總計 場地費 NT$714,338 義務工作人員費用 592,639 擺攤出訪費用 471,205 行銷費 353,631 餐飲費用 230,079 議程交流費用 229,525 設備與器材費 220,106 周邊活動費用 75,500 倉儲及物流費用 45,510 線上系統費用 41,728 保險費 15,228 雜支 3,017 捐贈開源社群 43,000 金流手續費 6,412 稅費與金流服務費 174,693 總支出 Total Expenses NT$3,216,611 期間淨收支 Net Income 2024/01/01~2024/12/31 -NT$1,235,695 支出科目 歷年結餘 歷年結餘 2006/2008~2018 結餘 NT$5,146,663 2019 結餘 NT$1,128,514 2020 結餘 NT$86,842 2021 結餘 NT$744,271 2022 結餘 NT$1,015,462 2023 結餘 -NT$198,240 2024 結餘 -NT$1,235,695 結餘款總計 NT$6,806,648

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location To be decided: The event may take place on a weekend in either August (2-3) or August (9-10). The planned venue is NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is going to open in the following few days. If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a booth ...