
COSCUP x KCD 2022 社群議程正式發布!

經過漫長的等待與煎熬,COSCUP 2022 議程正式公布囉!

睽違一年的實體活動,共計 30 個議程軌共襄盛舉,各路人馬更是秉持以往的優良傳統,投稿量同樣在最後一刻爆炸式增長!今年再次翻新有史以來的紀錄,共計超過 300 篇投稿的大關,讓今年度審稿流程不得以拉長至一個月!在一輪又一輪的審稿後,今天終於可以正式分享今年有哪些精采內容可以分享給大家!



如同以往,議程表提供議程主題名稱、時間長度、講者介紹與議程摘要,參與者們可以先關注有興趣的議程。同時,議程表可能最後還會有些微的更動,歡迎隨時關注 COSCUP 2022 議程動態!

若沒有收到任何錄取或拒絕通知,請到垃圾信箱檢查看看,是否不小心分類在垃圾信件中!若都沒有收到,歡迎來信提供投稿名稱與議程軌進行詢問!同時提醒所有收到錄取信的講者,記得點選信件中的連結確認,確認後議程才會被更新到 pretalx 系統中!

同時提醒各位講者,點選確認連結後的議程並可以在 pretalx 官網 中修改稿件資料。

議程表會定期啟動排程,檢查議程表是否有更新內容,若未在07/03 以前點選確認連結的講者,以及有修改議程資訊的講者,歡迎每 3~5 天在檢查是否有更新成功!

也提醒各位講者,COSCUP 為實現國際化的目標,今年度所有稿件都須提供英文資訊。若缺少英文資訊的議程,請各位講者記得補上英文資料喔!



最後最後,今年 COSCUP 官網除了提供我們贊助夥伴的資訊外,今年預計進一步提供每個議程軌的合作社群資料,歡迎各位與會者一起來認識台灣的開源社群!

有任何問題也請隨時聯絡 COSCUP 2022 議程組 program@coscup.org.

The agenda of COSCUP x KCD Taiwan 2022 is available now. Please click HERE 

With a total of 30 agenda tracks, and the number of submissions turning into a great explosion at the last minute, this year’s event is just… LEGIT!
Our record was set again this year, with over 300 submissions! Also making this year’s review process last a whole month long, which never happened before!

Until now, we can finally share with you what we offer this year!
You can see each session’s time slots, speaker, and room assignments. There may be some final changes to the program, so please keep an eye on the COSCUP 2022 agenda!

We would like to remind all the speakers who received the admission letter to click the link in the letter to confirm. By doing so, the agenda will be approved and displayed in the Pretalx system. On the other hand, please check the spam box if you do not receive any admission or rejection email. Please let us know if you still can’t receive it.

Also, to all speakers, you can edit your session’s information on the Pretalx official website after the confirmation. We’ll update the agenda regularly. If you have not confirmed your session before July 3rd or have revised any information, please check every 3-5 days to see if the agenda has been updated successfully.

This year we have additional rules for English titles, which are as follows:

You must capitalize every word in the title.
Except for “to”, the articles “a”, “an”, “the”, the conjunctions “from”, “for”, “of”, “and”, in less than five letters need not be capitalized unless these words appear at the beginning or end of a title, or in a subtitle sentence first or after the colon. However, you must still capitalize the first letter if the noun or verb has fewer than five letters.

Finally, the COSCUP official website will provide further information on the cooperative communities of each track this year. Please feel free to get to know the open source community in Taiwan!

Got questions? You can reach the program team at program@coscup.org.

Again, thanks to all the participating communities and contributors!



COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...

COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...