
The Rapid Rise of RISC‑V

Jack Kang, SVP, Business Development, Customer Experience, and Corporate Marketing at SiFive

SiFive is aiming high with bold new technology for performance-driven applications
SiFive transformed in 2021 and grew from leading RISC-V for embedded products into performance-demanding markets, creating real choice in the semiconductor processor IP market. Now, the SiFive portfolio features three distinct, market-focused product families, based on market requirements ranging from high-performance applications, machine learning and artificial intelligence processing, to embedded real-time deterministic and small application processors. Our RISC-V IP portfolio is designed around our focus to deliver processor IP for these demanding markets, combining the unlimited potential of RISC-V with the experience and talent of our team.

This rapid progress was made possible by our partners and customers who believe and invest in RISC-V and the freedom it represents for technology. RISC-V has no limits, and all of us at SiFive are thankful and grateful for all our partner’s support in creating new products for the untapped potential of new and fast growing markets. In 2021, we reached significant milestones for our company with over 300 design wins at more than 100 companies, including 8 of the top 10 semiconductor companies; and we launched our new SiFive Intelligence™, SiFive Performance™, and SiFive Essential™ product brands with class-leading products in each family.

A Breakout Year
In 2021 we launched several new products. Most recently, we expanded the SiFive Essential family with the introduction of the SiFive Essential 6-Series processors, designed for mid-range applications; we also introduced the SiFive Performance P650, our fastest RISC-V processor, which will be available to lead customers in Q1 2022. Earlier this year we launched the SiFive Intelligence X280 for AI/ML markets, featuring SiFive Intelligence Extensions that build upon the RISC-V Vector extension to provide a platform for AI & ML with enhanced data types and support for TensorFlow Lite. The SiFive Intelligence X280 is a great inference processor and may be combined with existing hardened AI IP to enhance programmability and scalability by offering scalar and vector capabilities. The SiFive Performance P550 and SiFive Performance P270 processors for performance driven markets were also introduced in 2021, with up to 8-core coherent clusters and multiple clusters in an SoC, with heterogeneous mix+match options to allow for the right mix of processing capabilities.

The RISC-V ecosystem has moved forward significantly in 2021 with important specifications ratified that unlock and enable hardware and software development in key markets. Working alongside the RISC-V community has been a pleasure for the many SiFive employees who contribute to the technical groups that develop RISC-V specifications as we all work together to build the technology and tools needed for virtualization, advanced interrupts, vector processing, and more.

Building IP based on these new specifications is a key goal for SiFive, enabling our customers to quickly adopt the ratified standards. In 2021, SiFive offered three releases using our relentless innovation methodology to deliver new features in a software-like manner across our portfolio. SiFive increased efficiency and performance across our RISC-V processors, and introduced new features for cluster scalability, security, advanced power monitoring and control, and virtualization.

Raising The Bar in 2022
In 2022, we’ll continue to deliver high performance processor IP that will enable the creation of new computing platforms. From the metaverse to autonomous vehicles, natural language processing, recommendation systems, client computing devices and more, there is massive demand for RISC-V. We’re making the most of this demand by continuing to deliver high-performance processor IP packed full of performance and accompanied by the features our customers and partners require. If you didn’t catch them already, you can see some great pointers on what we’re doing in these talks from the 2021 RISC-V Summit:

If you’d like to be part of the rapid rise of RISC-V, SiFive is looking for talented individuals in many areas. You’ll work alongside the inventors of RISC-V and leaders in the semiconductor industry as we design, develop, and deploy RISC-V technology for a variety of computing challenges. Please look at our careers page here for more information and take the next step to be part of the unlimited future of RISC-V!

Keep up with SiFive news and announcements on social media: FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitter, and YouTube.



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你所不知道的 foodpanda

  2020 左右,隨著新冠疫情流行,台灣也逐漸流行起一股懶人旋風。懶懶躺在沙發上,動動手指滑滑螢幕,生鮮或美食就能快速又安全地由可愛的粉紅色熊貓外送員送達您門口。多數人知道 foodpanda 是台灣最大生鮮美食外送平台,也不少人知道 foodpanda 在台灣不斷擴張業務範圍,但 foodpanda 也有許多台灣科技圈所不知道的事。 例如,foodpanda 其實並非台灣本土廠商,也非只專注在亞洲區域。foodpanda 隸屬於德國 Delivery Hero 集團,業務橫跨歐洲、亞洲、美洲及北非,旗下更有十多個生鮮美食外送品牌。除此之外,foodpanda 於 2021 年時也在台灣正式成立全球第三個 Tech Hub。做為四大產品 RD 研發中心之一,台灣與德國柏林、新加坡及土耳其伊斯坦堡的人才緊密地合作,專注於打造 end-to-end 的顧客體驗。諸如月費方案 Panda Pro、外帶自取、餐廳內用 (目前仍未在台灣上市) 等功能。期待能持續吸收優秀人才、與其它三個跨國研發中心合作,打造後疫情時代新的成長引擎。 事實上,台灣的 foodpanda 研發團隊並不僅止於打造台灣本土產品。反之,我們所建立的平台及產品,已成功於近 20 個國家、10 個品牌上市。要在快速的步調下,打造持續進步且符合不同國家文化客戶需求的產品,我們依靠的是 專案團隊成員一條龍組合 從 Product Manager、Engineering Manager、iOS/Android/Web/Backend developer、QA、Product Designer、Product Analyst 全都在同一個 product line squad。讓相同產品的團隊成員能緊密合作、第一手快速了解市場、滿足需求。 國際專業團隊緊密合作 foodpanda 的 iOS/Android/Web/Backend 等專業工程師,都各自設有其跨 squad 的 chapter 組織。讓工程師能在專案團隊以外,有跨國跨團隊專業能力交流的機會。在 chapter 中,相同技術域領的專家們,會一起制定共同的實作標準、分享在專案中遇到類似的挑戰,並且找出可能的應對方案。因此,在 foodpanda 我們不只打產品專案團隊的速度戰、還打整個集團的整合能力團體戰,讓德國、新加坡、台灣、伊斯坦堡的工程師們用最有

COSCUP 2024 徵稿辦法 / COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals

COSCUP 2024 Call for Proposals: Until 9th, May Submit Your Proposals HERE! 今年 COSCUP 一如往常,徵求各式各樣不同的 Open Source 相關稿件。請於 05 月 09 日(AoE) 前投稿,徵稿主題可參考本頁下方各議程軌資訊。 請注意,每場議程長度預設為 30 分鐘 ,惟部分議程軌開放其他議程長度,會在報名表單第二頁選填。 為了增添 COSCUP 的國際能見度,今年所有入選稿件希望都可以提供中英文版雙語資訊。徵稿階段,您可先以自己偏好的語言準備演講或撰寫 CfP 稿件。 提醒您,COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有演講將錄影並以創用 YouTube CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 釋出。如果您的演講有任何不能錄影或不願以此條款釋出的狀況,請務必於投稿表單上註明。 We are looking for talks in several open-source related areas, please submit your proposal before May 09th, 2024 (AoE, Anywhere on Earth) . The theme for submissions can be referenced from the information on various tracks at the bottom of this page. Please note that the length of each agenda is preset to 30 minutes, only the specific tracks are open to other agenda lengths for selection, which will be filled in on the second page of the registration form. To make it more accessible for international audiences, we kindly request CFP information to be provided in both Chinese and