
戴紅帽的那個人 Red Hat Open Source 精神


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Red Hat(紅帽)從1993至今,到明年就要滿30歲了!
起初是一位技術專家叫 Marc Ewing ,他常年呆在北卡羅來納州羅利的家中,忙著鑽研、調整和處理自己的 Linux® 發行版 CD 光碟。

Red Hat 這個名字來自 Ewing 在大學計算機實驗室的經歷。他經常戴著祖父的紅色康奈爾長曲棍球帽,人們會說:“如果需要幫忙,就找戴紅帽的那個人”。當 Ewing 開始發佈自己策劃的 Linux 版本時,他選擇了 Red Hat(紅帽)作為名稱。

Bob Young 則是一位富有遠見的小生意人,在位於康乃狄格州的家中經營著一項計算機供應目錄業務。他發現人們對 Linux 越來越感興趣,於是開始購買 Ewing 的紅帽 Linux CD。 Young 的這項業務非常成功,最終他決定和 Ewing 聯手,於是 1995 年紅帽軟體公司成立,Young 擔任首任CEO。



在2012 年,紅帽成為第一家收入超過 10 億美元的開源技術公司。今天,全球有超過 90% 的《財富》世界五百強企業信賴紅帽及紅帽產品和解決方案。對於需要快速創新並希望避免手動操作風險的企業 IT 人員來說,紅帽已成為他們自然而然的合理選擇。

紅帽啟動了開源品牌項目,這是一項致力於更新和簡化公司 LOGO 與品牌系統的開放計劃。公司在 19 年間取得了巨大的發展,技術變得越來越實用、靈活。現在,紅帽 LOGO 已變成一頂鮮明、大膽而亮眼的紅色帽子,它最能反映公司包容、可信和樂於助人的聲譽。








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COSCUP 2025 Early Bird Call for Proposals

  If you are passionate about open culture and open-source technology, no matter where you are, we welcome you to join COSCUP 2025! We designed the Early Bird Program to give you more time to prepare your talk after acceptance and to help international speakers plan their trip to Taiwan. If you prefer to organize things early, this program is just for you. We look forward to welcoming you back to COSCUP, reconnecting with the community, and sharing your valuable experiences. About COSCUP COSCUP is an annual conference organized by the Taiwanese open-source community since 2006. COSCUP aims to provide a platform to connect Open Source coders, users, and promoters while promoting FLOSS within the annual conference. The conference is free to attend and all the staff are volunteers. We had more than 3000 attendees last year, and there will be more this year. It is the biggest open-source gathering in Taiwan, and the attendees are mostly developers, some power users, and FLOSS promote...

COSCUP 2025 Call for Participation, 議程軌與攤位即日起開放申請

Jump to English   COSCUP 2025的社群議程/攤位即日起開始接受申請,社群議程於3月22日截止申請,社群攤位於6月10號截止。請有興趣在今年與我們共襄盛舉的社群把握機會! 👉  申請加入 以下介紹如何在 COSCUP 籌辦議程軌或攤位的流程及注意事項。

Early Guide to Joining COSCUP 2025 

(Updated: Feb 13) Many people in the community are excited to find out how to participate in COSCUP 2025. We’ll share more updates soon, but here’s what we can share so far! You can join as a speaker, host a booth, organize a track, or become a sponsor. If you’re new to COSCUP, take a look at the article " COSCUP Unveiled " to learn more. Date and Location The event will take place at NTUST in Taipei, Taiwan, on a weekend in late July to early August, as usual. The planned dates for this year are August 9-10. Be a Speaker Our early bird Call for Proposals (CfP) is now opened!  If you have a presentation about open culture or open-source technology, we want to hear from you. Submitting early means you’ll hear back sooner about your proposal. Host a Booth Open-source communities can set up booths to display their work and interact with attendees. This is a great way to share your community’s projects and connect with others. Businesses that support open-source can also host a ...